Mild, Average, Severe SA?

Hi, What does this meaN?

I have very hard time dealing with sa. Does this mean i have severe sa? cuz mild seems a little to me?

I don't understand these terms.

Well. i'm just curius lol ^_^

Oh and what kind of sa do u have then ? ^^


Well-known member
It's rarely that black-and-white. Social anxiety can manifest itself in many ways and it might be severe on one aspect and less severe on a different aspect.

For example, a person might be scared of public places, but have no problems speaking to friends. For another person with anxiety, it may be the other way around.


Well-known member
Normally severe SA, but lately I'm noticing that I'm not that nervous anymore around ppl or when ppl expect things from me. I'll go with average.. for now.


Well-known member
Severe to me, I would consider to be someone is debilitated by it. Who has become reclusive, a social hermit, etc. I'd say that my SA has greatly been reduced in the last year and mine would be a mild case now :)


Well-known member
Definitelly not mild. Now I'm not sure should I say average or severe because there are much more things that I can't do, then what I can do. And that things I can do..there is always anxiety present and even small panic attacs so..