

Well-known member
look mate, i was just going over what someone else said, putting my own opinion to it. so dont take your shit out on me. i didnt say anyone was better than anyone. i give up with you word twisting people i really do. fuck off into your lonely world u wanker.


Well-known member
Marie_knowsbest said:
look mate, i was just going over what someone else said, putting my own opinion to it. so dont take your shit out on me. i didnt say anyone was better than anyone. i give up with you word twisting people i really do. fuck off into your lonely world u wanker.

Not really your best work yet either.


Well-known member
I didn't say anyone's inferior. I'm SA as well, after all. And the few friends I have are introverts. And I still like them. But you're saying extroverts are inferior and shallow. So fuck off. And no, I'm not trolling, but I did get seriously pissed off when I saw how shallow you people assume some people are shallow just because you don't have the capacity to understand them. If you still don't get my point, have a look at the Heartless Bitches' International look at "nice guys". And you'll see what I mean.

Maybe instread of having this retarded gay inferiority complex and "working on improving yourselves", you should just accept who you are. I don't actually understand how anyone can have low self-esteem and dislike themselves (maybe I'm shallow for not understanding those people). How can you not like who you are? How can there even be a major component of your personality, that is unchangeable, that you don't like? I mean, unless you steal or lie or cheat or are an asshole. What is it even you people dislike about yourselves. If it's just that you're worried other people might dislike you, fine. But at the end of the day no one knows you better than you, so how can there be something that you know you are that people might dislike. People don't hate each other for personality, last time I checked (except for minor annoying habits, or stuborness or whatever), but for their personal quarrels and fights and bitchiness and so on. And if you are, for example, one an asshole by personality, just start being nicer to people! That doesn't take a long journey of self-improvement! Not that any of you are, seeing as most of you are shy wussies, frankly.

Oh, and with people who don't like you and don't wanna be your friends simply because you're not their type (and if you're afraid of social rejection because of that), then what are the odds you're gonna like them?

Wih you assholes saying I said SA people are inferior, get yourselves a fucking dictionary 'cause you sound like retards. There's a difference between SA people and introverts. And I didn't even say introverts are inferior. I said wussies who hate people out of pure jealousy and accuse them of superficiality and shallowness to cover up their own personal self-esteem problems are. Notice how "bullies" fit this descritpion just as well as those who said they hate outgoing people, only they have the balls to harrass people. But they should be just as hated as bullies are, because the only difference is they aren't chickens. Wussies would do the same if they had the balls.

Marie_knowsbest, I agree with everything you said except that about getting dumped. SA people are usually a lot more sensitive so they suffer more even if it's less personal. I know, that if you don't do anything with people and don't have lots of friends like non-SA sufferers, and they reject you right away, it's a lot worse because it discourages you from even trying anything.

At Darkened, know that shy extroverts can have it just as bad. Also, I thought everyone here is trying to get rid of social phobia, and fuelling the frustrations society continuously hammers into you to your fellow sufferers with loser talk like this only slows the process. And I don't get it. Maybe you should ask yourselves why you hate them, since you're all well aware hating them is stupid and makes you look bad. Imagine if they said they hate shy people. I don't even wanna imagine the self-pitying lashback drivel bullshit that would commence...


Active member
Jura said:
I didn't say anyone's inferior. I'm SA as well, after all.

That is bullshit. You use the word "... you are...", "... you say...", "... you that...", "... you this"... That proves that you don't understand a shit about SA, about what people feels and the uselessness of your speech. People here need to express their feelings and get positive replies about that issues, to try understand them and to try get over them. ("positive support", not stupid critics)

If you are so positive and so high self-esteem, what a hell are you doing at this forum? Trying to help? With "shock-therapy"? You are failing big time, that's for sure.
You are probably just pushing some depressed people even more to the abyss. That type of "help" could work with some regular people, not with mental health care problems.
What to you expect? To arrive here, tell "you are stupid", "you are this", "you are that", "I hate that!" and people say "(bingo!) I'm cured"?

"Oh our great SA messiah, guide us! Tell us what to do in your almighty Blog! We need hardcore critics, we want to please you!"

Guess what... you're not even a decent person, you probably go to crippled support forums and tell them: "Don't have an harm/leg? Booo-hooo, you are shit, I hate whining".
Yeah, that could work... :roll:

You are not Social Phobic, you are an idiot that thinks to know everything about life and needs to tell bad things about other people to increase your (apparently already too big) self-esteem.

Do a favour for the community and shut your pie-hole.
By the way, you want "to find out what the opposite sex thinks"? Try regular man websites, they also have tips and facts about "simple light shyness" (if that's really your "problem").


Well-known member
Jura said:
Notice how "bullies" fit this descritpion just as well as those who said they hate outgoing people, only they have the balls to harrass people. But they should be just as hated as bullies are, because the only difference is they aren't chickens. Wussies would do the same if they had the balls.

That is total crap! Guess what, I hate gas companies, but I'm not about to send letter bombs to their HQ's! It's not some kind of violent hatred against extroverts is it? people are just venting their frustration of having to live with SA, a frustration you obviously know NOTHING of, having shown your own complete lack of empathy with people here. I think you are extremely misguided, and I am glad some here are sticking up for themselves although many aren't,, only because of the nature of SA.

Go home!


Well-known member
So you're saying people with SA would still act the same if they didn't have SA? But OK, that's irrelevant now. I understand the frustration, but the only reason I spoke against them so harshly is because I know from personal experience that many of them hate extroverts regardless. Not all, but many. A few people admitted it in this thread even. Yes, many of them are are just here to vent their frustration, (like for example when people say racist things but don't mean them in response to something they heard on the news or whatever) but many still hate them. Not necessarily violently, but there is a lot of hatred against them still. Deep hatred.

Just try to understand them, they're people too. It's not their fault that they don't understand what we're going through. And you don't have to say shit about them because you think it somehow is their fault.

The worst thing is, though, that most of you who said you hate them don't hate them because they don't understand SA (which alone is retarded), but simply because you think they're shallow and all that. And I elaborated on this in quite a bit of detail already.

In response to the ad hominem bullcrap expectable from Darkened, I'm going to say that I don't see how criticizing other people can feed self-esteem and that I understand SA. Sure there are people who are far worse off, but I understand it too.

In my last post, I also said that I don't understand how some people can dislike themselves and have low self-esteem. So I don't see how I actually said anything negative or anything that could hurt anyone's self-esteem there. Besides, this is the shyness forum, and the decision to start the thread here must mean that it was directed mainly at just extremely shy people without social phobia.


Active member
Jura said:
In response to the ad hominem bullcrap expectable from Darkened, I'm going to say that I don't see how criticizing other people can feed self-esteem and that I understand SA. Sure there are people who are far worse off, but I understand it too.

I can't find any reason for you being part of this community. None at all. You have no respect for us and you don't understand the problems because you don't have SA or anything like it. You don't know the great amount of courage required for some people to even post a "Introduction" post and you have no right to criticise others that are here to find some support and to share.
If you want to understand, read the forum and keep your negativity for yourself. Otherwise, shut your mouth and stop making some people feel bad.


Well-known member
nah werent my best work. i was tired and couldnt be bothered lol. well i guess its good to say that none of you understand anything beyond yourselfs, we have shy people who hate out going people and vica versa i guess we all hate everyone lol

has anyone thought she might just be a SA suffer who doesnt feel sorry for her self? (jura i mean) see again you people cant say she doesnt understand you when just because you dont agree with her opinions, she cant possibly be a suffer? thats stupid, because u obv cant understand her. i knew a indian who hated indians! lol dont mean hes not a indian tho....u see my point yeh.

everything jura said was true, your all just pissed off that she said it and probs jealous that she has problems and confidence. as odd as it is to have a outgoing SA sufferer, it dont mean it dont exist.
Marie_knowsbest said:
nah werent my best work. i was tired and couldnt be bothered lol. well i guess its good to say that none of you understand anything beyond yourselfs, we have shy people who hate out going people and vica versa i guess we all hate everyone lol

has anyone thought she might just be a SA suffer who doesnt feel sorry for her self? (jura i mean) see again you people cant say she doesnt understand you when just because you dont agree with her opinions, she cant possibly be a suffer? thats stupid, because u obv cant understand her. i knew a indian who hated indians! lol dont mean hes not a indian tho....u see my point yeh.

everything jura said was true, your all just pissed off that she said it and probs jealous that she has problems and confidence. as odd as it is to have a outgoing SA sufferer, it dont mean it dont exist.

Marie_knowsbest your the biggest freak of us all. Do you even have SA? Why do you go on here? It's sick that you roam this forum giving people stupid advice and putting people down. This is what you do on your free time? Your Sick.


Well-known member
lol to what was said at me just lol. you lot crack me up. yes i am the freak. oky doky.

jura. just let em have this one, its all they have in the world, im gonna chat to my mate instead about real life. stuff that means something, not this self sorrow bullshit u feed eachother. u wont even be told by people who are exactly what u wanna be!

were the outgoing people, with the mates, with the lifes etc and you think were wrong???? HELLLO???? so your doing everything right? then why the fuck have you got problems?

fuck off, twats.


Well-known member
I don't wish to go in to the ins and outs of this thread, but, I am a little shocked that other members on this forum can diagnose SA over the internet.

Someone joins this site, expresses what transpires to be controversial opinions, and others can diagnose.

Peace xxx


Active member
Marie_knowsbest said:
lol to what was said at me just lol. you lot crack me up. yes i am the freak. oky doky.

jura. just let em have this one, its all they have in the world, im gonna chat to my mate instead about real life. stuff that means something, not this self sorrow bullshit u feed eachother. u wont even be told by people who are exactly what u wanna be!

were the outgoing people, with the mates, with the lifes etc and you think were wrong???? HELLLO???? so your doing everything right? then why the fuck have you got problems?

fuck off, twats.

You are both wrong to criticise the way you do.
So, indeed, "fuck off". Have a nice day in your "real life" without problems.

We prefer to support each other, than to listen to bullshit and critics of people who don't understand because they don't have the same issues.
Do you blame us for that? I don't find anything wrong withit , on the contrary.


Well-known member
First, to those of you saying I don't have social phobia, obviously I can't prove over the Internet, but I actually do. What I meant by shy extrovert, was in the psychological sense of the terms "shy" and extrovert". Someone who is shy (or has social phobia) generally avoids social contact out of fear. Someone who isn't shy doesn't do this. Someone who is an extrovert enjoys social interactions because of the mental stimulation it brings them. Someone who is introverted generally prefers to do things alone. So while the overwhelming majority of SA sufferers are introverted but some are not: some enjoy contact with those they are comfortable with or would enjoy contact with people if they had anyone they were comfortable around. Therefore, you can be a shy extrovert.

Secondly, I wish I had a "real life without problems." Maybe there are some sufferers who are worse off, but a lot of you have milder forms of this than me judging by what you people say here. So don't criticize me for that. I have it tough too.

Thirdly, just curious, where did I ever make a spelling mistake? I ask because I can't find them, and if I constantly misspell words, then you should probably tell me so I don't embarrass myself.

OK, now that we're done with the ad hominem, I'd like to address the rest of the arguments. Oh, wait, there aren't any.

So I'll say something else. I am sorry for what I said, as I just read my first post and realized I was really harsh and directed a lot of things at you people directly. My own post shocked me (I'm pretty good ay 8) ). I just got momentarily pissed off at you, because I always hear that sort of shit and it's so typical it just all built up so I took it out on you. Like the bullcrap "nice guys" say about women. And I'm sorry and I apologize and I hope you will accept my apology.

What I should have said is pretty much the same thing without the swears and personal put-downs and everything else that might have hurt someone's self-esteem. And, again, I didn't mean to convey that I think that introverts (in the psychological sense) are inferior. It's just like when someone says racist things in response to something on the news that pisses them off that they don't really mean.

In conclusion, to sum it all up, all I wanted to say was that extroverts are people too, so don't hate them, and while I understand your need to vent your frustrations, those first few posts didn't really sound like someone venting their frustrations. :lol: And I'll be nice from now on. I understand that it's not your fault you don't have self-esteem and need people to help you with motivational talk.

So once again, I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me.

P.S. I still mean all those things, but without thinking anyone's inferior or whatever. Like that you should harden the fuck up and all that. At least some of you overly over-dramatize your "suffering".

P.S.S. Having a positive attitude and snapping out of the wussy self-pitying mode has helped me more than anything, it used to be A LOT worse than it is now. So however unfair you may think life may bem just harden the fuck up and it will help you more than anything, I know from personal experience.