i hope this helps anyone! cause it helped me!


Active member
well i figured i would share this with everyone out there. not that we all have the same type of problems but.. i dont know.

so after struggling with anxiety and panic attacks everyday i just couldnt take it anymore. but i did a lot of thinking and i got to the root of my problems. my worst fears. i think my biggest fears are losing the people in my family that i love who are having health problems, or me just losing myself. for some reason i guess like everyone else, who is probably on here, i always think that i am going to miss out on everything great in life. Or i feel like i already have missed out!

so saturday, i was fed up and i treated my anxiety like it was some sort of monster trying to bring me down. and so i figured instead of trying to prevent my attacks from happening ( and trying to relax), this time i will let it, and tell my attacks to do whatever the heck it wanted. cause tryign to resist them, at least to me, is hard.

and then something interesting happened. i mean i woke up that morning to my body having the shakes cause i assume i had panic attacks in my sleep, and sometimes my nerves go crazy lol. but after telling my anxiety to attack and do what it wanted, about an hour later, my symptoms cleared up. and i spent my entire saturday anxiety free.

not that it went away forever, because when i got home, i became anxious again, because i knew bedtime was coming and it would be difficult. but... still, as i was laying in bed i told my anxiety to attack, whenever i felt it try to. and then it didnt. Now i did not have any anxiety that whole night, but i still didnt sleep because i had a lot on my mind. im going through a lot of changes in life.

anyway, it is now monday night, and my anxiety was sooo mild today. i actually think that my biggest problem really isnt this anxiety issue. its actually the things in my life that are causing them. such as my fears and the things i worry about. today i was just getting wierd sensations on my head which was kind of annoying, but as i changed my mood it went away. tonight my arms are trying to go numb, and they are tingling like little needles but im like, (i could care less) im getting use to this already, and the past few days have been so great, that it doesnt even matter.

so there you have it! I will live my life as happy as possible with people i love, even with this beast called anxiety on my back!

i hope everyone out in the social phobia world is doing better then me! good night and god bless!


Well-known member

Intresting post. I think the medical term for what you are telling us jessica41481 is called exposer therapy. You know the method where you imerse your self into the feared situation or at least pretend that you are going to do the thing that cause you anxiety.

I too have notice that the fear of getting an anxiety attack many times is worst than the actual feared situation. Its like try too hard to pridict things or trying to hard to read what someone else might be thinking.

The perfect example is when you go to the first day of school or work and they would go around the room and make everone introduce them selves. The build up before my turn was far worst than the part where I was telling the whole room about my self.