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  1. L

    Do you have more online friends than offline ones?

    I started doing this myself. When I realized a lot of people were just forgetting me or just using me.. I started speaking with people online. I have a few really good friendships with people online. We talk almost every day too. It is nice. We both share what is going on and give each other...
  2. L

    My mother sometimes bullies me

    I would imagine there are others out there with these kinds of relationships with their mother. Mine has issues with anxiety and panic attacks like me but doesn't share the social anxiety so she doesn't understand that about me. A lot of times when something goes wrong, she fills my head with...
  3. L

    Do you have any triggers?

    Do you know of any triggers that seem to cause panic attacks for you a lot? One of my main ones is health related. If I feel a new pain or strange sensation in my body, it will almost always cause me to have a panic attack. I start thinking the worst. I have fear of tooth issues because I don't...
  4. L

    Fear of cars

    Part of my issue with Agoraphobia is my fear of cars. I was in a car when it caught on fire. Ever since then, I felt very uncomfortable being in them. This was a good 6 years ago. I am ashamed to admit it really. The thought of being in a car terrifies me. Even with my panic issues, I was still...
  5. L

    How can someone break the cycle?

    I have been in a loop with Agoraphobia since I was 22. Sometimes it is mild... Other times it is severe. The longest I went without leaving my house was over a year. I would go outside, check the mail, be okay in the yard... But I didn't leave the house. This was recent. I finally broke out and...
  6. L

    How do you appraoch people you don't know?

    I feel like this is one of my biggest issues. Even in the event of an emergency, I feel like I would fail at being able to approach a stranger for help. It is almost like a double edge sword. I know it isn't a big deal and it is easy but when I go to do it, for anything really, I feel sick to...
  7. L

    Constant fears?

    Anyone experience constant fears? Like ones that aren't necessarily about the same thing but multiple things? I noticed I get into a pattern of worry and fear. Rational me says everything will be okay but panic me thinks the worst. It is like a tug of war game going on in my mind. If it is not...
  8. L

    New here, hello!

    I didn't notice this section when I first joined. I thought I should do a little introduction and give a bit of background about myself. I am in my 30's, have issues with social, general, and severe anxiety (panic attacks). The social anxiety started when I was very young. People always made me...
  9. L

    Is Social Anxiety on the rise in America?

    I am noticing more and more people coming forward saying they have issues with anxiety, especially social anxiety. For the longest time I felt like I was alone with this. I struggled to make friends growing up so I kept the few I had even though they treated me horribly. As I got older, my...
  10. L

    Sweating/Nervous around people I don't know well

    Anyone else experiences intense sweating and nervousness around new people? I met my brother's girlfriend for the first time a few days ago. He had me over for dinner and I could not control the sweating. My hands were the worst. I am not sure why I was like this. She was very nice, nothing bad...
  11. L

    Taking things too personally?

    Anyone else out there have issues with taking things too personally? What I mean by this is that when someone disagrees or doesn't understand your side of something, you feel almost hurt by it. I noticed this a lot with myself. I will be able to socialize well (especially online) but the second...