I know a kid...


Well-known member
I know a kid that gets picked on very badly... I feel so terrible and some of my friends do it too. they call him names and everything, but me on the otherhand, I try to stay out of it. The poor kid looks so sad all the time and people are constantly bothering him... is there something I can do to help him without losing my friends???


Well-known member
anonomous said:
I know a kid that gets picked on very badly... I feel so terrible and some of my friends do it too. they call him names and everything, but me on the otherhand, I try to stay out of it. The poor kid looks so sad all the time and people are constantly bothering him... is there something I can do to help him without losing my friends???

How old are are you? I mean if you are 11,12,13 and your friends are then maybe they don't realise the pain they are causing to this kid. To be honest I used to mildly bully a few kids when I was at school. It happens to most people and most people become bully at some point or another. If your friends are 15,16,17 maybe you can tell them to back off this kid and try to put themselves in his shoes. Tell them its not worth it. If they continue to do it they are either stupid or not worth being friends with, though I can understand that you don't want to lose them as friends


Well-known member
Do you really want to be friends with douchebags like them? How would you feel if you just let your "friends" continue to pick on that poor kid, and he ended up committing suicide or something because he couldn't take it anymore? Trust me, it happens. :(


Well-known member
Do you really want to be friend with people who treat other people like that.
Take it from me that by standing by while they do it, it makes you just as bad.
I was bullied constantly and it was always the person standing by doing nothing and looking at me with pity that made me feel worse.
Imagine how you would feel if it were you or how would you feel if he actually went home and killed himself. I can guarentee you that he feels like he wants to just disappear or have a hole in the ground swallow him up. Tell your friends to back off


Well-known member
anonomous said:
I know a kid that gets picked on very badly... I feel so terrible and some of my friends do it too. they call him names and everything, but me on the otherhand, I try to stay out of it. The poor kid looks so sad all the time and people are constantly bothering him... is there something I can do to help him without losing my friends???

Well, i lie in a game so there isnt much i can do to elp myself! but what sort of things are happening to the person you know? id at least like to help other people who are being bullied! although i wont stay alie very long when i get back to the village


Well-known member
anonomous said:
I know a kid that gets picked on very badly... I feel so terrible and some of my friends do it too. they call him names and everything, but me on the otherhand, I try to stay out of it. The poor kid looks so sad all the time and people are constantly bothering him... is there something I can do to help him without losing my friends???

Its golom! Iment to write i live in a game! The village ganged up on me and spent six years boasting about trying to kill myself, made out im a pedofile,a rapest,That ive got every deadly diseise going! That i do delitful things to myself and others! etc etc etc! Peope threaton to stab me and quote! we wont be happy till that thing is dead!

Along with, and i quote

We wont be happy till that things dead!

It ooks like a poof so we are making it pay!

We will stand here as long as it takes to get that freak dead!

etc, etc, etc!

If there is anyone that knows what im talking about! please say so! even if it is enonimouse!

My only talent is using a computer and swimming and i cant even take three steps without being notice! I can be killed anywhere and no one would give a monkey!
Sounds a lot like when I was 14, I had horrific things said and screamed at me. Extremely damaging to your self esteem and self worth. But you can get passed it with time. They're the people with problems, not you.
see if there is any time you can talk to this kid without your frineds here just explain that you are realli sorry about ur friends but u dont want them to hate you but u would like to be friends. i did this with a guy i knew and we are realli good friends now and iditched mi old freinds but now i hasve fantastic mates who would never let me down


Well-known member
Yeah I know the feeling about knowing sum1 being bullied and not knowing what to do, it happens to me evry day, theres this one like year 11(15-16 years old) bullying a year 9(13-14 years old) and im only year 7(11-12 years old) and this year 9 is my m8, he gets bullied all the time cos pplcall him a perv but i dnt think he is and I'm too scared to step in and tell this bullir to back off, and if I tell a teacher a girl i my class who like, finds out EVERYTHING! she'll keep on calling me a goodie-goodie and cos she does that i have barely any friends.
i need help. :oops: :(



Hey your friends are losers! If they have nothing better to do then pick on him you need to take firm action!

So people don't know any better... You have to tell your friends what they are doing... also talk to the kid.

Tell the kid to be more honest! If someone bothers him tell him to tell the people that are bothering that they are hurting his feelings!