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  1. Lorraine Manca

    Calling people back

    I feel so guilty. I always find a reason to procrastinate on calling someone back. Its so bad that sometimes I'll time things so I miss the person on purpose and catch their answering machine instead. Its so silly, because its not really so bad talking on the phone. I just dont like it. its...
  2. Lorraine Manca

    What if...?

    Ok, someone pushed the red button. Everything blew up and the world has to start from scratch. You and a bunch of other people are lucky. You have the cockroach gene that allowed you to survive it. You get to make society from scratch, etiquette rules, political structure, economic model...
  3. Lorraine Manca

    what would you do?

    If you decided to live with social anxiety or the fact that your just on a different page than everyone else and accepted it and didnt fight it, how would you live your life to the fullest? Obviously it woundn't be the traditional job, house, family, social life equation, or fitting in, because...
  4. Lorraine Manca


    Ok, this thread is going to die quicker than a squirrel on the freeway, but oh well. I like to start threads. Does anyone absolutley love the night? I think its closely tied with an aversion to being around people. It feels so good to drive around and see everything just about abandoned. Yeah...
  5. Lorraine Manca

    Is there really "help"?

    I wish we could all be put through some kind of intensive program. These problems seem too big for people to solve on their own. Really, it just breeds guilt and low self-esteem for people like us to think we should cure our own illnesses. It should be treated more seriously. Of course that's an...
  6. Lorraine Manca


    What are your thoughts on God? Does He give you strength to fight social anxiety or do you feel abandoned or angry? What part does He play in your life? I really want to know what everyone else thinks. What about the idea of some kind of divine plan? As for me, I'm pretty mixed about it all...
  7. Lorraine Manca

    queasy situation

    I apologize in advance for this thread, but here it goes. I came home from college for the summer. My step sister who I dont know very well and her husband and two kids are coming to visit for over a month. Shes the baseball extrovert type. I'm going to stay out as much as possible of course to...
  8. Lorraine Manca

    Ever feel like an impostor?

    I feel like an impostor whenever i try homemade bits of exposure. And it seems the people you meet are on the verge of discovering you are an impostor. It is like a hermit crab going around pretending not to be a hermit crab because it is not fashionable to be a hermit crab or there are not many...
  9. Lorraine Manca

    Intense emotions

    Does anyone get completely exhausted from intense emotions? Its so annoying!
  10. Lorraine Manca

    will you tell me what you think?

    Has any one ever read Tennyson's Palace of Art lately? Does it ring any bells? I really would like to know what everyone thinks. You can find it on line pretty easy.