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  • Yeah I know, exercise or at least daily walks help a lot, if you can make yourself to do that :) Also CBT/journalling (again, if I remember to do it) and sometimes EFT/TAT.. Sometimes life circumstances can need changes too.. Like I read online of a guy who was totally depressed and then changed jobs and was then happy?? (He was finally doing something he liked...?) It can also be about a place of living etc. Living with my parents has been stressful, I was happier before.. If it's because of some bad news or bad events, sometimes time is the best healer, yup..
    How can you be depressed when you have that cute squirrel? :)
    Some tips in the Zest for Life thread too.. and my many many posts :)
    (Have you actually tried any of that?)
    Maybe you didn't ask the right question? :) Or I didn't know what to answer?
    I looked at some of your old threads - you were a bit of a Coyote back then (meaning funny comedy guy :)) had to LOL at some of your posts & threads.. you do seem more solemn these days.. Is it because of the harsh moderating duties? :)
    PS#1 I still don't know what exactly you'd like to hear from me :)
    PS#2 You think there's anything up my brain? o_O
    Well, knowing why you ask can maybe help me answer better/more in a way of what you'd like to hear.. Would you like to learn to talk to people more or to want to talk to people more? Or (this will sound very silly) to care? :) (About people and posting, and other things?) Not sure if I can teach you this, there may be good books and workshops and such, maybe therapists/counsellors - or Coyote with a hug? :)
    It sounds silly but presence of people can sort of 'melt' resistence too I guess (I wrote about someone who said just living with us women changed him..) Did you get to read the reply in your thread?
    Hm, well, partly it's nice to explore myself.. I like thinking about things sometimes.. at times it was a bit exasperating lol, like 'haven't I told him yet?' :) 'What more does he want?' :) gave you so many reasons, and you still didn't seem 'satisfied'.. I just have more reasons to post (at the time) than not to, I guess.. almost did stop posting at a time (and then was asked to be a mod - not sure if I can say this publicly? so I kinda came back/stayed on) been on some other forums, 'fully explored them' and moved on.. still go back occasionally, not so often.. sometimes thought I researched all on SA/OCD&such too, and thought to move on, then a socially-anxious situation happens, &I get driven back here to relax ha ha... I feel more 'normal' among people who understand, or may be worse off, at the time (so I see how far I've come).. or may be hope that it's possible to get better.. kinda exploratory interactive research.. if I just observed, I couldn't learn so much..
    Hm, I may have some co-dependent characteristics.. one of the signs is 'being addicted' to giving advice or such.. :) don't have all characteristics listed there, & can relate to many healthier thoughts and activities too.. (sometimes it's just an 'escape' to come here & get distracted/fascinated/puzzled or connected to others..)
    And sorry for the question - it was kinda rhetorical, wasn't expecting an answer, it was just way too late at night for me to post anyway, I rephrased it now..
    Anyway, I think I've given you soo many reasons now already. How come you are interested in this anyway? And how come you keep asking me questions? :) if you're not interested to comment elsewhere? (It seems you've asked others similar things, not sure - it seems one or two answers from them were enough? :))
    I'm not sure if you're genuinely interested or just teasin' me lol! (&I complicate by answering verbosely instead of zen joking?? Damn, my brain works too much sometimes! Or too little?? :))
    Ohh, sorry! I'll edit it out.. I just wanted to explain. Maybe I'll rephrase: I've felt miserable in the past, so that's part of why I do it - I don't want for people to have to go through something like that alone..
    PS Thanks for stickying that cool thread! :)
    I'd like to get to zen immediately (&admire people who do), it doesn't work for me that way, unless I really understand something &deeply know the subject... if answers are easy, not complex.. :) more complex questions/situations> longer &more complex answers can stms be better.. Does this clarify it a bit?
    ha ha It depends... I do (usually) think beforehand (while reading already, I read really fast), and think while I type.. & after I've typed it (stms/often edit a bit), stms after I've written/talked to others I get insights &understand things differently/better.. kinda expanding your mind.. looking from a different perspective, gaining distance.. 1st you were on ground floor, then from 3rd floor or from a plane..

    vague emotions>'blob' of feelings and random stuff ('my situation/thinking/experience')>more clarified verbose 'thinking/writing'> more clarified 'shorter' thinking/writing ('so others experienced this too/social/universal/global problems then)> zen-like 'wisdom' (ideally:short posts/answers)
    he he I've been accused of being verbose before :) I think it's good for novel-writing though? :) (If only I had the motivation again...!) I think through writing.. sometimes I need to write it or read & talk about it to know what I'm thinking.. :)
    Oh, and my mom is always/usually full of advice too so maybe it's genetic?? :)
    /sometimes she overdoes it, I try to stay away from that.. though may not always succeed../ They both help with local church/charity, etc. I've helped classmates with maths, or neighbours' kids too.. It just seems like a normal thing to do, to help if you can.. (sometimes I may get a bit carried away tho, I admit!)
    Helping others is highly valued in my culture/surroundings/upbringing.. Dad and neighbours always help out one another, and I was brought up Catholic.. In old times, people in villages always helped one another build houses/barns etc.
    Also: think of it as 'snowflake' model - one snowflake after another, soon you may have a hill of snow, maybe avalanche, or at least cool snowman/igloo - just because of one snowflake! (at a time)
    People need to hear things 5-7 times at least, even if I just say a little bit about more natural ways, it's still promoting healthier and more eco-friendly life for us all, which is really important to me.. (I want us all to be healthy!! :))
    They can then look things up themselves... Or look at it as throwing pebbles - may only cause small circles in the lake/ocean, or bigger.. maybe you can build a 'mountain' from pebbles.. Someone said, 'If I helped one person, I've done a lot'.. now imagine people you've helped then helping other people, etc!
    Or maybe stms it's just procrastination from doing other things. :) Many factors, I guess... Like in everything..
    Oh, &I'm Aries. Lots of passion for random things like that. Especially the ones I don't have to do at all!! :)
    Also, sorry to hear you think my posts have little or no substance... Didn't know 'substance' was required to post on these boards? :)
    Sometimes people seem to be very worried or upset about something, and I try to post anyway, even if I don't know really what to say.. because I know that even just having someone to listen and comment can sometimes help a lot.. (it has helped me in the past too..) Especially if no one or very few people commented on that thread. I can type and think fast, sometimes... I'm not copy-pasting lol!
    Only a few people have complained about my posts so far, much more said they were inspired or happy to hear from me so, hm?.. I'm not perfect and I sometimes have bad days too.. Do you think it would be better if I posted less or in a different way? I've thought about maybe only posting when I'm 'cheerful' but then again this 'is' a support board, no? Other people sometimes repeat themselves too or post things that may not have much 'substance', so hm?
    Ahh.. so that's where my novel-writing drive went?! ;)
    Anyway, I'm older and wiser? ;) I do seem to have had some OCD, maybe it happens in forum posting too? :) Sometimes I can post in-depth posts and sometimes I just post short things, to maybe give others a different perspective.. (some people love the long posts and some have complained about too long posts lol) I was worrying about posting too many similar posts recently, maybe that's what bothered you too - but some people only read their own topic and not others.. And so many topics seem to be about the same things anyway, it's difficult to give wildly different advice? Sorry if any of my posts bother you.. some people seem to hate'em while some have advised me to look for a job where I'd give advice as it can be so helpful? so - lol
    When I'm upset I try to distract myself & stms end up here, commenting seems more healthy than alcohol?
    I do try to limit my time here so I hope you won't have too many troubles with my posts..
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