A Place to Introduce Yourself


Hi, my name is Christie and Im 19 years old from Canada, BC. I thought I was just extremly shy, but after reading up on Social Anxiety, it describes me perfectly. I always feel like people are watching me and judging me. I can never relax and enjoy myself in public situations.It's sometimes impossible to let go, relax, and focus on anything else except the anxiety and fear. I feel like everyone is watching my every movement and critiquing everything i do and say and are making negative judgment towards me. I also cant stand being the center of attention and having everyone staring at me. My face goes red, I start to sweat, my thoart and mouth sometimes goes dry, my heart starts pounding. Im glad Ive found people that suffer from the same thing and who I can relate too.


New member
I'm a 22 year male, I've had serious SA since the begining of middle school, If I remember correctly it actualy started during my last year of elementary school but it was mild..then it kept building up through middle school and hit rock bottom during high school wich was the worst period in my life with memories of humilating situations that makes me shiver whenever I think of them. Now I've been in college for years I've litterly didn't get to know a single person throughout all these years. That, of course accompanied with severe depression wich caused me to screw up and fail 2 years, during that tome I would litterly go for months not talking to anyone...but I'm begining to get myself together though (in studying that is, the SA thing is beyond hope for now).

One change I've noticed about my character in the last couple of years though, Is that the cause of my isolation is starting to become Hatred and bitterness towords people more than being "scared" by them like I used to be a few years ago...I'm considering this as a sign that I'm pretty much on my road to becoming a complete mental case If I didn't start to do something to fix myself up as soon as I can.

I'm glad i found this site cause it makes me feel a little less weird. although I doubt anyone's case is as sever as mine..


New member
Hi my name is Walter I'm 22 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I came here from Russia when I was 14 and I never experienced any social anxiety before I came to USA. The thing is...I had to start learning english from the very beginning and a lot of people were making fun of me and my bro in american high school because we were short back then and didn't speak any english.

I haven't started feeling any SP till I turned 16 though and from there it just started to roll dowhill, I became really self aware and started thinking that everyone is evaluating and critizing me. Now my SP is so intense that if I go out to a mall for example I keep feeling nervous and anxious all the time, speaking in front of a class is a nightmare to me....that's the reason why I dropped out of college. But good thing I have my own online business so I don't have to go out looking for a job, I just work from home. I have some friends that I feel comfortable with but feel very anxious meeting new people and starting conversations. I keep thinking of what to say and just can't come up with anything or I'm too scared to say it and make myself sound stupid.

I've read a lot about SP and I'm really glad I found this place, hopefully I can find someone to talk to that can share same feelings as me. My AIM is: ReikoFire, MSN: [email protected], ICQ: 53336729, email: [email protected]



Welcom to the forum Walter, Christie and breakthepain. I hope you find help and support here. It is a good positive environment and it offers good advice to those who seek it. Have a nice time here :)



Active member
Hello, i'm Mandy and just turned 16. I've had sp for as long as i can remember. I even remember the day before kindergarden, where i had to go in and get some shots for school. About 5 people had to hold me down to get it done, just because i didn't want to go. And its been like that ever since. I remember crying in class alot, and the teachers were so mean. ap had effected my hole life...

I've dropped out of school because of it, and i see no future for myself. I have no friends, and i'm not kidding, the only friends i do have are online. And even those numbers are small. I spent all my time at the confort of my room, where i can escape, if only for alittle awhile. I love my computer, its my lover/bf :lol: I'm realy glad i found this site, i realy never thought that there were people like me, that share my pain. I'm so sorry everyone has to suffer with this.

But anyway, sorry about ranting.. ...sorry.. :cry:


Active member
Uglyduckling...SA for 8 yrs

It's been absolutley difficult to find people who are like me.

I'm tired of feeling isolated. I wish they had a support group for young people in my region, but they don't. I live in Northwestern Ontario.

I am 26. (27, in December). I live with my parents right now, but they want me out of the house soon doing something productive. Right now, I really feel as if I lack a sense of purpose. I'm unsure what I want to do with the rest of my life. I know that I need to go back to school in order to get a good paying job.

Currently, I truly feel unmotivated and bored with life. I don't know my capabilities, I guess. Everyone says that I have them who is a part of my life. My SA really gets in the way.

I am not on medication. I would be willing to try medication. I'm just trying to get through day to day life and cope with things. I rarely leave the house except to go to the gym. This isn't very often since I feel so terrible about myself. I'm depressed. I have no friends. My Self Esteem is low. I feel ugly. :cry:

I know that I am not helping myself staying home it seems like the more, I stay home the less it is good for me. It just seems to get harder to leave.

The waiting list for a counsellor is approximately 5 months. In order to see my doctor it's probably about a 4 month wait.

My Summer this year was wasted inside the house. I got fired from my job this year for being too slow. I'm afraid to get another job because I'm afraid to be fired once again. I don't want to disappoint myself or anyone else. I believe that my concentration is affected by my depression. I want to know what's going on in my brain. I want neuroimaging done. I hope that I can get this done somewhere.

One thing that I know, is that I don't want to feel like this for the rest of my life.

I've thought about going on disability, but I'm thinking what good would that do. I would be bored. I'm still thinking of using Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Employment Supports. The March of Dimes has Employment supports as well. So does the Canadian Mental Health Assn.

I hope I figure out something soon. Peace!


Hi all.

I found this site last night and now for the 'introducing myself' bit.

Im 30's/M/UK and since i was little ive always been shy and quiet. Had friends at school and a bit of confidence but as the years went by, all this disappeared from my life.

So now Im older life just doesnt seem to have much going really, apols if that sounds miserable. I suffer on and off (more on) with depression, which Im going through a bit at the mo.

I may get brave and chat sometime with you tho.

Take regards, Shy_uk


Well-known member
Hey everyone.

I found this site fairly recently, although I've been having problems for a while. I have had some times in my life when I've had quite a few friends - but I acted either acted like a jerk to them (when I was younger), or simply lost touch with them due to my feelings of general inadequacy. These feelings were building up through my last school, and came to a head when I started college - I felt like no-one liked me and I wasn't good enough for anyone. (I'm not sure if I don't have AvPD - if I did, it wouldn't be very severe). I've recovered quite a lot since, but I still find it very hard talking to people I don't know.

It's great to know that there are so many others who have similar feelings - I hope we get to know each other.


New member
College Student, overcame shynes, but trouble making friends

Hello everyone!

I'm 23 years old, a female college student living in mid-Michigan. In the past I suffered severely from social phobia/anxiety and shyness (since I was a very small child). It's been a severely upward battle, but I've overcome most of my shyness and in the past couple years I've been able to gain a large amount of control over my social phobia (but the anxiety is still there..even the thought of posting this has my heart pounding!).

Anyway, I believe my main problem now is all the social skills I missed out on in childhood and my teenage years. I find it very hard to make friendships and find myself, basically, friendless and alone. And the odd thing is, since I've made such strides in overcoming my social problems, people who don't know my past aren't aware that there's a social problem for me (if anything, I probably just seem quiet and maybe even unfriendly). I'm almost done with college now and I just simply feel invisible, sitting through life hoping somehow friendships will magically form.

Well, there's the introduction to me! I'm really hoping to meet some people in the area, but looking to form friendships with anyone!


New member

Hello everyone, I have had social phobia all my life. I am 29 y/rs, in a long term relationship and I have a 12 y/r old son.

It started with blushing. I dreaded going to school because I blushed whenever anyone spoke to me, I had only one friend during primary school and made a few in secondary. People used to make comments to my friends about me being very strange and they begun to feel uncomfortable around me as my blushing switched to twitching, shaking, mind going blank and trouble finding words basically from the outside I am a complete weirdo. This has never gone away and I avoid interacting with people. I do not have a job and I do not have any friends.

I have struggled with chronic depression for many years and for the last
year I have been doing pretty well and feeling much more positive about life.
Unfortunately, I have just been out for a meal with the in-laws and made a complete fool of myself - I had a panic attack! I have known my in-laws for 11 y/rs, they are aware that I have social phobia and I do not see them very often and they have never witnessed me having an attack. I generally avoid discussions and ask them questions so they do the talking.
It did not help that my brother inlaws wife was sat opposite me and she is extremely confident, intelligent and articulate, this made me feel even more self concious, so I began to feel very anxious. She then asked me a question about a music concert that I had recently been to, everybody stopped talking and focused their attention onto me! At first my mind went blank and made out I did not hear the question. I then began to feel twitching on the top of my mouth and my hands were visibly trembling. Jumbled words poured out of my mouth and did not make any sense and I just wanted to run out of the resturant . They clearly felt uncomfortable and shocked and tried to change the subject. I had to sit there and suffer for another hour while my inlaws were laughing and chatting away, but ocasionally stopping to ask if I was ok - that was my worst panic attack ever and I have never felt so humiliated!
I can just hear them now saying "Did you see her shaking, the poor thing"

I don't know what I going to do next I just feel like going to sleep and never waking up. I feel I am not good enough to be a mum or a wife and I am sick with living with this disability.


New member

Hello everyone, I have had social phobia all my life. I am 29 y/rs, in a long term relationship and I have a 12 y/r old son.

It started with blushing. I dreaded going to school because I blushed whenever anyone spoke to me, I had only one friend during primary school and made a few in secondary. People used to make comments to my friends about me being very strange and they begun to feel uncomfortable around me as my blushing switched to twitching, shaking, mind going blank and trouble finding words basically from the outside I am a complete weirdo. This has never gone away and I avoid interacting with people. I do not have a job and I do not have any friends.

I have struggled with chronic depression for many years and for the last
year I have been doing pretty well and feeling much more positive about life.
Unfortunately, I have just been out for a meal with the in-laws and made a complete fool of myself - I had a panic attack! I have known my in-laws for 11 y/rs, they are aware that I have social phobia and I do not see them very often and they have never witnessed me having an attack. I generally avoid discussions and ask them questions so they do the talking.
It did not help that my brother inlaws wife was sat opposite me and she is extremely confident, intelligent and articulate, this made me feel even more self concious, so I began to feel very anxious. She then asked me a question about a music concert that I had recently been to, everybody stopped talking and focused their attention onto me! At first my mind went blank and made out I did not hear the question. I then began to feel twitching on the top of my mouth and my hands were visibly trembling. Jumbled words poured out of my mouth and did not make any sense and I just wanted to run out of the resturant . They clearly felt uncomfortable and shocked and tried to change the subject. I had to sit there and suffer for another hour while my inlaws were laughing and chatting away, but ocasionally stopping to ask if I was ok - that was my worst panic attack ever and I have never felt so humiliated!
I can just hear them now saying "Did you see her shaking, the poor thing"

I don't know what I going to do next I just feel like going to sleep and never waking up. I feel I am not good enough to be a mum or a wife and I am sick with living with this disability.


Well-known member
yes dear Kayblack like McShy said this is very very common to all of us here

just try to stop thinking of what happened
thinking make it become worth and cause you depression

also don't blame yourself we have nothing to do with it

why don't you tell your brother in-law about your suffering

I think he loves you and surely he will not reject you or laugh at you like stupid heartless people do usually with a SA person

I think he will understand you and this surely will help closing to him and his wife because they will know you are not unfriendly nor strange or any thing
some times I prefer to tell my friends about my SA because it hurt me when they think i don't like them or i am not friendly

so if you think this thing will help and you have enough courage just do it

Best Luck for you and me and all our fellows in SA :lol:

McShy said:
Hey Kayblack....hang around here for a while..It'll make you feel a whole lot better, I think....Your story isn't unusual at all for we SA/SP people,, we all pretty much have the same thing going on to some extent or the other. At least you made the effort to sign up...so maybe we can cheer you up a little and give you some support at the same time.


New member
Um Hello. :oops:
I just joined the forum, so I thought i'd introduce myself.
I'm 16 years old and have been a SP sufferer my whole life, but stayed undiagnosed until a year ago, as I was too scared to talk to anyone, including my parents, how terrified I was :cry: .
So, since last year I have been seeing a GP and a psychologist and also diagnosed with severe depression, social phobia, panic disorder (same thing I guess) and OCD :( .
Medication wise i've been on Zoloft for over a year now, which im ready to give up on because it isnt working at all. I have just been prescribed with anti-psychotic medication on top of the anti-depressant, so maybe there is a bit of hope left.
I'm pretty relieved to have found this forum.. I really believed I was alone.


Active member
Hi everyone :D Im a long time lurker, but first time poster. I would classify myself as being extremely shy.

I'm 17 years old, and just started university. I was hoping that this change in environment (im living away from home, on campus) would be a catalyst for change to help me live a more normal life. The first week, orientation was a blast for me. I had a lot of fun, doing things I would never imagine doing normally. For instance, I was actually introducing myself to any random person, and attempting to have a random chat. People were very open minded, and willing to talk. My communication skills suck however, so my conversations were lame. However, I thought that I was taking a step in the right direction. I was hoping that I would keep up this attitude, but very quickly I found out that I could not. By the next week, I had almost completely lost my motivation to become more outgoing. It was a culmination of things that basically made me feel that way, but the main factor was a very unpleasant smartass who did not take to my good intentions of making small talk. I still tried to be outgoing with the more pleasant people in my dorm, but that only lasted until a few weeks ago. The situation has gotten pretty bad for me in the last two weeks. I've been bringing all of my meals from the cafeteria into my dorm room, and I've been spending most of my time in here. I basically came to the realization that my social and communication skills were just too awful, for me to gain any lasting friendships. So I've basically been a loner for the last while, studying to pass my time. I havent been talking much to anyone at all. I mean, thats pretty much how it was for me in high school, but there at least I had other people who were similar to me to hang around with. But here in university, I have NOBODY. I actually go to a university that has a really bad reputation for its high "nerd" population, but I still feel as I am reject. I was hopinh that I would find someone who I could relate to, talk about anything with, become friends with, but so far that doesnt look like its going to happen. In my dorm, most of the people do weed, or drink. I dont really want to do either of these drugs just to fit in.

If I just had better social and communcation skills, I would be able to initiate pleasant conversations more readily and thus have more confidence.

A little bit of my history.

I've been shy as far back as I can remember, and I think it has a lot to do with the way I was brought up. My mother was extremely overprotective of me, and she didnt really back off until I got to high school. As a kid I was never allowed to get out of my backyard (if I was even let out of the house) and meet the other kids in my neighbourhood. I guess I was never properly socially conditioned as a child. I never spoke up in class. I mean I was really sensitive growing up. I would cry whenever someone made fun of me, and Im a guy so it was even worse! I built up a reputation as a crybaby. I didnt get over crying until grade 8 :oops: And really, the only reason I got over it was because I became avoidant. To add to my problems my mom also was extremely overprotective about me being around girls. She would yell at me if she ever saw me talking to or playing with girls. My mother is an immigrant (from India) so there is a difference in culture that you have to understand, but she took things way too far.

Highschool was bad too...thats where I learned how much I was lacking in social and communication skills.

I just needed an outlet for my feelings....Im glad this place exists :)


New member

My name is Madison and I'm 19. I'm really glad to have come across this forum. I've suffered from severe Social Phobia my entire life, and up till now I've lived quite a sad existence.

Discovering that there are other people out there with this is definitely a positive thing and I'm really looking forward to meeting some of you and learning more about how to deal with this condition. :D


Well-known member

Just came across this forum today and thought I'd post an intro.

I'm a 33 year old male, from New Zealand, and have suffered from SA all my life, although I really only realised it about 7 years ago. As I kid I was always shy but I never really thought of it as a problem until I was about 26 and realised I really wasn't normal.

My SA has really limited my life in a lot of respects. Although I have a good job and get on pretty well with my colleagues, there is not a lot else in my life. My social life is non-existent, and I don't have a girlfriend. My only social contact outside of work is when I visit my family, which happens quite regularly. That's my immediate family btw, I've lost touch with all my relatives because I never attend any family functions, not even weddings or funerals.

I guess like most people here my problem stems from a basic fear of people. I just seem to care too much about what others think of me and because my social skills are somewhat average, I constantly fear being around people in case I do something stupid or awkward (which does happen, it's not an irrational fear). The irrational part is probably placing too much emphasis on those awkward moments instead of just laughing them off.

Anyway, that's me. I see there's a decent number of posts here so I'll go and start reading through some of them!



New member
Hi, I'm a 23-year-old male, from Ireland. I've had SA since I was around 13. Ireland isn't the best country to live in, if you're shy. It often seems that I'm the only person in the country who needs to psyche himself up before leaving the house, while everybody else seems so friendly, relaxed and outgoing.


Well-known member
Hey everyone, Im 21 years old I have had SAD since I was 17. Im now in a real confusing time in my life, trying to figure out a career that will bring me the least stress with my SAD as well as rewarding. I chose Accounting, I hope I wont regret it :roll: . I grew up with foreign parents and my dad died when I was 11 from a heart attack. He came from czech republic and when he came here he literally worked himself to death. All in all I spent about 2 years total due to his overtime and nightshifts. My sister died b4 i was born at age 16 from cancer, Ive got a 1/2 brother but he lives in NC.
I believe it was the overprotection, foreign way of rasing me, that makes me feel like such an outsider. Its been a 1 1/2 years since i have worked, Im going to college full time but still feel like a failure by not being able to takle both worlds at the same time. Not to mention im a highly sensitve person, it sucks LOL. :D Ive had mixed emotions about people, I live in Bergen County NJ one of the busiest counties in the USA!
I hate the majority of people they all rub off to me ass backstabbing phoney people. I seem to notice more of the bad people than all the good ones hidden in this area. I used to get picked on for being a bit overweight, never really verbally defending myself, and my mom being a substitute teacher at my high school. Kids that wanted to piss me off would call me and her a Nazi because of her German accent , mainly from typical "Gotti-like" italians. but nowadays shes considered quite cool. Well it wasnt until college till things started looking up , but I didnt even realize I had SAD until this year! Knowing about it took a whole lot of stress of my back. I was scared id turn into a crazy person like Sie the PhotoGuy from One hour photo if I continue to feel this way the rest of my life. I can talk fine with people 1-on-1 but i feel nervous in groups and people that just dont seem to click with me (authority figures). I hate sacasim and even "friendly joking around" upon other friends expenses. I truly feel as if no one relates with me.


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

I've been a lurker on this site for a few days and I've finally decided to join and post an intro! I'm 30 years old and have suffered with Social Anxiety for most of my life. It's been worse since I left school and I've been through long periods of isolation during my twenties.

I feel I've probably wasted the best years of my life but now I want to try and make up for it by doing a lot more with my time.

I find reading other people's posts helpful and I can relate to many of them. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute to some of them now I've joined!

Anyway that was a fairly short intro but I hope to write more soon. Feel free to send me a private message!