هل يوجد أحد من المغرب ؟


Well-known member
Re: هل يوجد أحد من المغرب ؟

I was reading this thread and thinking to reply before i saw a misleading information, which is MOROCCO IS NOT AN ARAB COUNTRY, OR MOROCCONS AREN'T ARABS, so i'll reply to that piece instead of the original thread.

Saying moroccons aren't arabs, but berbers (berbers are indigenous people of almost whole North Africa) is like saying americans aran't white but red indians (or just Native Americans since red indians is rather offensive or just old-fashioned). I learned (though never been to that region, and i'm arab by the way) north africans might get offended if identified as berbers (not because being berber is inferior but it's misleading, remember the american example i mentioned). However, good porpotion (still minority) are berbers.

Mestizos in Latine America is a good example (don't know mestizos, check them on wikipedia), they are neither white nor indian yet form the vast majority of population in some latin american countries so who they are, they are simply mixed. Back to Africa, no mixed people in north africa (i mean as cultural not genetics of course) you speak berber you are berber, you speak arabic you are identified as arab, that simple. It doesn't matter what your ancestors were.

If a native american (or aborigine or any indigenous group) posted here and claimed, americans (as american population) are native americans (like there were no white, black etc there), if that happened how would be your reaction, you would say that's nonsense and that's exactly why i replied to this misleading information. Thanks everyone and have a good time.


Well-known member
Re: هل يوجد أحد من المغرب ؟

Wow!! i never knew there was Moroccans here..


Staff member
Re: هل يوجد أحد من المغرب ؟

I was reading this thread and thinking to reply before i saw a misleading information, which is MOROCCO IS NOT AN ARAB COUNTRY, OR MOROCCONS AREN'T ARABS, so i'll reply to that piece instead of the original thread.

I knew that but not everyone here is a walking encyclopedia, chillax mate ;)


Well-known member
Re: هل يوجد أحد من المغرب ؟

believe me, there are people from every single country here in SPW, or maybe not but every time i see people from new places (e.g Bolivia, Latvia and Ethiopia) places you would never expect.


Well-known member
Re: هل يوجد أحد من المغرب ؟

I knew that but not everyone here is a walking encyclopedia, chillax mate ;)

No, not everyone is a walking encyclopedia. However, this guy (no hard feelings to him or anyone) is either doesn't know basic facts about his country or (more probably) put this misleading information on purpose.

I don't want to be misunderstood, and i don't want to have some debate here however, certain issues are hot political debate or controversy in certain places/countries (like the berber issue in arab world not just in north africa) so this has to be taken in consider here. You are from UK, so how would you feel if an irish came and put misleading information regarding the history of UK? That's just a simple example.

And i'm relaxed, mate i just tend to make long replies and put so much information, that's all :)


Staff member
Re: هل يوجد أحد من المغرب ؟

You are from UK, so how would you feel if an irish came and put misleading information regarding the history of UK? That's just a simple example.

I'd just correct them :D