Recent content by jessica41481

  1. jessica41481

    something i found out about hypoglocymia and panic attack

    To treat panic syndrome, I first get my patients to cut out coffee, tea, and cola drinks and start a stress reduction program. I do a glucose tolerance test to check blood sugar levels and how they vary in response to eating. I sometimes measure blood levels of adrenaline. Sometimes there is a...
  2. jessica41481

    panic disorders and hypoglycemia?

    i read somewhere on the web that people who have panic disorders can develope hypoglycemia. well.....before i knew this, my sugar levels have been low and i had a few attacks, one which landed me in the ER once again! they ran a number of tests on me, and ofcourse nothing. so i have to get a...
  3. jessica41481

    anyone tried Pravastatin?

    my doctor today just prescribed me Pravastatin to take with my fluoxetine. I wanted Zoloft but didnt have the money. I still waiting for my health coverage to go through. but i read that Pravastatin is also used to prevent heart attacks, high cholestoral and other stuff. anyhoo, if you've...
  4. jessica41481

    sometimes talking smack to my anxiety calms me down

    just had a panic attack. so i was writing this while in the middle of having a panic attack. my parents left the house and im alone. and it happens right then. could breath. but this worked. it took about 15 mins. i am now relaxed. you dont have to read the entire page, but just get the idea...
  5. jessica41481

    enlarged pupils from panic attack? is that normal

    i had a panic attack last night and my pupils were enlarged in both eyes. i took. and my heart was racing. is this normal to happen?
  6. jessica41481

    another panic attack? where does it end? lol

    well, last friday, i ended up in urgent care, cause i felt like my heart wanted to stop beating. i also have a sinus infection, which is why my eyes are swollen. anyhoo, on my way to urgent care, my mouth becomes completely dry and i couldnt swallow. it freaked me out. i ended up drinking about...
  7. jessica41481

    panic attacks could be signs of a thyroid problem

    so today i had the worst panic attack. my heart would stop, slow down and pound real heavy, and i had a strong sensation all across my arm and go right up my neck. so i went into urgent care, and ofcourse my EKG came up negative. But then i told my doctor last night about how my eyes were...
  8. jessica41481

    i guess i have new symptoms

    so today i had body aches and tonight i have the shakes. i actually think it is the worst feeling in the world, combined with sweating. its so uncomfortable. now im thinking how do i get rid of it or deal with it! any advice? for some reason at night i assume i get the shakes, and when i wake...
  9. jessica41481

    i hope this helps anyone! cause it helped me!

    well i figured i would share this with everyone out there. not that we all have the same type of problems but.. i dont know. so after struggling with anxiety and panic attacks everyday i just couldnt take it anymore. but i did a lot of thinking and i got to the root of my problems. my worst...
  10. jessica41481

    wierd sensation on my head and cheeks/ numbness?

    today i was begining to feel like my normal self. then i started to get this wierd pressure sensation in my head. and like wierd numbness. now are these like sides affects after having your first panic attack? like is this all part of what happens to a person. i almost feel like once you have a...
  11. jessica41481

    can panic attacks come differently each time

    so far its been nearly 2 weeks since my first attack. and i had a few more that were as bad, but they all have been different. i recall one that happened last saturday where it felt like my blood pressure just dropped, and my legs wanted to give out, i went and ate a bagel, me thinking, oh crap...
  12. jessica41481

    stinging zaps. thats what i call them what the heck!

    between stinkin allergy season in arizona and these stupid stinging zaps that i feel in my body its annoying. sometimes i even feel the muscles in my body twitch, im like what the heck is that? at some point people on here will get sick of me. i am soooo new to this! its only been less then 2...
  13. jessica41481

    can panic attacks make you feel like you cant breathe?

    can panic attacks make you feel like you can't breathe even if you don't feel anxious? i mean since this is all new to me. can it come in different ways? i thought i was having an asthma attack. the last time i had an asthma attack i was 12. im thinking that maybe i should go to the doctor...
  14. jessica41481

    can anxiety make your heart pound all day even with meds?

    i was just wondering since im new to this whole panic attack and anxiety thing. but i already had an EKG checked on my heart and other stuff. blood work, my lungs, and i am perfectly healthy. but my question is, is it normal to have a slightly faster heart race everyday or slighter pounding that...
  15. jessica41481

    my social anxiety is not as bad as it use to be

    my social anxiety started to go away once i really got to a point where i just got tired of being alone. i noticed my whole life that i always worried what people would think. and i would let their opinions affect my perception of myself. i think i had to come to a point and say that i know...