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  • Ohh. I'm interested now actually.. Was it just some person trying to get a reaction out of people or what?
    And yeah, exactly. And the fact that I have no early classes. :D
    Everything alright? I can help, if you want.

    But college is alright I guess.
    I have Abnormal behavior T/Th from 11-12
    Gov T/Th from 7-9:45pm
    And academic planning W from 4 -6:50
    Academic Planning and Gov are half semester classes, so my schedule shifts sometime in October..
    So far I havent really met anyone new besides this asian guy from academic planning. Its just turning out to be a less tense version of hs
    Sorry I havent been responding much, we had to lend the laptop to a family friend since they just got back from their trip and were looking for a house. But we got it back yesterday.
    Anyway, did you start college or whatever yet? Mine started last tuesday... I'm pretty content with my schedule :D
    I know exactly what you mean when it comes to the opposite sex when I notice girls staring at me or if they flirt with me I'm thrown off sometimes because Im wondering is this girl actually interested in me? Lol
    Yes, do! Apart from being fun it's also totally anti-social, meaning that any neighbours who might have engaged in small-talk with me instead glare and walk on by - win win! :D
    Thank you! I appreciate that you bothered to go on it in the first place :) haha I'll hopefully do some more soon coz it's pretty fun :D
    Waste of time, never. To the point, sometimes that is what we must do. Don't always leave out the small or the unnecessary. I'm always, mostly to the point which has a rather large pitfall when conversing is desired.

    You're reply is perfect. You are quite welcome. Hope you will continue to, and always, speak your mind.:)
    I love weather... period. I wanted to be a stormchaser till my kids came along. Tornadoes, severe thunderstoms, thunder, lightning... I love it all..
    Hi, no problem! It's easy for people like us to have a distorted image of ourselves, no one is perfect! I guess we sa people tend to have low self esteem and body-dysmporphia. Some days i hate looking in the mirror.
    There were a list of like art classes that were all full
    and then there was "Drawing Heads and Hands" with like... 40 open seats. I was like uh... I'll pass until next semester :p
    But yeah. I want to goto a university in tustin. I have 2 more years to decide so woohoo
    Yeah. I'm Majoring in Psych, and (trying xD) to minor in drawing/art. The only art classes that were open were some medieval art history class (bleh) and a class called "drawings heads and hands".
    I'm just taking a bunch of classes my sister recommended, this semester, I'll actually be on time next semester so then I'll take classes that actually will help me
    Woahh, really? My sister is going there this year. Are you far from Fullerton?
    And I know what you mean D: I found out I was going to college kinda late in the summer, so all the classes I wanted were full, so I'm taking a bunch of fillers and stuff this semester.
    Both can be equally painful. From self experience, though, it is having said something and wishing what was said was not said. Opposed to having something to say and not saying it.

    Say something and risk downward glares o.0
    Say nothing and all you risk is having not said anything. In the end what is to happen will happen.
    Try to think before speak. Just not possible in today's fast pace life. Hardly does it afford one the appropriate time to think then speak.
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