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  • Thank you for the friend request. It was a nice surprise :) How can you keep up with 1,079 friends :) Thats a lot of birthdays to remember :)
    i love one of your quotes! ("To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid, you must also be well-mannered." - Voltaire) there sure is a lot of truth to that!
    Hello, Coyote. Thank you for sending me a friendship request. Wow, I think you are the most popular guy in this site. That's great. Where are you from?
    do i have talked with you or not? because i do not remember pretty. sorry.
    I am a human BEing, not a human DOing. Don't equate your self-worth with how well you do things in life. You aren't what you do. If you are what you do, then when you don' aren't. - Dr. Wayne Dyer
    Yeah, I hadn't known the the 'nothing lasts, nothing is finished' part before today and these fit nicely for me at the moment :]
    One of the things that I like about my teaching job is that they build in non-teaching time for doing prep and marking - so I get a whole day (or two) each week where I can attempt to catch up with myself - I never do, but I keep it moving along. I always make a list to work to and cross it off as each is completed; and I aim at 'good enough' only (perfection disappeared years ago). My boss is good at problem solving, so I always approach her if I get stuck and thankfully she is supportive rather than judgemental.

    Maybe you could organise a non-shop work day that you use solely to get some things done? I imagine customers would be as distracting as students
    Well~ you missed your chance. XD
    Maybe I'll upload another one for another 3 minutes one day... maybe not?
    Thanks for the friend add. Just wanted to say your messages on my threads are really helpful by the way, they've really helped me stay calm at the worst times :)
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