panic attacks could be signs of a thyroid problem


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so today i had the worst panic attack. my heart would stop, slow down and pound real heavy, and i had a strong sensation all across my arm and go right up my neck.

so i went into urgent care, and ofcourse my EKG came up negative. But then i told my doctor last night about how my eyes were puffy and i thought that maybe they were swollen because of my sinuses. and i also had extreme dry mouth. she said it is signs of anxiety, or a thyroid problem.

so for any of you who are new to experiencing panic attacks, i sussgest you get your thyroid checked out just in case.

say a prayer for me. i have to wait 2 days till i get my results. im only hoping that a thyroid problem wont kill me while im waiting for my test. haha im just paranoid. ok well take care everyone!


Active member

i feel very scared to go to sleep tonight. i will be praying extra hard too. im wondering if anyone knows anything about thyroid problems? i think my fear is that, since today panic attack or wahtever it was, was soo bad, that i thougth i was going to die, i cant even imagine if it happens in my sleep. like what if i dont wake up? like what if my heart just stops? is that possible? i have no clue!

should i be freakin out like this., i mean i am saved and i do folllow christ, but still, im scared.

my eyes are getting sleepy and i m fighting it. and im on a new anxiety pill that feels great. but im still freaked, i keep checking my pulse like every 10 minutes. my family is soo done with me now. its starting to drive them nuts.
you sound so much like myself. It is all very normal to feel these things. I just hope now i dont have a thyroid problem. hehe Well it sounds to me like a panic attack. My mouth always gets very dry and I feel like i really am going to die, or my heart will just stop any second, or i might just disapear (crazy things like this), and my heart will race so fast. I hav done the check the heart thing. Still do, but use to do it real bad. And I will sometimes feel like I am loosing my mind and it is horrible but I am trying to overcome this. When you start to feel weird, try to not get all upset about it because it only makes you freak out more. But even if you do freak out and get all in a mess, just remember that you will not die from a panic attack and it will be over adventually. Make sure you are always breathing correctly. And try and think positive about everything. I hate that you are going through this but things will get better for you. I know it is very scary but you have to be strong. You sound lik eyou are handling it okay because when I first started having panic attacks, I barely talked to anyone and much less got online to talk about it. For so long I did not know what was happening to me and was afraid to tell anyone. I was scared as hell. When I have panic attacks, they are the most scariest things ever. But they will get better. I will keep you in my prayers. I am sure your thyroid results will come back fine. Try not to worry!
I'm sorry to hear all that. I actually just got diagnosed hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) myself this past week, so I've been staying up late quite a bit trying to learn about it. Obviously there can be many symptoms that cause the panic attacks, but it could very possibly be linked to hyperactive thyroid. The common symptoms are anxiety, heart racing, insomnia, and unexplained weight loss. One of the most common causes of it called Graves Disease. If you Google that I'm sure you'll find plenty of information on it. One of the notable signs of it, is that your eyes can start to protrude, and you mentioned having "puffy eyes". A blood test will confirm if you do have hyperactive thyroid.

Here's the good news , if your panic attacks are related to thyroid , it is VERY treatable; you won't die from it as long as you get treatment. They will either give you medication or radioactive iodine to destroy the thyroid. I know that sounds kind of scary, but it's actually very safe, and you don't need your thyroid, because you can just take pills to replace the thyroid hormone. Basically , it'll just like having to take a vitamin every morning, it won't stop or effect you from a leading a normal life. If your problems are linked to thyroid, you'll start feeling much better once you get treatment, and your panic attacks will most likely stop.

I hope everything works out well for you.


Active member
no thyroid problem

well my test came back negative! good lord. but someting else in my blood was a little high. im not sure what they are called "plates" ? i have no clue. anyhoo, it was slightly high, nothing to get scared about. but if it goes any higher by next month then i have a problem. i think it could cause blood clots. oh well. if its not one thing. then its another. sorry if i scared anyone about thyroid. but it is true. there were plenty of people who thought they were having panic attacks, but instead had a thyroid problem. but no, i have a panic disorder.