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  1. ar1605

    What makes you happy the most

    I was thinking hard today and one thing that makes me happy the most is knowing that i have friends and family that love me and care deeply about me.
  2. ar1605

    What means the most to you in life?

    i have been doing a little bit of thinking and would like to know what means the most to others. The thing that means the most to me in life is Family and friends and education
  3. ar1605

    How often do you feel lonely/unwanted

    it seems like i feel very lonely and unwanted at times and today seems to be one of those days that its happeneing
  4. ar1605

    What do you think about todays taxes

    I feel like they need to change the taxes are too overly proced here in the US
  5. ar1605

    What do you think about the world today?

    Post some threads/replys saying what you think about the world today and todays society
  6. ar1605

    Why do i feel like my girlfriend is cheating on me Mood:(Depressed)

    ugh i feel so depressed i feel like my gf is cheating on me with another guy while im in college
  7. ar1605

    Why do i feel usless can someone please help me out

    I hate myself i feel usless to the world and i need help
  8. ar1605


    I hate my life i feel really suicidal please help :'(
  9. ar1605

    Does any girls come here to date

    i see that people try to date here some times
  10. ar1605

    Yes i have tried dating sites

    I have before on a few occasions and it didnt work out