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  • I figured as much. I was just trying to take the easy way out inatead of arguing with someone about their percentage of body fab <-- not a typo. You'll get the job. Why would they pick some crinkled old veteran? You should totally turn it down and go for something massive.
    Well good. In that case I hope you don't get that crappy job. Those people don't deserve you. Save your talents for something huge!
    Yeah those were me then. I think a few other members here do videos too. Its really hard to make them, sometimes you dont know what to say. Or there is something you wanna say but cant seem to say it.
    Yeah, the questions were so daft too. They were asking me what my favourite movie was, or what my signature dish is. It was ridiculous. I'm glad to be off it to be honest. I no longer have to travel to their interviews and I would have only made around £150 from now to when my last sick note expires anyway. There's a big question mark over what i'm doing at uni becaue I cannot make decisions, so I can't actually tell you yet lol. I'm all too aware of the graduate unemployment though, so it better be a good decision.
    I noticed your thread btw and i've felt exactly the same. All I have basically are all my cds/dvds, guitar, computer, tv and a few other non essentials. I decorated my room nice and that's about it! I'm trying to aim for a clutter free life, lol.
    They said I was fit for work, but it's funny because they returned the questionnaire and it was basically is my movement and my speech ok. I guess they don't take into account mental factors. But I don't mind now. Maybe I can find a temporary job of some kind to add to my savings, then I go to uni. That's the plan :s
    are you still looking for work at the moment? my benefits have been stopped so I will need to look for some kind of job to make something. either that or uni!
    My birth mother is from Ohio. I have her last name. My birth father was from Michigan and his name was Schumann. That's all I know about him. Maybe that's why I'm into music . . . you know, Robert Schumann.

    I have lived in California almost all of my life.
    sorry about msn last night, I was having a tough time getting my daughter to bed. That's the first time i've ever seen you online!
    I like the smile in your avatar, whether that is you or not. It seems hopeful and beguiling.

    They say I am part Welsh . . . must be my weird eyes.
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