A Place to Introduce Yourself


hey all ,

been around this forum for a while and finally signed up . I am married and have two young girls . I am 31 years old . Been dealing with this SA crap for over 10 years . Just when I think it starts to get easier , I am pulled back in !! Look foward to meeting others !
I just wanted to say hi. I just signed up to this site. I have been suffering with SA and depression since the early teen years. Luckily, it never stopped me from getting my college degree and working in the field of study. The only thing I have lacked is close relationship with people. I am 35 and never had a girlfriend. I only dated a couple times in my life. I don't like going to crowded places. I tend to have panic attacks when in crowded stores, movie theaters, etc. So I don't go out very much. I just go to work and come home. So it is next to impossible to meet anyone. At least I am able to work and take care of myself. I look forward to talk with others.


Hi folks,

I'm actually from socialanxietysupport.com (SAS) and just stumbled across this SA forum moments ago and decided to join.

I'm 22 years old and from California. I've had SA for about 15+ years now and only started to reach out and get help for myself a month ago. Anyway, I think forums like this are wonderful because it feels so good to give support and to receive support. I hope to make some good friends here along the way.

All the best,


I'm really scared to introduce myself like this.
Anyway, hi, I think I developed social phobia when I started secondary school, so since the age of 11. Fortunately it never affected me very much in a classroom environment, so I could contribute to discussion and then go out on break and not be able to speak to anybody, even though I knew I should and wanted to. But anyway, atleast I could get through school and somehow go to university. My first night there I was on the phone home saying can I come home please? And somehow I got a good degree, but then couldn't go for any jobs because all I wanted to do was sit in my room and read books all day. Anyway, my parents eventually pushed me out into the real world, although I still live with them, and none of the jobs I've had have exactly been graduate level. They've been wonderful really.

At this point I didn't really know what was wrong with me, but eventually I went to my doctor about 3 years ago, and then I was refered to somebody who diagnosed me. I don't know if knowing what my problem has helped or hindered me. Both I think. I've had lots of therapy. I started off with CBT, which helped. After that I got my first full time job too, and it was on the phones talking to people all day. Somehow I've managed to become good at it, and even help train other people. Then about 18 months ago I heard about hypnotherapy. Again it's helped, but I'm not cured, and my therapist (who I think is trying her best for me) said several times that she can't understand why it hasn't worked as she's used to quick results.

Anyway, I've now started with the Human Givens Centre here in York. I've not seen anything about them on this board, so if anyone else is interested I could maybe post how I find it. Their method seems to be the complete opposite of CBT, which, in my more cynical moments, makes me think I'm doing the rounds and having loads of therapy, and not getting any better. But what did give me hope was in the first session the therapist said she wants to 'nip it in the bud'.

Maybe I can see reason for optomism now. I am back at University now too doing something I really enjoy and considering doing a Phd, but I worry if I will be able to do that. It ought to be ideal, you see nobody for weeks at a time apart from your supervisor, but i worry if the loneliness would drive me crazy. I like people, I want to be able to feel at ease amongst them and some times at least I do now. I know that compared to a lot of the things I've read on this site, I've not had it as severe as some people, and I know that I'm better than I was and can get better. But I'm crying as I type this.

And I have never had a girlfriend, or been kissed, and that hurts the most.

I'm sorry, I have rambled, and I'm not sure if this is the right thread to do that. Sorry.


Well-known member
Hi, I'm Jennifer and I'm 16. I discovered I have SA after reading an article about it in Girls Life a couple years ago (I don't remember exactly how long ago it was, I'll see if I still have the magazine if I ever clean out my closet again.) Anyway, I knew that I had a problem before I ever heard about SA, I just didn't realize that anyone else did. I haven't told anyone yet, except for maybe one or two of my online friends. My mom probably wouldn't believe that I actually have a problem anyway. That's all I really want to say about myself right now.


New member
hi all, i've tried writing this post about 4 times now, and every time i end up erasing, so NO MORE. i recently joined this site as i've been doing some research. i'm 21 years old and I have a difficult time leaving my apartment. i never thought that i had a problem, but as i am very alone right now, i knew i needed some help. i am happy to find out about SA and don't really know when it all began, i think its gotten worse over the years. i can go to classes and work without hesitation, but any social scene, forget it! i know there are some great people in here to meet and maybe i can find some help along the way. i am sick of being afraid and sick of "over-thinking", I need to start anew. thanks for listening
This is suprisingly difficult-

I only discovered this site last night and can identify with 99% of what I have read here.
I am a 25 year old male. I was always a shy child, but really developed Social Phobia about the age of 12. Since then, and particularly since I finished school (18), I have become a very isolated person spending most of my time alone. I've always enjoyed my own company but still feel bitterly lonely in my life. It is also, I suppose, quite unhealthy psychologically to live this way.
I am deeply uncomfortable in social situations and find it next to impossible to make eye-contact with people and usually blurt out the quickest response I can to anyone addressing me so I come across as disinterested and rude. My hands usually shake in these situations aswell.
This sounds pathetic!
Anyway, I'm very pleased to have found this website. I've actually been looking for something like it for some time and came across it last night after putting "social phobia" into a search engine. I hope to contribute something to it in the future.

Thank you for reading this drivel.


Active member
Hello everybody,

First off, I have to say I'm glad to have found this site. It's amazing to find so many people who feel the same as I do.

I've been shy ever since I was a kid. But the true extent of my social phobia began to take hold with the onset of a condition called Rosacea when I was about 19. I'm now in my early 30's.

I don't know if any of you have heard of this condition, but in my case - to cut a long stroy short - rosacea causes me to blush really bad and generally turn red very easily. Which ends up being the subject of great humor for others, but the source of enormous heartache for myself.

It is this condition which has accelerated my social phobia to such a degree, I no longer go out socially. In fact I find it a struggle to even take part in even the most mundane of social interactions such as grocery shopping etc. There's not really a great deal more to say, so I'll stop boring you all by going on.

Anyway, It looks to me as though this forum contains some amazingly genuine and friendly people, which makes it all the more tragic that we're all afflicted with this. I hope I'm able to find some help here and perhaps make a few friends into the bargain.

warmest regards


Well-known member
helloo :)

Hello everyone

I'm a 18 year old boy who suffers from shyness or SA.. do not know which. It's a big problem for me, even though I don't think it's as severe as some others might be. I've been seeing a psychologist, but stopped again.. not sure why actually. Anyway I see SA as my only little conquest which I try to conquer with selfhelp mostly. Hurray for books :lol:
I have not known about my SA for more than a year or two, but I think it's been going on for some time. When I was younger I just felt fine sitting in front of my computer, but it seemed just suddenly I started feeling weird around other people.. like I didn't fit in. Then I sat some more in front of my computer... and finally I found that there were some explanation to my oddness.. SA! Now I still sit in front of my computer, but I don't enjoy it much. I want to get somewhere with my life.. have more friends, go partying, just to enjoy socializing.
So now I just do whatever I can to change things.. including joining this forum, which I think is really great. Seems like some clever and active people in here :D

See ya around :p


New member
Hey everybody. I'm a 16 year old male, about half way through my junior year in highschool. I've been living with SA for about 4 years now. I move around alot. On average once every 2-3 years, so yea i've had to start over many times.. and these were all major differences in location: cuba, italy, spain, florida, etc.. Everytime though i was able to start a new life, make new friends and be happy. After i moved from florida to virginia though everything changed. It started out like a normal year in a new location. In all previous locations i would start out being a quiet guy, but slowly gain sociability and friends over time like any normal person. But for some reason after i moved from Florida it never happened. I stayed quiet and along the way developed SA. I now live in Germany. Up to this point though i've always had one of my best friends in florida that i could talk to normally and be myself around. But several months ago he seemed to change. He's now really popular at school, has a gf, frequently goes out to parties and has a job. So he never really has time to talk anymore. Plus the 7 hour time difference doesn't make it easy. I've never felt more alone right now. On top of that i have some of the symptoms attributed to SA which makes my social life at school very depressing and lonely. Well this is my story. Sorry if i talked too much :(


New member
Hi everyone

Just happened upon this site, a great relief. I find myself relating to many of you and your difficulties. I'm 38yrs old and have suffered with SA for as long as I can remember. It's only the last few years that I have become as good as housebound, previously using alcohol as my get me out tonic. Now a very dry/sober but shaky, panicky, scared individual.
I have two children and constantly feel guilty about everything, ie. football games etc. I won't answer the door just in case (of what I dont know).
On medication to no effect. Anyway thats me for now just got up the courage to introduce myself.

See ya


Well-known member
Hello, my name is Jose, i am from Spain and have casually seen this forum when i was searching for sites about phobia and social relations.
As i can speak and write English i thought logging in here would help me.
I work in an airport as a tourist information supplier, so imagine how difficult it is for me to deal with all the people who visit my office during the day.
i have always had problems in dealing with people, but lately i' ve been feeling worse, when a person comes to me, in order to talk or ask about anything, i start sweating and of course, that person realises i am having problems and gets nervous, and then that gets me more nervous yet.
I thought, i would get used to it, but as days go by, i feel worse and worse. :?


New member
Hey All,

I just wanted to introduce myself, so here goes:
I developed SP when i was 13 yrs old, I still remember the exact moment my reality changed - i left school that year for home schooling as i couldnt cope with people - about 5 years later things started to change and i was able to go to university and get a career, im 23 now and while the SP no longer cripples my life its still always lurking and just recently i've been feeling like i have been sliding backwards and for the life of me i cannot figure out how i overcame it the first time, or at least controlled it? - Anyway thats why im here i guess.


New member
hi. i'm 22 years old. i'm not sure how long i've had SA, but i've been shy my whole life. i live with my boyfriend of 5 years and he is the only friend i have. making friends is very difficult for me since i'm terrified of talking to people. i stay at home alot and avoid going to bars, coffee shops or other places that people my age hang out because i'm afraid i might have to talk to someone.
i've been in college for 4 years and have never been to party! i won't even go in certain stores for fear i might have to talk to someone.

i'm so sick of how i am! i feel like i'm holding myself prisoner... it's good to see that other people are going through similar things.


oh so here's where the newbie thread is. I already posted an intro in the meeting people forum.

My name is Robert. for those of you on SAS, I'm rjridley there. My life is not going according to plan.


Well-known member
Guess I might as well introduce myself here so people who agree or disagree with me have some idea of who they're responding to.

I'm a guy who was (mis)diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. Funny how a lack of social skills and ability to deal with bullies and other people who tend to take advantage can be misconstrued as social anxiety disorder. Anyway, I hate the mentality that 'shys' or 'shies' are some breed of people who need to learn how to cope with the normal world. I know from experience that a guy can learn how socialize like he's a 'natural' and can also learn how to deal with those who would take advantage of him or those who go out looking for some weakling to intimidate.

If I come off as a little angry it's only because I've spent the last little while reading posts from people who seem to have the 'victim' or the 'I'm a shy person in an extrovert world' mentality. I've been at both ends of the spectrum; being the shy guy who was intimidated by everything, and also being the guy who had to put up with dealing with shy people.

Any advice I offer in this forum comes from experience. The same goes for any little outbursts. Guess a little frustration is the price I have to pay for being inarticulate ;)


Hi everyone.

[23/f/Thessaloniki (yes, that's actually a city)/Greece] That's me ^_^

I've been reading posts in this forum lately & I think that this might be a safe place for me (it's a bit hard to find one). You ppl actually support others :) (most ppl in messageboards just critisize everyone).

[I think I'm getting worse, I'm even afraid to post this comment] f*#!