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  • Hey, thanks :) There are lots of things that make me happy, I'm just worried about... the other things. Haha. But who isn't, I guess.

    Thanks I appreciate it, I hope you're well!
    Like I said on page 2, that wasn't what I meant by the comment. Good to meet you, by the way.
    Hello Mikey!!:) Hope you are ok atm? I know what you mean about finding it hard to resist the smells from fast food places and all the yummy chocolates on display at the supermarkets. Yummy food is my comfort when depressed too. I find distraction with a favourite activity can sometimes help.
    I'm so glad to see you're back and even more glad to know that you're okay. :)
    Well I've been uh pretty average really. I'm having a good time at uni, I'm trying to face my social fears and I've made some friends as well. Also loving my course so far. The settling in isn't going so well though since me and my roommate can't seem to be able to even get along with each other.
    Sorry for the late reply. I don't think your a dull person, as I see made many friends here in the forum and you are really liked here. Maybe you just need a little confidence boost or something...
    When you cook you have to do this!!

    Thanks, unfortunately I'm much more of a pessimist, a negative person, that's why I dont't have friends, just some buddies, I wouldn't say that I would back off from social situations when I'm already in them, I don't mind talking to people, this might be weird, but sometimes I just cannot believe that I'm actually interacting with someone, thus I forget what he/she is saying.
    Overall I got a fear that people would think that I'm just a dull person and realize that I'm a late bloomer.
    What do you think? You a bit similiar to me?
    Hello! Thanks for the friend request! I just wanted to say that all in all you seem like a great person to me, though you have social problems I see you made lots of progress, I really envy you and all.
    I know, I ask the same thing. In the moment things are cloudy, so you have to dig through to find a little a bit of sunshine. Ugh "digging" gets tired. I don't even know of my metaphors make sense. ::p:

    That is awesome! :)
    I was wondering since you're into metal.
    TBH, I only listen to a few bands and I happen to really like their music,
    so I am trying to get into more.

    You know I will not ignore you Mikey,
    I made a promise that I will stick to
    and you're a great person to talk to. :D
    :) I'm into metal too, but the tempo is too fast right now because I want to run away to relax. Who is your favorite band of all time?

    That is good, I am seeing mines tomorrow too. Hoping that I can start group therapy sometime soon. I hope your appointment goes well. Oh yea it sucks being in a funk, I'm sure you will get better too. Although I sympathize because I understand what it feels like to want to kick dirt all the way to New Mexico.
    Hi, Mikey. Sorry you feel so sad, I feel for you. I was wondering what makes you happy? Besides chocolate :p. When I'm sad I listen to relaxing music to pretend I am on a beach or in a jungle with a live violinists playing me to sleep. What makes you feel better? Just trying to help, don't want you to feel so sad, get better.
    Well that wasnt what I was thinking, but thats actually not a bad idea. Perhaps when I get my amp fixed we could write a song...like a SPW anthem or something. I only asked just because I really enjoy drum covers - thought it would be cool.... we are into different kinds of music though, so not sure how much enjoyment you would get LOL :)
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