7 day detox


have any of you guys ever tried a 7 day detox, no cigs, no medication, no alcohol, no junk food, no meat, no fatty foods etc

you have to live on water, fruit, and veg (nothing else at all for 7 days)

i dont want encourage anyone do try it if your on meds.

if you have tried it, did you benefit from it, and how did you feel?

im going to try it anyway but just hope for some feedback on here



Well-known member
Tried it once, but got so hungry and irritable by dinnertime on the first day that I wound up going to mcd's.


Well-known member
Thats pretty much just a healthy diet lol

Make sure you get regular exercise/sleep and you'll feel like a new man


Well-known member
Yes, i have the results were amazing! I did this to improve my skin, to loose weight.My sugar cravings were absoulute;I lost 75lbs,had so much more energy got more attention from the male species my sa went away i was out wrking shopping living a normal life or what i thought was normal i became the goddess i know i have always dreamed about! That was the best feeling confident most days not so anxious spending times with friends going for walks awww now im back to my old dirty habits depressed isolated lost fear is what's holding me back and guilt!! I would greatly reccomed doing a 7day cleanse or to incorperate daily fruits veggies and lots of water in your diet.A liver,whole body cleanse if you have skin issues/weight.. may sure you consult a natural health practioner nothing to drastic or your MD:)


Well-known member
OMG! There is no way I could ever give up red meat, and my Coca Cola... Caffeine is my friend! LOL


Yes, i have the results were amazing! I did this to improve my skin, to loose weight.My sugar cravings were absoulute;I lost 75lbs,had so much more energy got more attention from the male species my sa went away i was out wrking shopping living a normal life or what i thought was normal i became the goddess i know i have always dreamed about! That was the best feeling confident most days not so anxious spending times with friends going for walks awww now im back to my old dirty habits depressed isolated lost fear is what's holding me back and guilt!! I would greatly reccomed doing a 7day cleanse or to incorperate daily fruits veggies and lots of water in your diet.A liver,whole body cleanse if you have skin issues/weight.. may sure you consult a natural health practioner nothing to drastic or your MD:)

thanks very much dream, for your reply, im gonna try it, it cant do me any harm appart from boredom, but if it makes me (or anyone else on here) feel better its worth a try i reckon


Well-known member
thanks very much dream, for your reply, im gonna try it, it cant do me any harm appart from boredom, but if it makes me (or anyone else on here) feel better its worth a try i reckon
I almost fainted after stepping out of the bathtub. Be careful.


haha klytus, careful is is my middle name!

im going to add red wine to my list of healthy stuff. after all, it made with fruit anyway (i hope)
Junk food scares me. I'm particular about what goes into my body. If it isn't organic or all-natural, I usually won't eat it.

I probably sound like a pretentious jerk, but yeah.


Well-known member
You're bound to feel better without the unhealthy things you put into your body! However, you need more than fruits, veggies and water. Why not just start eating healthy? Your body detoxes itself already. Seven days of no junk food isn't going to do you any good in the long run.


Well-known member
I'm going to try this. The only thing is that I have a borderline iron deficiency, so I can't really cut red meat out of my diet, not even for a week.


Active member
I done it once for a colon cleanse. Biggest waste of time to be honest with you. To make matters worse, i had to eat these boggin powders that were supposed to be ginger flavour....yuk!!!!! my advice, forget the cleanse and make up a half decent eating plan that you can stick to longer term mate.


Well-known member
Yes, I've done this a couple times. There's actually a good diet that starts out with a 9 day detox phase, then you add other things in gradually until you're eating the way you're supposed to. Look up The Fat Smash Diet by Dr. Ian K. Smith. You don't need the book, there are websites that lay out the plan for you. I stayed on it for 3 months and lost about 15 pounds and I felt great. The reason I failed is that the holidays came around and I couldn't resist temptation at Thanksgiving and Christmas. It might work for you if you have some willpower. The first 3 days are the hardest if you drink caffeine. You might get headaches. If you decide to try it, PM me and I'll give you some recipes for "snacks" that are allowed during detox. Good Luck!


Well-known member
be carefull just fruit and veg will give you a bad stomach , give you the runs , the body detoxes its self , all those detox diets are ok very short term but long term will make you ill ... if you get drunk by the morning your nearly ok thats what i mean the body detoxes its self ... heres the way to go plenty of excerzise , brekie porridge oats with an apple chopped up in , 4 hours later , some lean chicken with rice , 4 hours later wholemeal bread with low fat cheese and tomatoes , 4 hours later a small salad with tuna , if your still hungry later on like i am sometimes , some tinned mackral in tomato sause on wholemeal bread toasted , plenty of fruit , plenty of water ...... theres all you need there for a healthy diet , dont go silly drinking lots of water , some books tell you you need 3 litres a day to detox , thats bollocks , iv seen people forcing water down themselves thinking its good for them , your body will tell you if your thirsty drink enough to satisfy your needs , end of the day there is plenty of information on the web for a healthy diet ...


Well-known member
Sounds like a nice idea...but I'd have to build my way up to that point. If I tried to go cold turkey I'd give in on the first day. Plus I'm pregnant....not happy when I'm hungry :D