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  1. Bexi

    New Game!!

    Ok Kids, this new game is a word association game, so say I type "Cheese" u type the next word that comes in your head, perhaps "Mouse"?? Then next person might say "Rodent", ok cool? Good, then i'll begin....... TREES
  2. Bexi


    Bexi got dumped today, and feels most sad, she wants to thank ppl on here tho for being so nice to here all the time xxx :cry: U make me :)
  3. Bexi


    Can anyone come to chatroom? Im all alone in there and ppl are giving me odd looks
  4. Bexi


    Hi, regarding those animal links i posted! Yes i feel exactly the same way as u do, it is so hard to see abused animals, I did some research into Iams last night- an evil pet food manufacturer, and looking at photos makes me so sad, yet it is important to face facts and to see what some people...
  5. Bexi


    Feel very depressed right now :( keep thinking about harming myself, I have got so close to doing it, I wish i could be happy tho :(
  6. Bexi

    A photo of Some breasts!....

    Oh, you perverts! :lol:
  7. Bexi

    Post a pic of something u love!!

  8. Bexi


    Hi Zooooooooo, I know you are a newly Wed, so want to say congratulations on here! Hope you have a great honeymoon xx
  9. Bexi

    I feel Sad..

    I suddenly feel really sad :( help me please! what do u do when u feel down? I want to stop it b4 i get too low xxxx
  10. Bexi

    Mac and Taws...the truth!

    Is there something we should know about you guys? :lol: The cellar, the rusty nail....??
  11. Bexi

    Family Support

    Does anyone feel like they have good support behind them, or do people just annoy the hell out of you?? WIth or without even trying? This can include family, friends etc anyone! Who annoys you most, and who helps you most? I don't know where I would be if it were not for internet support!
  12. Bexi

    Self Harm

    As people may or may not know, I have depression and anxiety issues. I have never self harmed before, nor do I intend to, although we never know what we will do, or how we will behave when we feel low :( I was just wondering if many people here have self harmed , or thought about it, or...
  13. Bexi

    Little Miss

    I have not seen Little miss scare all online for a while, maybe I'm on when she isn't? Hope she is doing well :)
  14. Bexi


    hello theres 5 ppl in chat right now! is this a record?
  15. Bexi

    The Samaritans

    Hi there, when I was feeling suicidal and had feelings of self-harm, I didn't really know who to talk to, so I e-mailed Samaritans at [email protected] There reply within 24 hours, and I got some helpful and positive feedback and replies, so thought I'd tell you lot xxx
  16. Bexi


    hi dan, how r things? i know ppl on here wondered how u have been?xx
  17. Bexi

    Totally Useless Facts!

    Lets have a place to share facts that are useless, but we are proud to know! hehe Well...St. Stephan is the patron saint of bricklayers! woohoo!
  18. Bexi

    Bex "sadness" Vent

    O dear, for the last few days I have felt BAD. I have not felt so low in months :( I really hate what depression does to me, I wish I could go back to feeling how I did last week, or the week before, I was feeling so much better! I have had suicidal and self-harming thoughts too :( I wish...
  19. Bexi

    Cool Game

    You guys, this games really fun, i think! Well boundless does too, and Kez xx :) :)
  20. Bexi

    Freakish Accidents?

    Has anyone ever had a freakish accident? 4 years ago I was brushing my hair and accidently brushed my eyeball instead (Clever!) I couldn't open my eye for 3 days, ouch and it made me feel all funny and yukky inside ewwww!