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  1. crankitup

    Incompatible Labidos

    Just wondering how others may have dealt with a partner that has an incompatible libido. Sex was never really an issue for me until I got into a relationship, then I found I really liked it and can't get enough of it. I find myself wanting to be adventurous with it, Turns out I have quite a high...
  2. crankitup

    Need some advice

    It's been ages since I've been here but I'm feeling a bit down at the moment, struggling once again to connect with people. The problem I think is my personality and interest. I'm 26 and I'm more like a 50 year old with my interest and the things I talk about. This became more apparent a few...
  3. crankitup

    Young People With Old Personalities.

    I've been trying to find information on the net about young people who act and behave much more like the typical older person. I'm 25 and very much like this. Inc hobbies and interest I often find I get along best with people 50+ then people my own age, Although maybe this could be a...
  4. crankitup

    Who is young and likes Star Trek?

    I know there is is a kind of stigma in western culture with star trek. Alot of people look down on those who like the show and those who like the show might be in the closet about weather or not they like it. Its like you get branded a nerd the moment you mention it. I hate those stereotypes...
  5. crankitup

    Whos Australian on this site, Where are you from?

    I live near Port Douglas which is near Cairns, way up north. It's not a bad spot, just wish it wasn't so hot and humid in summer. Where are all you Aussies on this site from?
  6. crankitup

    Myspace/ Facebook type site for social anxiety

    Hey I'm sure alot of you already know this site, Just thought I'd post the link for those of you who haven't seen it. It's like Myspace or facebook but for social anxiety sufferers. It's quite good and it seems to be getting more and more popular with SA...
  7. crankitup

    Having Trouble Meeting SA Sufferers

    Since I live in an isolated area and have SA, meeting people that I can easily talk to is very hard. The only friend I have is someone I talk to on msn who lives in another country whom I've never met in person. So I've been trying to meet people online who live in my own country. Just a few...
  8. crankitup

    Would anyone like to chat to a fellow SA Sufferer In QLD

    I'm 23 and I'm having trouble finding people in Australia who I have much in common with. I hate being around people yet when I'm on my own I feel lonely. I'm hoping some SA sufferers would like to have a chat. thanks.
  9. crankitup


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