Recent content by Raichel

  1. R

    Do you ever experience anxiety while having conversations online?

    I do. In fact, I've only just gotten back to my computer after having spent a good 30 minutes trying to regain my composure in the bathroom. I feel pretty silly for having a panic attack in the comfort and safety of my own house. The thing that caused it was pretty stupid as well. I was playing...
  2. R

    Post what you cannot say

    I wish I could hibernate in a cave on a deserted island for the coming two months. I just want to be alone for awhile. Go somewhere nice and quiet. Don't want anyone to see my face.
  3. R

    Thoughts on women wearing perfume

    Hi. Uhm. So lately I've been wearing perfume nearly every day and even though I myself love the scents of it, wearing it in public makes me feel slightly anxious. I worry that some people might be annoyed by it or find it inappropriate for someone my age or maybe they're allergic and I'm...
  4. R

    What do you live for?

    How are you able to keep going on after having been through a lot of ****? What motivates you to keep on fighting? Why don't you give up? What do you live for?
  5. R

    Is this depression ever gonna end?

    Let's say I would: 1) Work out on a daily basis. 2) Maintain a healthy diet (limited alcohol, no smoking, plenty of fruits and veggies, etc.) 3) Take good care of my appearance and personal hygiene. 4) Quit gaming and spending endless hours on the internet as a way of 'coping' with reality...
  6. R

    Binge eating

    I was wondering if anyone else here has developed eating disorders / unhealthy eating patterns as a result of SA? Usually when I feel anxious, sad or disappointed, sometimes even when I'm happy, I eat excessive amounts of food. I'm not even hungry, I just eat because it's a way of comfort...
  7. R

    I don't want to finish high school

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