Freakish Accidents?


Well-known member
Has anyone ever had a freakish accident? 4 years ago I was brushing my hair and accidently brushed my eyeball instead (Clever!) I couldn't open my eye for 3 days, ouch and it made me feel all funny and yukky inside ewwww!


Well-known member
I know someone who had one recently though - This friend of a cousin fell down off a gutter - what's that 10 cetremeters off the ground, anyway she fell in a way that ended up resulting in a whole lot of gravel impregnating (for want of a better word) a large part of the left side of her face - this gravel imbedded itself to such an extent that she had to be operated on - her Dr's told her she was lucky she didn't lose her left eye. And the fall has now left her with stitches all over the left side of her face.
Good god - imagine falling and then getting up and feeling your face and finding that it is imbedded with gravel - i have had that happen to my knees, but your face - f*#king hell.


Well-known member
Oh dear red :s yes i have had gravel in the leg and hands after a bike accident but not the face :s

Just norm accidents such as,burying a hammer into my head(allways fun)

getting covered from head to toe damn near in red ants(suffered lots of bites)

falling face first into the end of a wooden bed,resulting in a very bad black eye.

someone chasing after me and i stopped turned around and they ran a large water gun into my mouth splitting my gum open,required stitchs(allways fun having stitchs in your mouth)

cracked my head open on a concrete beam(short but sweet)

loads of pushbike related accidents

Theres a selection from my past.


Well-known member
The gravel in my knees was after a bike accident as well! Now i have a nice selection of scars on them - a lovely nickname at school for me was slug knees :roll:

I have had my brother drop a skate board from a second story house on to my foot - resulting in my big toenail eventually falling off.

Again with the brother - he dropped an iron -not hot- on my face and split my lip - i have a scar , but it is not really noticable.

At the front of my old school there were gardens encased in these wooden logs - unknown to me one of them had fallen down and was laying in the path where people walk - splat flat on my face i went as i walked right into and tripped over it - in front of everyone. :oops:

I have fallen over during P.E lessons in front of everyone.

Nothing really major though - don't think i could handle major.


Well-known member
I had a pin (one of those buttin pins) go through my hand between my thumb and index finger. I had many bike related accedents too, scraped a lot of skin off my nee and smacked into a few trees when i was just learning. fell off a wooden fence and on to my back( good thing it was grass) and found it difficult to breath for a little bit.


Well-known member
Wow -- you all have much more .. exciting? accidents than me, in fact I can't really think of any :p yours were amusing to listen to though :D


Well-known member
Aged 6 or 7: So caught up in reading a brochure talking about the history of the neighbourhood that I managed to completely miss the water filled ditch in front of me as I was looking for the site of the 1890's bakery

Aged 8: Having a ride on a seesaw with my father pushing the other end up and down as he talked to his friend, told him I wanted to get off but he obviously didnt hear... as I tried getting off it lifted me in the air and then dropped me breaking my arm

Aged 12: So caught up in worrying about the hiding I had been promised after school I tripped up on the top stair on my way to receive some nerdy award in school assembly >.<

Aged 14: while biking on the main road somehow managed to slip my foot in between the wheel and the bikeframe causing the bike to flip upside down with my foot still jammed


Well-known member
I wouldn't say I've had any freak accidents as such,but I remember a good few years ago when like Bexi,I had quite a nasty accident with my eye :x I don't know how this happened but I used to have this Kung Fu video,because I've always been interested in the martial arts and am a fan of Bruce Lee. Anyway I was copying or trying to copy the Kung Fu moves which was pretty stupid of me I know :roll: When I caught my left eye doing a hand movement,although how I caught it like I did I still don't know :? I caught it so bad I ended up scratching my eyeball out and it was absolute agony :evil: I had to go to the eye hospital and have treatment. They put about Four or five different eye drops and disinfectants in my eye and it really fucking hurt,too! :twisted: The nurse had to tell me to keep still as she put the drops in which made me feel even worse :x Then she gave me a kind of eye X ray to make sure I had scratched my eye. Then afterwards she patched my eye up with a bandage,which I had to wear for a few days until it got better and it was really uncomfortable too. After a few days I was better and had the eye patch taken off. But ever since the accident,my eyesight has never been a hundred per cent and it is still slightly blurry :(


Well-known member
oh my god that is freaky...and sounds painful.
i cant remember much but il never forget smashing my face into a glass table but you guys know about that already.
there was once i was walking home with a freind and he decided to push me into a load of hedges. no big deal but the next month i couldnt walk properly because i had torn the ligaments in my right leg. im not sure what part of my leg it was but it felt like my entire leg had the ligaments torn out.


Well-known member
at the end of year 10 in high school i was in a P.E lesson doin the shot-put, the class were all in a line throwin the shot-puts together. i thru mine and ran up to collect it, so i bend down to grab it but just as my hand touched the ball i felt as massive shock wave got thru my upperbody. a shot-put had hit me on my back, just below my shoulder about 3 inches from my spine. i was in shock for couple seconds was kinda blury, the guy whp thru it ran up to me to see if i was ok, which i was and then the lesson continued with me.



Well-known member
Eww shotputs, gravel, mouth stitches...ewww!!

I've stepped on a pointy plastic candle holder (you know the ones you imbed into birthday cakes) and it went right into my foot. Very painful because they're not particularly sharp.

My lil sis threw a pair of pliers at me, just missing my eye by a centimetre. Had a nice black eye to show for it though.

Those are the only mildly freaky accidents I've had. :)