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  • Aye i am tbh =D will be gud to get away from shitty people from school, shitty teachers that didn't really care tbh. and i get wednesdays off! woop. =D xx
    Ah i dunno. i wish i'd had sum drink now lol..or stay up rli late cos sundays really are shxt :L
    so probs wont be doin anything n sleep in hopefullyy, are youu doin anythin?x
    Lol kool [: i usually have a wee look in la senza, fred perry shop, primark, republic..n look round most of the others oh aye..jane norman [: best shop atm tbh, got a stunnin pink bag <3 lol..i'm just watchin a thing on the iplayer the now :L these lassies from manchester that are havin kids :L then maybe just goin 2 bed xx
    Aye i hate edinburgh tbh, theres fxck all shops to go in ]: their wee h&m is shxt lol..and not much else there tbh, so usually go to glasgow or livi. x
    Aye you do have a nice face =D cute..even tho thats not the right word probably :L
    Havnt done anythin at all really, met up with girl from skool a few times n just been goin shoppin n lazin about, you done anythin gud? surely better than ma summer has been =p x
    Lol na. never thought about doin fashion really, or hairdressin/beauty or any of that kinda stuff, just don't think that's what i wanna do. ma guidance teacher tried to get me into the idea of doin photography cos i did art but went off the idea =/ tbh i'd rather make sure i get the grades jst now then think about what i wana do..avoidin thinkin about it till th last min is wat i always do xD xx
    Aye same, was pissin dwn. it's arite the now, hope the sun shines tomorra =D
    coz it is the summer like :L wud expect sun..;o if this wasn't scotland ]:
    Well i'm taking english, psychology (Lol), history, maths & i'm gonna see if i'm allowed to self teach somethin else. Been lookin at sociology/social studies stuff on the uni sites, seems like the only thing i'm kinda interested in. Used to do art & music but dropped them cos i'm more into the social hope i do ok anyway.xx
    i just have sa lol. Sorry you have all of them ]:
    Arite that sounded a bit odd but yh ! Tryin to get over this, ppl don't ever like the quiet ones lol.xx
    Grr am bored. I'm nt up to anythin lol, will probly go to bed in a wee wtf, bed at this time ;o
    Damn lack of life ]=
    No problem and no it's not rude to ask. I'm in Buckingham since June, see I'm Canadian and moved here. n_n'
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