

Well-known member
I hate outgoing people!!!!!!!!


...well maybe not hate, but i strongly dislike them!!


anyone else??


Well-known member
I guess i am jealous of them and jealousy turns to hate. I just think that they are lucky because they have it easier.


Well-known member
If they're not dicks, I'm usually most comfortable around outgoing people. Then again, people with good social skills and high confidence tend to make those around them feel welcome... so it varies a lot from person to person for me.
Yeah, it depends on the person if I should say so. There really are some genuinely nice people out there who only want to help you and always make you feel comfortable. I mean they won't overdo things, but will always make you feel important. Unfortunately they are very uncommon. There are also those outgoing obnoxious people who I just hate. I mean just screaming out making a scene everywhere, and blah blah blah. Outgoing people can be okay, just depends on their intentions, and personality really.


Well-known member
_Brittany_ said:
I hate outgoing people!!!!!!!!


...well maybe not hate, but i strongly dislike them!!


anyone else??
I feel a litte bit the same. :/


Well-known member
that would be the same as me saying i hate shy people! which is abit predudice really. from the other point of view. and from personal experience lol i remember when i started college. sat on a table with 3 people. we were all new. and we all sat their feeling very arkward and you could cut the tention with a knife. so as a ice breaker i think i asked what subjects everyone was doing. everyone answered really bluntly 'english, maths and sceince'. and that was it. and that then made things ten times more arkward and made me feel like a dick for trying lol

so it can work both ways. i dont like overly outgoing people, coz from expereince they always have something to prove, and 9/10 there the people with the biggest insecurities (believe it or not). and i cant deal with them people, theydrag u into their bulllshit and insecurties too lol. but i dont really get on with shy people, not quite people as such, but shy people, but thats not coz i dont like em, they usualy dont like me! coz i swear alot and dont really come accross as aproachable lol.

but each to their own. im sure we all have personal experiences to have our prejudices. like i hate people who work for extra credit and take their jobs too seriously. lol.


Well-known member
Marie_knowsbest said:
that would be the same as me saying i hate shy people! which is abit predudice really. from the other point of view. and from personal experience lol i remember when i started college. sat on a table with 3 people. we were all new. and we all sat their feeling very arkward and you could cut the tention with a knife. so as a ice breaker i think i asked what subjects everyone was doing. everyone answered really bluntly 'english, maths and sceince'. and that was it. and that then made things ten times more arkward and made me feel like a dick for trying lol

so it can work both ways. i dont like overly outgoing people, coz from expereince they always have something to prove, and 9/10 there the people with the biggest insecurities (believe it or not). and i cant deal with them people, theydrag u into their bulllshit and insecurties too lol. but i dont really get on with shy people, not quite people as such, but shy people, but thats not coz i dont like em, they usualy dont like me! coz i swear alot and dont really come accross as aproachable lol.

but each to their own. im sure we all have personal experiences to have our prejudices. like i hate people who work for extra credit and take their jobs too seriously. lol.

yeah- I generally don't like shy people- despite being one myself. The fact is, shy people come across as unfriendly and aloof. Now when I see someone who seems to be acting 'unfriendly and aloof', my natural assumption is 'cause=effect' i.e. they ARE unfriendly and aloof. It's only when I take the time to consider, that it actually crosses my mind- oh yeah, in the real world, very very few people are just unfriendly because they are arrogant or don't like people, it's pretty much always because they are shy/insecure. If anyone should reach the immediate conclusion that this seemingly unfriendly person is in fact only shy, then it should be me- a fellow shyisht.

My point is, people like friendly people- and that's that. people will never take the time to ponder the deeper psychological motivation of a person who fails to return their smile: they'll just think "what a prick". Even amongst shy people- other than on a forum such as this- there seems to be no mutual understanding; we all judge each other pretty much on the face value of our actions (I'm speaking in the context of day to day activities).

Conclusions (in day to day terms):

-I don't like shy people.
-Other shy people don't like shy people.
-Everyone likes friendly (perhaps draw a distinction from 'outgoing') people
-The reason I am shy is because I am unnaturally preoccupied with what other people think of me. Therefore I'm trying my best to find a way around this.

as a quick aside, I've found that since joining this forum, I have become much more relaxed and confident in day to day life. Someone made the comment somewhere along the line that to overcome your SA, you shouldn't try and block out each negative thought as it occurs, but just learn to accept your anxieties. In this way they become unimportant in your day to day life, and you will gradually just forget about them. Somehow, just thinking about it in that way has really helped me.

sweet dreams brothers and sisters...


Well-known member
This demonstrates exactly why no one likes you people and you get bullied and harrassed and shit. You don't like outgoing people because you have absolutely no self-esteem and because you hate youselves. And the reason you hate yourselves is because objectively, speaking, you're all shit. You hate yourselves because there's nothing to like about you people anyway. You hate yourselves because anyone else would hate you just as much.

I don't even get why you all try so hard to get rid of social phobia if you're all so introverted, and wouldn't use your newfound social skills anyway. Seeing as you hate everyone around you out of jealousy towards them. And guess what: your fears are in 99% of you completely rational! It's not fear of short-term embarrassment in any of you, its fear of never having friends and forever remaining alone. And that's the fate you're all going to endure and suffer for the rest of your lives.

Outgoing people talk to people not because they're insecure, but because they love themselves just as muuch as everyone else and get stimulated from communicating with people, because it's thrilling, because it's fun, because no other experience in life can ever come close to the adrenaline rush and blissful, ecstatic enjoyment you get from simply chatting to people. Outgoing people aren't shallow. You're shallow. You're the ones who will never be able to conceive the depth and intensity of feelings outgoing people experience on a daily basis and therefore just dismiss them for "fakeness". So before you go and judge awesome, amazing people who are in charge of everything in every aspect of society, look at yourselves and accept that they deserve it on merit.

The reason I don't get bullied and the reason everyone's extremely nice to me is because people, even through the thick barrier shyness imposes between me and them, still feel and perceive that I like them and that I'm awesome. And if you considered trying to understand other people and why they're what they're like, and cut the hypocritical bullshit you're spoon-feeding each other all the time about how "people don't understand us, boo-hoo", and realized you guys are doing the same, only to a much greater extent and in a much worse, more disgusting, annoying, exasperatingly infuriating, retarded, self-deluded way, maybe you wouldn't all be social outcasts! YOU PISS ME OFF SO MUCH!!!

Fuck, I should really start a blog... 8)


Well-known member
Way to generalize everyone on this forum, Jura! You seem to have such a good grasp of psychology :p

Social anxiety=inferior person. It makes so much sense now!! Shall we all just go and jump off the nearest cliff?


Some people would actually agree with that theory. All we're doing is bringing our race down as a whole, in my opinion. If we have kids we're just gambling on whether our offspring is going to be burdened with this disabling illness. Why take the chance on an innocent life? I'd rather have no kids at all than have my kid live in the hell that I do.



Active member
Ok, Jura, but what I don't completely understand is what are you doing at this forum anyway...? To "find out what the opposite sex thinks"?
I don't think people here need that kind of "I'm good, you're shit" speech. This is one of the few "places" where people can really relax a bit and finally share their emotions (things that they don't do often or never haven't). They don't need that crap from people that were suppose to share the same feelings but they just want to participate here to feel superior to others. If you don't have problems that are common to us, just shut your mouth and go enjoy your happy life elsewhere.
I'm surprised you didn't said: "Fuck, I should really open a concentration camp".


I can see no point in judging people according to whether they are introverted or extraverted, as if it was important. Saying extraverted are good, introverted bad or vice versa... For me either people are good or bad (regarding their inner qualities). Now you can pick up the word bad and accuse me that because I see some people as bad, I am beeing judgmental.. it can go ad absurdum and will never end.


Well-known member
Darkened said:
Ok, Jura, but what I don't completely understand is what are you doing at this forum anyway...? To "find out what the opposite sex thinks"?
I don't think people here need that kind of "I'm good, you're shit" speech. This is one of the few "places" where people can really relax a bit and finally share their emotions (things that they don't do often or never haven't). They don't need that crap from people that were suppose to share the same feelings but they just want to participate here to feel superior to others. If you don't have problems that are common to us, just shut your mouth and go enjoy your happy life elsewhere.
I'm surprised you didn't said: "Fuck, I should really open a concentration camp".

That made me laugh so hard the neighbours must have been wondering if i had been exposed to Joker Gas.

About Jura's post, nice effort trying to piss people off but not quite up there with the best yet. I give it 3 Xanex out of 5.


Well-known member
Jura said:
This demonstrates exactly why no one likes you people and you get bullied and harrassed and shit. You don't like outgoing people because you have absolutely no self-esteem and because you hate youselves. And the reason you hate yourselves is because objectively, speaking, you're all shit. You hate yourselves because there's nothing to like about you people anyway. You hate yourselves because anyone else would hate you just as much.

I don't even get why you all try so hard to get rid of social phobia if you're all so introverted, and wouldn't use your newfound social skills anyway. Seeing as you hate everyone around you out of jealousy towards them. And guess what: your fears are in 99% of you completely rational! It's not fear of short-term embarrassment in any of you, its fear of never having friends and forever remaining alone. And that's the fate you're all going to endure and suffer for the rest of your lives.

Outgoing people talk to people not because they're insecure, but because they love themselves just as muuch as everyone else and get stimulated from communicating with people, because it's thrilling, because it's fun, because no other experience in life can ever come close to the adrenaline rush and blissful, ecstatic enjoyment you get from simply chatting to people. Outgoing people aren't shallow. You're shallow. You're the ones who will never be able to conceive the depth and intensity of feelings outgoing people experience on a daily basis and therefore just dismiss them for "fakeness". So before you go and judge awesome, amazing people who are in charge of everything in every aspect of society, look at yourselves and accept that they deserve it on merit.

The reason I don't get bullied and the reason everyone's extremely nice to me is because people, even through the thick barrier shyness imposes between me and them, still feel and perceive that I like them and that I'm awesome. And if you considered trying to understand other people and why they're what they're like, and cut the hypocritical bullshit you're spoon-feeding each other all the time about how "people don't understand us, boo-hoo", and realized you guys are doing the same, only to a much greater extent and in a much worse, more disgusting, annoying, exasperatingly infuriating, retarded, self-deluded way, maybe you wouldn't all be social outcasts! YOU PISS ME OFF SO MUCH!!!

Fuck, I should really start a blog... 8)

I must admit, there is some truth to your rant, but by no means are s/a and shy people inferior, but more or less disadvantaged.
A paraplegic person can still play basketball, it is just harder to do than someone that has all of their limbs/muscles working. The paraplegic person is envious of the able-bodied person, but doesn't "hate" that person because he/she can move naturally. The same applies to s/a and shy individuals. We are capable, but at a slight disadvantage and our insecurities come from our envious nature toward the average outgoing person. If anything, we dislike ourselves because we cannot 'be' the outgoing person so easily and try to blame the outgoing person for making us feel the way we do.


Jura "loves everybody", just like all outgoing people do, according to him.

"Outgoing people talk to people not because they're insecure, but because they love themselves just as muuch as everyone else..."

"The reason I don't get bullied and the reason everyone's extremely nice to me is because people, even through the thick barrier shyness imposes between me and them, still feel and perceive that I like them..."


"And the reason you hate yourselves is because objectively, speaking, you're all shit. You hate yourselves because there's nothing to like about you people anyway. You hate yourselves because anyone else would hate you just as much."

Verily, the words of a man who cares for all mankind!

The only way this retard's drivel is even halfway coherent is if we assume that 'introverts', in his mind, are an entirely different and sub-human species that just has no value whatsoever. Because Jura loves everybody. All the real people, anyway. And who could doubt his word?


Well-known member
well to be honest (people are gonna hate me more now) i do agree with jural, maybe not that your all shit lol but some of their points.

there are people who post 'i wish i was more outgoing' etc and then say they hate outgoing people? that is jealousy people, no matter what, that is the definition of jealous or envy maybe?

also there is another point, if you dont want to talk to people, people are not gonna wanna talk to you. the most frustrating thing is when you try and make conversation with someone, and then get made to almost feel like shit about it coz the person dont wanna know!

also loving people, jura ment he/she (sorry it aint clear by ur name is it? lol) loves the company of people, gettin to know people, sharing with people, being there for people, but as a two way process, loving and being loved. saying you love people dont mean that some people arent gona piss you off, and it dont mean that your not gona hate some people either. It just means you love your life with people in it.

and the bullying thing, abit harsh and blunt yeh, but in a way its true. people look down on people who dont love them selves, because to alot of people its illogical, its like saying you dont love life. not your life nessersarily, but life itself. ive never been bullied either,probs because people know ill beat the shit outa anyone who trys! outa respect for myself, not because im nasty or violent. it dont mean some people aint tried to be nasty to me, coz they have! thats school for ya, but bullying occurs when someones nasty to you, and you dont do anything, it says to that person that you dont care how your treated and have no standards to how your treated, dont get me wrong, its not right to bully people, but were all different.

and i will admit i find offensive that people put down people,out going people, who everyday put themselves out there to be judged by being outgoing and letting people in. because really.....sorry guys....the hurt of not feeling confident enough to talk to people or being social hurts alot less than when you do make relationships and get let down, because its more personal. if a person knows you and is a friend/lover and then rejects you, it hurts alot more and is more personal than when you dont have a friend or lover because you fear u will get rejected. ive actualy been punched by three people at the same time in the past who were supposed to be friends, well drinking mates when i was 14 ;) it hurt big time! but it dont mean i havent made friends since, i just knw now the people i wanna be friends with!!

sorry guys. i agree with jura