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  1. Lorraine Manca

    it rains and it shines on us all

    that expression always makes me feel better. nearly nothing makes me feel better when im down, but imagining that im in the same emotional place as people all over the world, feeling the exact same pain makes me feel better. i imagine seeing so many sad people living so many different lives and...
  2. Lorraine Manca

    sunday blues

    who's got it? i do. im sure sunday night is a bummer for even ordinary people. there's the whole week ahead, and it's so silly and pointless. i feel so expendable. sorry for ranting, anyone else get blue on sundays? i think there's even a song about how much sunday nights suck
  3. Lorraine Manca

    where do you guys want to go on vacation?

    so where are you all wantin to go on vacation, and can i come? where would you go if you could go anywhere and do anything?
  4. Lorraine Manca

    got sense?

    i feel like i have no common sense. i'm good at the academic stuff, but im useless when it comes to the real world. i feel stupid and very confused 90% of the time. this adds to the anxiety thing, because a lot of times i dont understand what people around me are saying, what a mess! do you guys...
  5. Lorraine Manca

    favorite literary junk!!

    here's a place to post it! my favorite character of all time is mark twain's huckleberry finn.
  6. Lorraine Manca

    no offense but...

    im going to offend you I hate that expression "no offense but". it makes me want to spit acid!!! if you have to specify that you dont mean to offend someone, its because you are about to say something offensive and you're covering your ass! you not freaking fooling anybody. no offense, but...
  7. Lorraine Manca

    pointless politeness

    when people ask "how are you?" you're supposed to answer "im fine" or some variation of that. cause its polite to be pleasant. wouldnt you love to tell the truth everytime someone asked that? "i feel like ET, and I want to go home!!" or "im fine as long as you dont get any closer". or better...
  8. Lorraine Manca

    very appropriate

    cemetary lots are advertised next to the employment adds in my local newspaper. cubicle to casket, one stop shopping
  9. Lorraine Manca

    so i figure...

    there's the myth that dog mouths are cleaner than humans, but one whiff of dog breath and you know thats bs. but i was thinking,, really its alcoholics that must have the cleanest mouths, cause thatd be like constantly sterilizing you're mouth, like putting rubbing alcohol on a scrape. but then...
  10. Lorraine Manca

    top ten songs

    i like the number ten. post your favorite ten songs or more if you like, with the best ones of all at the top, in order. i think itd be fun to see. the music people listen to says alot about them.
  11. Lorraine Manca

    famous last words

    what will you say with your dying breath? make it count!
  12. Lorraine Manca

    sitting in a toilet stall

    sitting in a toilet stall inside a public restroom waiting for the person at the sinks to leave. To make sure you peer through the door's crack to check, have you been there?
  13. Lorraine Manca

    boring story

    so boring i think i'll delete it
  14. Lorraine Manca

    easier being female

    one thing im grateful for, is being female, because i think it would be alot harder to be a male with social anxiety. really just because submissive or shy behavior seems more tolerated in women. how do you guys think your gender relates to it?
  15. Lorraine Manca

    Do you enjoy doing nothing?

    Do you enjoy doing nothing for long periods of time?
  16. Lorraine Manca


    alright, its a scary thing, but ive been told by several people that snafu is an expression used in the u.s. airforce among other places. the scary thing is that it stands for situation normal, all ****ed up. this describes my head perfectly. i dont have an anxiety disorder, i have snafu...
  17. Lorraine Manca

    quick question

    is usual for your typical depressed person to feel useless, but wouldn't obsolete be more accurate?? who feels obsolete?!
  18. Lorraine Manca

    relationship between depression and anxiety

    I could be wrong about this, its just an idea. It seems sometimes that depression is a safety net that reduces anxiety. of course thats not a good way to reduce anxiety, but i think it happens. Theres a lot of security in being sad, because you're already on your back, you've hit bottom, and...
  19. Lorraine Manca

    10 things you want to do before you die

    im still thinking mine up. so you people think your ten up. 1. tie a hammock up in the top of a huge tree, and sleep under the stars (who doesnt want that!) 2. stay three weeks in the woods 3. 2 month cross country road trip, with a good camera 4. rock climbing 5. gather a group of people to go...
  20. Lorraine Manca


    the mild side of depression is like waiting for a 15 hour plane trip to be over, or like waiting at the dmv, or like waiting at the train station for a train that doesnt come, or like getting lost on foot on a rainy day, there arent any thoughts, negative or positive, it just stretches on...