

Jura, Your still massively missing the point of this web-site. People dont express these points of view and feelings everywhere they go or to everybody they meet for goodness sake!!
This place, for alot of people, is THE ONLY place they bring up these feelings or ask questions they are troubled with.
Its a rare and interesting 'no holes barred' oppotunity to express hopes and fears.
You Jura have no business attacking wide cross sections of site users who use the site to explore issues they feel strongly enough about to bring up, and i for one think its important that we can do so without fear of ridicule.
Its exactly your cold attitude that make people feel increasingly out of touch with 'normality'. You sound as if you have a good brain on your shoulders so i have a suggestion for you, why not add to your brilliant arsenal of social skills by trying to nurture some compassion and resist your urges to rant merely to satisfy your whims of opinion?? I look forward to your constructive opinions in the future, as you seem to believe you have lots to say and offer others.


Well-known member
It depends on wether they are outgoing in arrogant way, or a kind way.

For example, my dad is a total social genius. He is out-going and can start conversations with anybody about anything, and everybody likes him.
I admire him because he is genuine about it and is genuinely interested in others.

Some people, however are just arrogant tw@ts :roll:


Well-known member
being arrogant and outgoing arent the same things. outgoing people basucly means people who direct there thoughts outwards. but then u can be a mixture of both arrogant and outgoing.


Well-known member
shakermaker said:
Jura, Your still massively missing the point of this web-site. People dont express these points of view and feelings everywhere they go or to everybody they meet for goodness sake!!
This place, for alot of people, is THE ONLY place they bring up these feelings or ask questions they are troubled with.
Its a rare and interesting 'no holes barred' oppotunity to express hopes and fears.
You Jura have no business attacking wide cross sections of site users who use the site to explore issues they feel strongly enough about to bring up, and i for one think its important that we can do so without fear of ridicule.
Its exactly your cold attitude that make people feel increasingly out of touch with 'normality'. You sound as if you have a good brain on your shoulders so i have a suggestion for you, why not add to your brilliant arsenal of social skills by trying to nurture some compassion and resist your urges to rant merely to satisfy your whims of opinion?? I look forward to your constructive opinions in the future, as you seem to believe you have lots to say and offer others.

Yeah I know, I don't actually know why I did it now. Why I was that cold. I think I was just bored and wanted to say something, but got a bit carried away. But yeah, I get your point and I'm aware of that mistake I made. I guess I just got a subconscious urge to troll... :lol:


I know some really nice outgoing people. I also know some arrogant cocks. Just the way of the world :)

People like extroverts because they actually notice them... it's unfortunately those of us who are shy / phobic who are broken, as people never notice us in the first place to find out how nice and intelligent and awesome we really are.

Any negative feelings I have towards extroverts are usually associated with jealousy. Except of course those ones who take advantage of your shyness to appear more prominent themselves, that's annoying.


I agree with everything Jura said in his first post. I belive Jura is a social phobic, and it seems like he has his mind set right to overcome this. I didnt like the way he wrote it though, Iam sure he offended some people here but he apologised now lol.

I have been that oversensitiv guy like u all are here too but since i started workin on gettin better my attitude has changed and i dont hate the world anymore, I dont hate successfull happy people, I changed so much since last year.I was as worse as it gets, didnt leave the house for a year. I was doin CBT which i made some progresss but not much. It gave me a new way to look at things thou. Now I found the real thing.Iam doin EFT for a month already and made so much progress.

btw my name is Jure haha,

another thing, people who judge themselves, judge others too and with that comes the fear of being judged by others. People who dont judge others, dont judge themselves - it makes all sence.Same with people who hate themselves, they hate other people, you have to sort this out in yourself. I was a very judgemental person myself, not by heart but what i learned i think from being around the wrong people. I sorted this out in myself whenever i saw someone on the street i would automatically judge negatively i would stop this thought, same with if i thought other people are judging me. Its always 2 ways if u know what i mean. I could never stop this judging thing if i would only try to stop believing other people are judging me, i also had to stop doing it. As i said i was never a judging person before i got this SA. Its just some junk i learned from other people. So yea in a way people with social anxiety are bad people too, i dont wanna say everyone is the same, but most are. its understandable because we are not happy in ourselves. Hope I didnt sound to confusing. Its late here 2am