Ah yeah I thought a fife was probably some kind of wood wind instrument lol Do you play any Billy Joel or Elton John? Do you like the piano? I love the sound and even the look of pianos. I played the piano with this girl (well, mainly she played and I listened in awe) at a social anxiety meet-up group recently, it was a magical moment and so unexpected - who would've thought two people with SA would be playing the piano at The Pancake Kitchen of all places!
Cool. I play guitar, I used to play the keyboard a little - just little bits and pieces, I used to love playing the intro to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. What do you like to play? Oh and what's a fife?
Oh Physics !! Have to use allot of that in chemistry too, I also study Earth sciences.
I want to find alterative green methods, to replace all the poisons we create.