Bullying Stories


Well-known member
I am looking for stories/poems from people who have sucessfully overcome bullying. I would like to put together a collection of stories to help people who are victims of bullies. Any help would be much appreciated.
hi i used to be bullied very badly all through primary school and at the beginning of secondary school. and after a year i was seriously depressed and i could take no more. then i made the biggest decision of my life to move school because i am also disabled but not in a wheelchair and i got into the school i wanted. the decision to move schools was one of the hardest decisions of my life and although it was hard i think it was the best decision i have ever made.

at my new school i held nothing back i just said yeah this is me and if you have a problem with that then there is no need to tell me because it is your problem and not mine in any way. i got some hassle and ended up i n a fight (which i didnt start) and i beat up the person who had picked on me and after that no1 touched me because they knew that even though i was disabled if they hit me i would hit them back. when i got verbal abuse i wrote a letter to my teacher saying what was going on and since they were told that they were to leave me alone or else and they did.

i picked my friends very carefully and now i have the most amazing friends ever and we are always there for each other. i am the happiest io have been in my life and people who didnt like me when i joined the school have said they now like me and find my attitude to life really inspirational.


Active member
I was bullied as a kid grades 5 through grade 9. I think it plays a part in my anxiety today (my Dad was a huge factor as well). I used to make up reasons not to go to school, and used to worry about it quite a bit.
The bullying wasn't on a daily basis, and it got less in the latter grades, but, it happened.
When I hit grade 8, I was getting tired of getting picked on, so, I started doing push ups, and got some weights, and focused my energy that way. I got strong fast, and by grade ten, I was one of the strongest kids in the school.
I started to push back, and in grade 11, I shared a class with one of my childhood "friends" who bullied me in grade 8. He was a year older but failed a grade.
I didn't beat him up, but I pushed him around a bit and showed him who was boss.
I ran into another "friend" from grade seven who was a bullying me from grade 5-7. We had some history, it's a long story, but basically he wrecked my car, and wanted me to take the blame.
Since I didn't, he spread the word that I should "watch my back". So when I ran into him, I knew shit was going to go down...
It did, he sucker punched me...so...I broke my fist in his face, and on the top of his head, and he ended up getting stitches on his face. I saw him in the hospital, since we were both in need of medical attention, and I stared him down across the emergency room admissions, to let him know, I got some more...just come and get it!
I still can get anxiety if I feel a fight might break out, and I do my best to prevent violent situations...but I will fight if I have to...


Well-known member
I got beat up a lot, sometimes they would incorporate some type of unforgiving device to bash my head with. Now because of it, I have trouble being friendly and I'm bitter as all hell.

But....I think the bullying has given my motivation to improve upon myself so maybe one day I can afford revenge. 8O



i was bullied nearly all my time in school. i was taunted over my surname and would sometimes suffer racial abuse. i was smaller than most of the kids and felt really depressed.



i was bullied all the time in school i was only 4 foot tall lol and i looked about 9 as result of serious bulling i moved back a whole year of school because of my absence due to hospital visits and counselling when i came back i decide to make a beat the bullies campaign i started working with people who had been bullied in school and persuaded one of the secondry heads of my high school to loan us out a room for break times and dinner times, after helping other studants with the same problems i grew stronger i noticed the bullies moved on and i was able to breath again but that was only for a short while when i was 14 i fell in love with a girl, a girl unknowing to me my friend also wanted as a result of that we where bugged from day one constant fone calls in the end we decided that it would benifit us both if we just split up i was completely fine with it, a week later i was in the libary reading when a boy bust in with a knife and held me at knife point, and said i grabbed his cousin (the girl i went out with) by the arm i ran for my life i managed to get home when my friend called for me he told me he knew what happened and that it wasnt very nice and we should go for a walk, as we approached a bridge he whistled and i was struck by rocks throwen from 12 people, i had to leave my home town and make a new life. im now 5'11 i cant go out but im stronger than i was then, and im really looking forward to starting my homebased study to become a hypnotherapist, i see my bullies around now and again and i laugh because they are either in prison or on the dole, and it serves them right.


jay2k7 its good 2 knw that u haven't let the bullies take over ur life i feel like its too late 4 me n that i have let my life be ruled by them...i can't go out unless i'm with someone as i'm soo afraid that i will be beaten up or taunted by them... but it just shows that u really can get over being bullied.


yeah its not easy im still shakey now and again, but you know every dog has its day keep at it, i started by going out for short walks with family members even if it was up to the shop, which is only up the hill and progressed to walks in town im able to go to the shop on my own but thats about it, ive invested in a some driving lessons so that will get me some more freedom.

remember theres no such thing as failer only feed back