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  • *hugs* things may be ok but suicide should always be taken seriously. It was very commendable that you pm'ed him and it is good he open up to a caring person.
    yea it is. i just hope i ll be able to get rid of it. you should nt feel bad. i aint even tired. if i went to bed now , all id be doing is wrecking my head tryin to sleep. counting sheep dont even work anymore. lol
    lol, thats a word i did nt tink wood be used to describe somthing ive done (positive). this site is brill. i feel like my old self on here (b4 i got SA). its great:) im doing fine atm. just tryin to get myself to go to bed the last 45 mins:rolleyes: my sleeping pattern is a bit screwed up. lol
    hi ya krista, thank you for the addy::eek:: how are u doing ?? (btw, yes i no my responce is very cliche) :rolleyes: i cant tink of anything ellse to say. lol
    Excellent! you would be good at hosting them:) I have a few ideas but I'll send them tomorrow and you can chose.
    Yeah, I have seen the live musical stage performance to that years ago it was pretty good. I would've love to of seen the lion king. :)

    Anyway, do you feel like starting a game thread? You don’t have to and I would but I am going to have to wipe my computer it has a virus.

    I will tell you tomorrow what the thread is, if you feel like doing it.
    But don't worry if you don't want to:)
    that would be interesting;), What movie would you want to live in though?:)
    Yeah, just counting the days until troy gets here:) but other than that nothing overly eventful happening.
    Thanks for the compliment on the picture. I actually wish I had a newer one to show as that one now is nearly a year old and things have changed some and yeah things are still progressing quite well, although I am now not only focused on fitness but becoming a better person socially and personality wise as well.

    As for you, nice picture :O. vaaary varrry pretty(not a creeper btw :D LOOOOL)
    No, but really. Nice picture. Too bad it's so small though hahaha.

    You has good day K?

    Yep you were right, that drink is awesome!
    I hate that mini messenger. What did you read and I'll tell you?
    "We shall see" said the blind man, we shall see lol.
    The way you keep talking about cherry limeades makes me wonder what I'm missing. I think I might try one tomorrow.
    Yep,:) Hope you have a good rest of the night and I like your thread idea:D
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