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  • Hey David!
    Well I havent officially moved but the house is mine!
    Moving in in the next few days.
    Scared of facing the other housemate before i leave.
    Ill probably hit her if she's horrible to me
    (major anger problems!)...

    Howre you getting on?
    Yeah, that sucks..anyway I hope you have that money. I would send you but unfortunatelly Croatian super 7 lotto of 30 milions just took someone else this evening..:(
    Didn't understand that part..'1 on 1 tutoring'..what do you mean by that? Still learning :p
    Hmmm..is that like instructions? someone will teach you?
    My life is pretty caotic at the moment..resolving some stuff and so on..the only good moment in this few days was that concert of depeche. I was free this 2 last days but didn't go out of the house..not even at the store..so I'm mad at myself for that. :/
    Did you go anywere except on college?
    Hiiii! I'm grand thanks, how are you getting on? I'm doing lots of study, I only have like 6 weeks of college left, in my whole degree, eep! It's cool cos this semester we only have one lecture a day :D But that also means that I'm being lazy a lot and not bothering to go in, ooops! I just started on medication aswell so I'm waiting for that to kick in, its the SSRIs that take a few weeks to work. I was pretty nervous about taking them but I'm doing it now so yay! How are you doing? How are you finding the rest of your year out? I know you were saying that it was making you kinda unmotivated to do stuff. I know what you mean, I procrastinate so much when I don't HAVE to do something. Anyways! Hope you're feeling ok :)
    well depends of which race you choose, but a general dvice i have is to take a break, if you play the game too much you gonna realize that it is extremely repetitive. Ah and focus your attention on money heavily cause you are gonna need lots of them
    hehe.. well ur multi-lingual friend coudn;t use her tongue cuz she was almost dehidrated, had to go to the ER from vomiting :/ but feeling a bit better now..
    How long is it? Yeah i wanna see it in 3D just haven't got round to going yet. Maybe Tuesday, tuesday is cheap day at the cinema. :D
    Not bad today cheers. Ohhh i see you like avator! is it any good then? i haven't seen it yet ::eek::, want to though!
    The picture is a Ferret. They're basically related to weasels. They stink really bad too.
    Hey, I couldn't help but notice your signature. I read HHGTTG for the first time last week and absolutely adored every moment of it. Have you read the other books in the series? How do they compare? I've already ordered The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.
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