Search results

  1. Anonymous


    Hi everyone, i am currently undertaking some research at the University of Leeds examining the role of memory in compulsive checking and I am currently looking for participants. It should take no more than 20 minutes, and is entirely online. The URL is;
  2. Anonymous

    Hi all!

    online casino -
  3. Anonymous

    Bullying Stories

    I am looking for stories/poems from people who have sucessfully overcome bullying. I would like to put together a collection of stories to help people who are victims of bullies. Any help would be much appreciated.
  4. Anonymous

    could it be ocd?

    My dr thinks that i may have ocd, and right now im looking into it to see if he is right. Basically I keep having thoughts and images drop into my mind that disturb me. The most problematic at the moment are thoughts and images regarding death. I will sometimes see an image of myself lying...
  5. Anonymous

    My boyfriend

    My boyfriend, for quite a while, has worried about OCD. He says that when he watches a scary movie and such he will try to move the energy by blinking his eyes in a downward motion, when he says "i love you" over the phone he can't look at the TV because it will mean that I love that character...
  6. Anonymous

    suicide teasing

    I became suicidal after someone I knew died. I'm okay now though so don't worry. My counslor told me back then to write out all my feelings so I did. But someone found what I wrote a few days ago and now everyone thinks i'm gay and suicidal (wich I am not!) and everyone is teasing me. what can I...
  7. Anonymous

    I know a kid...

    I know a kid that gets picked on very badly... I feel so terrible and some of my friends do it too. they call him names and everything, but me on the otherhand, I try to stay out of it. The poor kid looks so sad all the time and people are constantly bothering him... is there something I can do...
  8. Anonymous

    bullied badly

    this girl bullies me really bad and no matter what I say, she just continously makes me feel like a complete idiot. once i finaly told someone they talked to her but I think she knows and now I feel evaen MORE like an idiot... what the hell do I do now???
  9. Anonymous


    I don't know if this is a serious forum or not but I need help... I've been looking into seeing a specialist about my OCD. This all dates back in 2002 when burglars tried to break into my house. They turned out to be kids that I used to be friends with who knew about my family keeping some...
  10. Anonymous

    Looking for Therapy online

    Does anyone know of an online therapy group for APD? Does anyone have positive experiences wtih group therapy that they can share? Thanks, Mingi
  11. Anonymous

    And joining his third SA forum in a month is...

    ... someone who gets freaked out by having to interact with people in SA forums... (-paneon)
  12. Anonymous


    :o ugh i'm female and 20 years old and went to college for all of one semester 9 credits.. 3.2 GPA all As and Bs in 3 classes and failed one but it didnt count because it wasnt a class i had to take over it wasnt a requirement.. now i registered for the next semester but never attended one class...
  13. Anonymous

    ocd systoms and getting online support to talk to others

    my name is julie. I have ocd. I am looking to discuss ocd issues that people have here and as well might have some of the things i have. I am one that hast to have things perfect sometimes or i repeat things or i have a hard time letting something go so i obsess about it and then i act...
  14. Anonymous

    Natural ways to cure OCD!

    Check my ocd blog and tell me what you think! my ocd blog
  15. Anonymous


    I don't know what has possessed me to post an introduction on this forum. I am 25 and I am trying to get over my very first breakup. I had only gone on 6 different dates my entire life until I started dating this guy a couple of months ago. I don't know how it even happened. Somehow when he...
  16. Anonymous

    Psychiatrist in Virginia...I need recommendations

    HI, My father is either suffering from OCD, anxiety, one knows, but he has been previously diagnosed with OCD...he lives in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia. Can anyone give any recommendations for doctors or specialists in the area? I am having a very difficult time getting a...
  17. Anonymous

    I Hate the World

    I full of hate and rage. I listen to death metal because it make me feel better. I had a violent childhood, and I dream about taking revenge on the person who caused me so much anguish. The bitterness I have been holding inside is probably visible on the outside. Sometimes I fantasise...
  18. Anonymous


    my partner has ocd and has had it for many years,i am finding this hard to live with.but now over the last couple of months his son is also starting to show signs.i dont know if he has ocd or is just copying what his dad does,the son is 17
  19. Anonymous

    i might have a disorder

    lately i've been feeling really depressed sometimes and other times i feel normal. I feel that everyone i meet dosen't like me, at first if i meet somone i think they do, but its like they grow to dislike me, i dont know. I havn't really been aviodent of people i will aviod the casual situation...
  20. Anonymous

    Recovered SA offers advice..

    I am a 'recovered' social phobic and would be happy to answer any questions you might have :D