A psychiatrist ! Is it really worth it ?


Well-known member
So i'm thinking of going to a psychiatrist, but i'm really doubting that i'm gonna benifit something out of it, i don't really like the idea of taking medication to cure SA !
I'm afraid i'll waste my money for nothing, what do you think guys !?
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks


Well-known member
It worked wonders for me. But a psychiatrist alone won't help all your problems, it requires a big effort on your part as well. Its worth as long as u want it to be.
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Well-known member
After being depressed for years I finally "caved in" and saw a mental health professional. It doesn't work for everyone, and it won't immediately solve all your problems, but proper medication made getting my life together a lot easier.


Well-known member
Most psychiatrists don't treat people as human beings but as diagnoses. Their first line of defence is medication. At best medication can provide relief from symptoms. A psychologist or therapist is more likely to be helpful in identifying the causes of your issues. They may help you explore possible strategies to deal with your anxiety.


Well-known member
Committing yourself to psychiatric treatment is a long and frustration process; at least it is for me. I am seeing a psychiatrist, and I am on medication now, but a lot of the problems I deal with internally still exist even with the medication I'm taking. However, I can confidently say that I am doing a lot better than I was before taking medication.


Well-known member
I've been working on therapy over psychiatry right now.
I feel much more comfortable with this, as 99% of any medication I have tried in the past just makes me sick.
Some methods and medications will work for you when they haven't for others and vice-versa.
The only thing you can do is start trying.

Work on what seems like the best thing for you.
Work on yourself, be active and open to new treatment ideas.


Well-known member
For myself, psychiatry was/is a godsend as therapy hasn't helped me at all. Medication is the only relief I've gotten with my anxiety or depression.


Well-known member
"A good doctor treats the disease, a great doctor treats the patient who has the disease."
i am thinking of seeing a psychiatrist aswell bt m duobting it gonna help me or not ....... i guess its also a part of anxiety which stops us to do so....


Well-known member
Everybody reacts differently to medication, it's worth a try, I've heard some people respond well to it, and even if it doesn't work for you, it's one method to check off your list of attempts and develop a stance on.

Canis lupus

Well-known member
I'm seeing a psychiatrist for medication and a psychologist to help me conquer my SA and my anger. I'm still very angry but they helped me a lot with my SA. When I first walked in there I was spending my days smoking weed to ease the fear and pain. I didn't do anything with my life all out of fear. Now I practically stopped smoking weed, I do volunteerwork, I'm studying again and have much less problems with all those little things like going to the store, walking across the street and so on than I used to. I still have a long way to go but I also accomplished so much already because of my psychologist.
I had the same doubts as you for a long time. I didn't believe anyone could help me but looking back at it I can honestly say it's the best decision I've ever made. Just don't immediatly expect miracles. It took about half a year before I started to see any improvement and I often thought about quiting but now I look forward to our next appointment. It feels so good to have some to talk to who understands and supports you and won't judge or attack you.


Well-known member
It didn't really work for me. Was basically just someone I vented to once every two weeks.


Well-known member
thank you all for the feedback;
i thought if i just save my money, my SA would be better, i also think internet can really be benificial for beating SA, but the fact is internet was there all the time without me doing any better; i'm just confused !


Well-known member
In my experience, it really depends on the psychiatrist seen... & The patient's expectations.

You will most likely be prescribed an antidepressant. At least, around here, anyways.

Most psychiatrists I know of do not like to prescribe benzodiazepines, especially not before they get to know a patient. Unfortunately, with good reason, due to potential for addiction, or dependency.

Hoppy, I really like that quote. :)

I would try it, if it fails, back to the drawing board, as they say. Best of luck to you.