Recent content by Emma03

  1. Emma03

    online dating

    I was wondering if anybody has had luck with an online dating site? I decided to give it a shot since I think it's hard to meet people (even without SA, but especially with SA). I'm not really happy with it so far. It seems like people are eager to exchange phone numbers and meet right away...
  2. Emma03

    Hi Everybody

    Hello :) I haven't been on SPW in about a year...I just remember everybody being very supportive and I feel like I could really use that right now. I feel very lucky this forum exists and want to thank everybody in advance!
  3. Emma03

    Childhood and SA

    I was just wondering if anybody feels the way they were raised as a child has contributed to their social anxiety? My parents have been divorced since I was very young and instead of doing normal "kid stuff", I was always at my dad's on the weekends and never was able to develop good...
  4. Emma03

    Does anybody feel like this?

    Does anybody ever feel that when they hang out with other people, that their mind isn't really there? For me, if I'm hanging out with people, usually I start off okay..I can act engaged for awhile until my mind starts drifting and then I start to feel really uncomfortable, like I don't want to...
  5. Emma03

    high school

    I was just wondering what everybody's high school experiences were like? I really only keep in touch with two people from high school, one being my close friend. Overall, it was a stupid experience for me and I wouldn't ever want to go to a school reunion. Not many people bothered with me and...
  6. Emma03

    Feeling sad

    I'm not sure why I'm posting this, but I don't really have anybody to talk to that understands. I feel pretty sad/lonely right now and am just having a really off night. I haven't really been talking to anybody about my feelings lately because I feel like a broken record and I just feel like...
  7. Emma03


    Just wondering what everybody does when they can't sleep?
  8. Emma03

    Advice for stopping an anxiety attack before a presentation?

    Just wondering if anybody has some techniques for calming down before a presentation? I'm usually okay until a few minutes before I have to present...and then I feel like I am going to pass out. I can feel my heart racing and this complete panic takes I will not be able to say a...
  9. Emma03


    Do weekends make anybody depressed? The break is nice, but they also make me sad/anxious.
  10. Emma03

    SA and depression

    I was just wondering if anybody has depression/general anxiety in addition to social anxiety? I find it so hard to act enthusiastic while conversing with people, because I often times just feel so numb about's really hard to act happy when you just feel so...blah. I find it so...
  11. Emma03


    Hi everybody...I am a newbie and just wanted to say hello and that I am really glad I came across SPW :) I have been going through a rough time lately and it is nice to talk to others who can relate and not be judgmental about my situation. I was hesitant to sign up at first, because in a way...