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  1. recluse

    Humuliating day at work

    Today my area manager made his monthly visit to the store i work in. The store manager has to assess my performance and give a rating out of 4 for various criteria, and then we have a meeting in the office so we can discuss it with the area manager (my manager) Anyway it started off great, for...
  2. recluse

    Can't exactly lie

    I've been a member of a dating site for a while and i'm shocked that i am recieveing a few messages. The dilemma is that most of them mention in their messages they are looking for a guy who lives life to the fullest and so on............Wtf am i supposed to say when i obviously don't live life...
  3. recluse

    Being extremely thin skinned

    One problem i have is that all my life i have been thin skinned. I can't handle any negative comments even if it's just banter in a humorous manner. I often have a hard time differentiating between when someone is genuinely being nasty o'r pulling my leg, for instance on many occassions i've...
  4. recluse

    Confusion and mixing words

    Anyone else mix up their words when anxious? Today at work an old friend from my schooldays whom i hadn't seen for ten years came to the store i work in. I was already anxious and it was me who recognised him first and initiated the convo. I was asking about what he was doing and stuff then i...
  5. recluse

    My feelings

    For weeks i have almost constantly felt these feelings- I feel as if my life is over just had my 29th birthday, there is no hope, stuck in a rut....People might say i'm only young but i never see myself getting out of this rut. The older i get the more i lose hope. I'm so lonely i...
  6. recluse

    My new wood! (no innuendo intended :-)

  7. recluse


    I have been a member of a dating site for a few years and for the past few months o'r so i have been recieving regular requests/mails from a few women(don't know what they see in me).........Why is this a problem you ask?.........Well i have feelings for a ''friend'' in Poland whom i have...
  8. recluse

    Weird question i know!

    This is aimed at the guys here really; When you are anxious and you begin to feel panicky (in particular around other guys) do you feel physically smaller and weak? I'm 5 ft 10 and 14 stone(196lb) yet when i feel nervous around other guys i feel to be superior/intimidating(most guys really!) i...
  9. recluse

    Anyone have an excercise routine?

    I notice that i base a lot of my self esteem on whether i've excercised o'r not. When i was unemployed i'd got into a routine of doing weight training at home every other day but since i've been working again i just can't find the motivation. I was meant to workout tonight but by the time i'd...
  10. recluse

    Just have to vent

    Firstly i have come to realise that i'm not anxious around every person, i can feel fairly relaxed with some people who are nice and have friendly faces. I used to think i was afraid of every person, ok i feel shy with people but not fearful. The people who give me fear are loud, obnoxius...
  11. recluse

    Exposure not making any difference

    If they say exposure therapy is meant to cure or atleast improve social anxiety how come it does notwork for me? I make an effort to go out and a do a job i really hate which involves social interaction, i go to a gun club, i try to make convo and smile to people yet my sa is if anything worse...
  12. recluse

    No life experience/skills

    Do you feel that your parents did not bother to teach you how to do everyday stuff like how to cook? I feel that a child needs to be taught how to live by their parents and i feel that i have no experience and i don't have the simple skills like cooking. I feel like a little kid in regards to...
  13. recluse

    Difficulty raising my voice

    Anyone else experience great difficulty shouting/raising your voice? For example a lady who was at the shop i work in left her brought item on the counter and started walking out, i had to shout to her and i could hardly raise my voice enough so i ended up having to run after her until she...
  14. recluse

    Over polite

    Do you find yourself being over polite? I think i am way over polite for my own good at times, i think it's because i am conscious of making a good impression. A friend's girlfriend once was making me a coffee and she was asking the usual questions; Milk? Sugar?...I was saying please a lot and...
  15. recluse

    Shyness = less of a man?

    Do you think shyness makes me less of a man? How about living at home at my age of 28? This is killing me::(:
  16. recluse

    New project

    It's a design i have remake'd and this time i have burnt on a design with a pyrography iron. It actually snapped near the top when i was sanding it but i glued it back together.
  17. recluse

    Is your home cluttered?

    I hate clutter! Our house is not that big inside although on the outside it looks sizeable....Kind of like the opposite of the Tardis! My mother does her Christmas shopping and Birthday shopping throughout the year and she hoards all the stuff in bags behind the sofa and a chair in the living...
  18. recluse

    Hate being drunk

    Can you honestly say that you hate being drunk? This may sound strange but i hate being drunk! I hate the feeling of being out of control and it makes me depressed,tired and sullen. I do enjoy one or two drinks though.
  19. recluse

    My just completed spoon

  20. recluse

    Sensitive to peoples behaviour around me

    I've been working in the shop as security now for 3 weeks and already i am convinced that one woman who works there dislikes me. Today for instance i noticed that she is kind of bossing me around (telling me to keep watch on these girls which i was already doing) even though she is not a manager...