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  • Hi,me again.I was just wondering where else have you travelled except for India?Also do you like to travel?
    Thanks!I completely agree with you,many girls of India do face very poverty & distress.My heart goes out to them & I really wish if I could help.But like I said there're two sides of a coin.Anyway what do you do?
    Yeah,I'm going to university next year, I'm thinking about being a psychologist.Hmm... many girls in India do fail to achieve higher education,mainly because of economic reasons.I really feel very sorry for them.But also I think its really unfair to consider every girl like that..there're many girls who have successful careers.Of course its hard to notice when the poverty of the countries like India are continually advertised.
    Hi Amy,thanks for your concern.Yeah I read about some terrible experiences too.But I personally never encountered anything that horrible. Yeah I got bullied a little in high school but that's just how some so called cool j**k ppl behave with us with SA.My parents been always so supportive & I've got a few nice friends too,btw I'm 17 & I'm in the seniour year of highschool.Hu r you?
    Si, estoy en el otro foro, aunque este nick es muy común en este tipo de paginas, así que es posible que si lo reconoces es porque me has confundido con alguien mas, ya que no soy demasiado activo allí :).
    Hi.I tried to learn French and German when I was at school but I was not great at it.I think it would be great to be fluent in another language like French,Italian etc.The brits traditionally are not great when it comes to learning the languages of other countries,but I think its a real skill.
    I'm actually from a small town in the north eastern part of India.Its a small & hilly state but its so pretty!You definitely should see this if u come here again.
    Wow!you've really been in some awesome places.I like Varanasi too,its really amazing,Jaipur's also one of my favourites.Hope u can come again soon.
    Hi there how are you.What things do you do for fun that relax you.I find having a walk through a nature filled area like a park very relaxing.Sitting and allowing music to watch over me also really relaxes me.
    Hi.Like the history of alot of countries in Europe and elsewhere,their history is quite complex.Not that I know much about Russia.History is something that does interest me and I have been learning more about british history.I try to avoid the bloody parts of it which there is lots and stick to the stuff about communities,industry,language etc.What are some of the really interesting facts that you learned about Russia. Aparantly the first people to Britain where Homeo Sapians and farming arrived in Britain in 4,500 BC.
    Hi Amy, my name is Ransford.I noticed that one of your interests was Russia.Can you speak much Russian and do you know alot about the country.I dont know much about Russia apart from the fact that it gets very cold there and they like Vodka and Borsh.I think my stereotype alarm has just gone off.Lol.
    De tant en tant em passo pel fòrum en castella, però no hi estic registrat, amb un ja en tinc prou i aquest em va bé per practicar l'anglès ::p:
    Bé, doncs molta sort amb els estudis de rus. La veritat es que a mí també m'agrada. Un cop vaig anar a St.Petersburg i em vaig quedar flipat, em va encantar... ara, que no em vaig enterar de res xD
    En fi, que passis una bona setmana :)
    Hola Amy! Quina alegria veure que no sóc l'únic català del forum :)
    Veig que en interessos has posat rus. No em diguis que en saps? :eek: Si és així, impressionant. Sempre he volgut poder contar el rus com a idioma, però des que vaig intentar aprendre alemany (pel meu compte) vaig desistir. No és el meu fort:D
    Bueno, no soy catalán, pero sí tengo un amigo catalán y la canción me hace gracia. Soy de origen gallego y me gustan las lenguas románicas en general.

    Estaba en el forum en español, pero me banearon sin motivo y con un eterno sin venir a cuento, ni siquiera sé quién. Podríais hacer una campaña a mi favor como la de Nihilista. :D
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