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  • Same as before. How about you?
    I was wondering if you still play Scrabble. I know you are like the master of it and I know I'm not good at it but I felt like playing.
    Don't feel so bad Psyche, alright? It takes years of being corny and unfunny to master the deadly art that is pun-fu:rolleyes:. And what kind of games do you like?
    woohooz :3 I see you're in california too, so that helps. maybe we're neighbors? I can see magic mountain from my backyard, can you?
    Well it turns out I've had a stroke of creativity, and I'm coming up with some things of my own. Lol, it's just so frustrating being a 24 year old male and trying to be creative with a market full of middle-aged women, as it seems carved stones usually end up in gardens and what not. I sold as much stuff as I could handle making on over Christmas, but since then it's been pretty sloww going...
    You're "board". "Wood" you like to play a game::p:? As for me, my allergies are wreaking havoc, but I'm fine otherwise.
    Dayum ur still around? I can't keep returning on a regular basis lol... My mind goes off on too many tangents and I end up coming back every few months. I'm looking for inspiration for my stone carving currently, lol, and I know you're good for some positive influence, so hit me up and lets have a talk. I got this exhibit coming up and I'm hitting a wall.... Haha I need some help digging through the depths of my creativity, so if you're down for that, let me know. Peace Psych. Your buddy, PosionedLollies ....lmao...... whoa i almost said somethin i shouldn't have :p...
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