something i found out about hypoglocymia and panic attack


Active member
To treat panic syndrome, I first get my patients to cut out coffee, tea, and cola drinks and start a stress reduction program. I do a glucose tolerance test to check blood sugar levels and how they vary in response to eating. I sometimes measure blood levels of adrenaline. Sometimes there is a tremendous outpouring of adrenaline, precisely where blood sugar levels bottom out, and this is when patients have the symptoms of panic attack. It’s normal for the body to release stimulating hormones like adrenaline when blood sugar is low — this prevents fainting and a dangerous drop in blood pressure.

Adrenal fatigue can also cause low blood sugar or hypoglycemia, so eliminating all sugars from your diet will help tremendously. Instead of three meals a day eat five to six smaller meals or snacks throughout the day to keep your blood sugar balanced and you will feel better. Make sure these snacks are healthy foods with an equal ratio of fats, proteins and complex carbs.

You will do much better on a high protein diet along with healthy sources of saturated fats such as butter, coconut oil, and olive oil. Eliminate or reduce the amount of coffee you drink as it stimulates the adrenals and can cause further stress. For the same reason also avoid chocolate.

If you find yourself in the middle of a panic attack, here are some tips to help you get through it.

First thing you need to do, believe it or not, is relax. Sit down or lay down immediately. Begin to breath in very slowly and then exhale very slowly. Tell yourself that everything is alright. I thought this sounded so simplistic the first time I heard it, but it works. If you respond to the panic attack you begin to fuel the attack and make it worse.

As most panic attacks are caused by a dive in blood sugar you should then drink a glass or two of diluted fruit juice (all fruit no sugar). This will quickly bring your blood sugar back up to normal and you'll feel a lot better. Eat something after the juice that has a combination of protein, fat and complex carbs. This will make sure that your blood sugar will not drop again right away.

I have found that supporting my adrenal glands with the above supplements, herbs and diet has stopped my panic attacks completely and has improved my anxiety greatly. I'm enjoying how calm I feel and I'm loving it.

i will find the link, if you want to read more!


Please provide more information! This is the most informative thread I've come across. Thank you!

I would really like to know specific foods that should be eaten.


New member
I've had hypoglycemia for 28 years.

eating small meals and cutting out coffee
is important. as far as specific foods are
concerned stay away from white flour and
processed sugar.

get plenty of fiber, and eat nuts seeds
lean fish meats and cheeses, eggs green

eat spouted grain bread(not flour) you
can find this at a health food store.

also avocados are superb food

There are many more but this will get you started!


That's definitely interesting. When I had panic attacks I stopped drinking coffee and found that helped out quite a bit. My counselor also recommended I take a look into my diet.

I did some minor diet modifications, such as reducing the amount of refined sugar I had in my diet, and especially eliminating caffeine from my diet. I think that of everything, reducing the amount of caffeine in my diet was most helpful. However, I never did check if I was hypoglycemic...

I would imagine that my doctor probably looked into that as a possibility. I'll have to ask him the next time I see him. Interesting thread!


Well-known member
I posted something about Pyroluria, is basically a deficiency in B6 and Zinc that can caused a person to be depressed.(there is even a test for it). While researching i believe i came accrossed HYPOGLOCYMIA but never really looked into it. So, good job at posting this stuff up.