Recent content by Closeout

  1. C

    zoloft for ocd and agoraphobia

    i'm considering trying zoloft for my ocd and agoraphobia, and i have a few questions about it. is there a generic for zoloft? i was on lexapro for a year and that was terribly expensive, so i'm hoping zoloft is a cheaper option. also, what dosage do doctors normally put you on at first? i weigh...
  2. C

    alien abduction obsessive thoughts

    i used to have this big fear of abduction thoughts when i was a little younger, and now the thoughts have come back again. i keep thinking that maybe i've been abducted by aliens and how i would never know either way. i try to force it out of my mind, but when i go to do something else, the...
  3. C

    Lexapro 20 mg?

    I saw my doctor last Feb. about anxiety and she put me on 5 mg Lexapro. That didn't work for me, so in Oct., I went up to 10 mg and that still isn't working. It took me so long to go up dosages because I'm terrified of side effects and that heightens my anxiety. Tomorrow I'm going to see my...
  4. C

    Lexapro 10 mg

    I've been on 5 mg of Lexapro since the end of February and I really don't feel like it's helping. I started on such a low dose because I only weigh 105 pounds and was afraid of the medicine hitting me too strongly. I'm considering going up to a 10 mg, just to see if that'll do me any good. I've...
  5. C

    Doctor's Appointment Advice Please

    I have an appointment at 1:15 tomorrow with my regular doctor to discuss my anxiety. I'm hoping that she'll be able to recommend me to a good shrink and prescribe some helpful medication. Does anyone have any advice for me? I'm completely nervous and frightened. I feel like sobbing everytime I...
  6. C


    I was checking out a Livejournal community yesterday and someone was talking about how Remeron did wonders for their anxiety. I've had terrible anxiety for almost three years now and I haven't been to a shrink or taken medication for it. It's extremely difficult for me to leave the house, and...
  7. C

    telling new people about your anxiety

    I met this guy online and he doesn't live too far away from me. We've exchanged emails a few times and I decided to go ahead and tell him about my anxiety. I've had experiences in the past where I've constantly made up excuses for not going anywhere with people, which has always come back to...
  8. C


    I already introduced myself in the agoraphobia forum, but I thought I'd do it here as well. Age: 21 My Situation: in 2007, my anxiety spiraled out of control, leaving me only able to go to work and then come home. Most of the time, going to work is a total struggle, but I somehow make it there...
  9. C


    Does anyone else feel a panic attack coming on when they're in the shower? I feel like I have to rush through my shower, just so I can step out and calm down. It also heightens my shower anxiety when my family is home. I only like to take showers when I'm completely home alone.
  10. C

    New girl

    I'm really happy that I found this forum. My agoraphobia has made me so isolated and it's really hard for my friends to understand the constant fear that I'm plagued with. Here is my story. In November of 2007, I got overheated at work and almost passed out. This basically was the catalyst for...