
Heya Bexi!

Things are still pretty shit 2 be honest, but hopefully things can only get better, im surviving anyways :wink:
Hows yourself hun? well i hope?


Well-known member
I'm glad u came back, even for a short while, as lots of ppl here care4u, im ok thank u xx come back when u can tho?


Ta bexi, it feels nice to be back, ive missed all u peep's.And yeah some of the messages of support suprised me, its nice to know a few people actualy care what happens to me.

Things in my life are still a real mess so not sure if i will be about any time soon, but i will defo try and drop in from time to time when/if i get the chance.

Anyways glad things are going okay for you, hope they stay that way.
Anyways got to run off, ta for your words of support bexi there appreciated.

Take care all


Well-known member
Nice to hear from you Dan
I'm sorry things aren't going well for you at the moment...hope they improve soon
Don't forget there's always support here for you if you need it.
Take Care x


Well-known member
i noticed Dan was on earlier, I hope he is doing as good as is possible at moment :)


Thanks Mcshy, bexi and blubs :)

*sends you all a hug (well actualy Mcshy you will have to settle for a manly handshake :wink: ) via internet cos your making him feel welcomed back and for the words of support*


Sos Bexi i didnt mean to ignore you :oops: But only stumbled across your post recently.

Umm to be brutaly honest im not doing well at all,im struggling to stop my drug promblems completley fucking my life up aswell as struggling to deal with this constant depression i have.Oh and to top things off i overdosed recently (not on purpose, the stuff i had was abot 10 times stronger than the usual stuff).. ended up in hospital which means my mum now knows about what im up to.Heh so yeah things arnt looking peachy at the mo..

But ta for asking,its appreciated and i hope you feel better soon as i know you must be pretty down after your breakup :(

Oh and Taws thanks for the mini message you sent me, not sure if you got my reply as my messanger thingy is kinda tempremental at the best times.But anyways thanks


Well-known member
O Shit Dan :( That sounds well crappy, I'm glad you do come on still tho to update us here. I know McShy likes to know how u're getting on. I really hope you can get over your problems xx