A Disorganized Mind-Time Management


Well-known member
This just seem to be a repeating issue in my life. It's past 4:00 and I have not done anything except stick a pastry in my face. Why, I even bother drinking coffee is beyond me. I just end up doing nothing anyway.


Pirate from the North Pole
Someone probably already told to make a list - still a good advice.
Once you made this list, pick up only one at a time, forget the others, and just focus on doing it. Once it's done, or if it's in stand by, you can pick up another one. I don't know if it sounds like a stupid advice, but focusing on only one thing at a time really helps me to get things done. If I don't do it that way I'm quickly overwhelmed. And don't wait too late in the day, start before noon. :)


Well-known member
Someone probably already told to make a list - still a good advice.
Once you made this list, pick up only one at a time, forget the others, and just focus on doing it. Once it's done, or if it's in stand by, you can pick up another one. I don't know if it sounds like a stupid advice, but focusing on only one thing at a time really helps me to get things done. If I don't do it that way I'm quickly overwhelmed. And don't wait too late in the day, start before noon. :)

Last night I was looking at project and time management software that fortune 500 companies use. It doesn't have to be that involved or complicated. Your advice Pacific_Loner is good! I'm just going to make a list each week of things that I must complete. No calendar with each hour planned out. I would never adhere to that anyway. Just a groups of tasks that I need to do. When I do them for that week, is up to me. But, they must be done. I think that is the best way to go.


Well-known member
I just can't seem to manage my time. Time runs through my fingers like sand in an hourglass. I have so many things to do, they I just get paralyzed by fear or inaction. My mind just locks up. I begin to feel very anxious and confused so I eat or go online to alleviate my anxiety, which of course wastes even more time.

I don't know how to prioritize anything. I just get all stressed out.

dude, are you looking over my shoulder? I can relate to this all to well :sad:

Look at this guy:

LarryWinget.com | The Pitbull of Personal Development ®

I LOVE his books, have them all...read them all...and have yet to apply to my life...ugh the sadness of it all. Perhaps you could have better success at it that I did.


Well-known member
What I'm deciding to do as result of a last measure; cut down internet time and television.

If I want to avoid I still will, at least it will be in the form of a book.

Second is keeping a list for different things. I don't like to place too much on one sheet or else it tends to overwhelm me. So a general to do list with basic things like "clean the dishes" "wash my hair" and a separate list for goals or more important tasks like "find a job" but narrowing it down to very exact details. "Send resume out to 10 companies today" so I know exactly what to do and don't have time to think about it. Since I also waste so much time, i'm punishing myself by waking up at 5-6 am everyday to have more time. My management skills are very limited so until I can get basic lists down I wont be jumping to anything more intricate involving planners and set hours.


Well-known member
Thats a tragedy .time management is one of my weakest area.
I find what you can to do..is making lists like you guys are taking about.
Now the problem is that we are anxious all time and to alleviate that anxiety we visit sites like this one, watch tv etc..cause we feel paralyzed and unmotivated.
What can be done a/c to me is:
- make a list at the beginning of your day ..i sometimes do it before i sleep(mental note)
-also like you said not hour wise but considering one task at a time
-set a particular time to watch tv or access net.
-being selective while using net
-like if you spend hours being on forum(like i do and not doing anything) then set in your mind that ok i will read particular topics of my interest and respond if i can, check my mails and reply, and then whatever else you feel like..and then STOP

This is what i think i should do.


Well-known member
Thats a tragedy .time management is one of my weakest area.
I find what you can to do..is making lists like you guys are taking about.
Now the problem is that we are anxious all time and to alleviate that anxiety we visit sites like this one, watch tv etc..cause we feel paralyzed and unmotivated.
What can be done a/c to me is:
- make a list at the beginning of your day ..i sometimes do it before i sleep(mental note)
-also like you said not hour wise but considering one task at a time
-set a particular time to watch tv or access net.
-being selective while using net
-like if you spend hours being on forum(like i do and not doing anything) then set in your mind that ok i will read particular topics of my interest and respond if i can, check my mails and reply, and then whatever else you feel like..and then STOP

This is what i think i should do.

That's a good idea. Setting a time to go online or watch tv. Both are like black holes.