Do I have AVPD?


Well-known member
I really don't know. Wiki says it's usually noted after the age of 18 (I'm 17). And I have all of the symptoms noted under "Signs and symptoms" except the last two;
Wikipedia said:
* Hypersensitivity to criticism or rejection
* Self-imposed social isolation
* Extreme shyness or anxiety in social situations, though feels a strong desire for close relationships[3]
* Avoids physical contact because it has been associated with an unpleasant or painful stimulus
* Avoids interpersonal relationships
* Feelings of inadequacy
* Severe low self-esteem
* Self-loathing
* Mistrust of others
* Emotional distancing related to intimacy
* Highly self-conscious
* Self-critical about their problems relating to others
* Problems in occupational functioning
* Lonely self-perception, although others may find the relationship with them meaningful
* Feeling inferior to others
* In some more extreme cases — agoraphobia
* Utilizes fantasy as a form of escapism and to interrupt painful thoughts
Avoidant personality disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't know if this is just me overreacting, but how do I know if I have it? I'm completely knew to this disorder (As in, I never knew it had an actual name).


Well-known member
I don't think age really matters when it comes to AVPD. I have partial AVPD and I'm 17 as well. I share some but not all the symptoms. Like, "mistrust of others", "highly self-conscious", "avoiding physical contact" are a few of mine. Too lazy to type the others ::p:


Well-known member
Well, the last one might apply to me. I play video games, draw, and read alot to escape the feeling of being a misfit of society. Also I talk to myself when I'm alone.


Well-known member
Yeah I read a ton and play video games too just to escape. I sometimes draw, but lately I've had zero inspiration. And since I haven't had a book to read lately, I've been on the comp. a lot as well as listening to tons of music.


not actually Fiona Apple
Onset is in adolescence or early adulthood.

Cannot be diagnosed until adulthood (age 18).

You cannot be diagnosis until you are 18, so according to the DSM-IV you don't have it, but it can start to show in adolescence. I mean when I was 17 I was pretty sure I had AvPd, and 2 years later still do.

I think with all mental disorders having every symptom is unnecessary and uncommon even in order to "have" something. So not having the last two symptoms doesn't rule out the possibility of having AvPD in the slightest. Doing more research on it may make it clearer to you whether or not it is something you are dealing with, or you could just wait until you are 18 and get diagnosed. My therapist told me it is difficult to get e diagnosis right after adulthood though, because its onset is usually around that time it is difficult to say whether it is a persistent problem or just a phase or something causing it like stress or something like that.


Well-known member
AvPD and social phobia are very similar but to make a difference between this two disorders AvPD is extreme shyness to all social situations. Also AvPD is related to comorbid and neurotic disorders; whereas Social phobia is only extreme shyness to specific social situations.


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I don't like labels, they complicate things.

I like Spike Milligan's proposed epitaph " I told you I was ill."


Well-known member
I'm 17 and have a lot of then symtoms but I don't know never Been to the doctor to even ask. What could they do to help?
Also I play Xbox aswell my family think I'm addicted to them. I'm not I actually think it's quite boring but I like being on my own. Always shutting myself off to the world :)


Well-known member
I shutt me off and conection to world with computer, video games i was playing since i was 9 later i stop and start again a lot around 18, now im 26. I try to escape to my own world i try pretend behind walls inst nothing and just i live day after day like that, is depressing very much but sometimes im happy that i must not connect with world. On me pass almost every point accept intimacy and make relation i dont have issues-i start having them if im in relation already.


Avpd and s.a are also related to your personality which I have only just been learning about even tho I have overcome my social phobia and social anxiety I'm still somewhat reserved and get drained after prolonged periods of time with people especially large loud groups ... All these correlate as to why we feel different it's hard living in a world of extroverts they misunderstand us and judge and criticize us coz we r different I hate it.

On the upside we are more caring and artistic then they are :) so whether you have avpd or s.a just know that you can get through it only if you accept yourself totally but also know that of you are an introvert you will always be somewhat shy and reserved you should also tell ppl to get ****ed if they constantly tell you to break out of your shell grr that's the one I HATE


I'd advice you to get to a doctor, research, and find options that you can use to prevent it, 17 is a pretty lucky age to know about it than 23, especially if people dont know about this weird "boogy-monster" that creeps with you just about everywhere.


Well-known member
AvPD and social phobia are very similar but to make a difference between this two disorders AvPD is extreme shyness to all social situations. Also AvPD is related to comorbid and neurotic disorders; whereas Social phobia is only extreme shyness to specific social situations.

Well I'm extremely nervous and anxious around pretty much all social situations... Getting the mail, purchasing a product, ordering, bumping into neighbors...

The thing with Avpd is bull**** in my opinion. It´s aspergers.
Nah, that's more of an autism kind of disorder, where instead of being shy, or avoidant of social situations, it just prevents you from knowing how to act in a social situation. And with asberger's, physical clumsiness usually follows. It's extremely different from S.A. or AvPD.


Well-known member
Nah, that's more of an autism kind of disorder, where instead of being shy, or avoidant of social situations, it just prevents you from knowing how to act in a social situation. And with asberger's, physical clumsiness usually follows. It's extremely different from S.A. or AvPD.

I thought I had AvPD for ages, but it turns out I have Asperger's. People with autism are very often avoidant of social situations because of their inability to perform in social situations. I think that the traits of autism and AvPD often overlap because of that, although I wouldn't say that Asperger's and AvPD are the same. I think it's more likely that many of the symptoms of AvPD can spring up because of Asperger's. Also physical clumsiness is common with people with Asperger's, but not a necessary trait.

These are a few of the AvPD traits that are very similar to Asperger's:
- Hypersensitivity to criticism or rejection
- Self-imposed social isolation
- Extreme shyness or anxiety in social situations, though feels a strong desire for close relationships
- Avoids physical contact because it has been associated with an unpleasant or painful stimulus
- Avoids interpersonal relationships
- Mistrust of others
- Emotional distancing related to intimacy
- Highly self-conscious
- Self-critical about their problems relating to others
- Utilises fantasy as a form of escapism and to interrupt painful thoughts