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  • Hi, thank you for the sweet comments! I'll try to not let those negative thoughts in my head... I guess it's easy to feel the way I do, or rather we do, without the courage to be able to socialize without anxiety... Thanks again for being a friend!
    Thanks so much!!! that's very kind of you to say that. I hope you're doing well too. Sorry for the late reply, I've been away.
    i actually got a 100 A+ on the paper! your good luck is really awesome, lol!

    could you wish me luck in getting over SA and finding a girlfriend now? haha. :)
    Okay, you caught me... I guess I am as well very critical of myself too... Just like you said, most of us up here are probably that way as well. In all honesty, if I met you in person, I would be unable to talk to you... The better someone looks, the more I have problems talking to them... Weird huh? Don't mind me, I am that wizard behind the curtain in the corner... "THE GREAT AND ALL POWERFUL OZ...." Haha
    Don't you dare go knocking yourself down like that. YOU ARE a very beautiful young lady! SERIOUSLY!!! I'm not trying to hit on you or anything of the sort... I am just stating a fact. You are GORGEOUS!!! You could easily compete in a beauty pageant or be a model EASILY!!! I am sure that there are many others up here that would agree with me! Sorry, I hope this doesn't make you feel uncomfortable at all... Because that is not my intent!
    I like your profile pic... You have a theme going on here... Kind of like Wilson from the series Home Improvement, where Wilson would only show half of his face over the fence when he was talking to Tim! Doesn't matter what you put on your head, you will always be beautiful!
    Wow! Thank you sweety! What a nice surprise! You're so kind and thoughtful. Take care, and have a great day!
    yeah, it's frustrating, but i must admit, it's my own doing. i mean, it's better to accept responsibility for things that are wrong in your life. as long as it leads to constructive action and not criticizing yourself.

    yeah, i had similar experiences with papers - it really inhibited me in being able to write easily, whereas i actually used to love it when i was younger.

    and thank you for the encouragement - i actually think it helped - you and sleepysparrow wished me luck, and it actually made it a bit less painful to work on it. i was on the verge of just ditching it, but i managed to finish it and turn it in on time. as for how well it's received, that's yet to be seen, lol. so, thanks :)
    Nice Avatar! Here kitty kitty kitty... I have a nice bowl of warm milk for you! Prrrrrr Prrrrrr They're so cute... but the only thing I don't like, is that most of them are just too independent. I like it when they curl up in your lap, and of course... Prrrrrrrrr
    LOL you havn't heard of diet cake? That is what I call Angel food.... It's easy on the hips! LOL Okay... here is a couple smiley emoticons that just don't fit...
    Awwwww gee thanks, why did you have to go and congratulate me on my 200th... LOL Okay, so I am a dork too... HAH! Woopee!!! Let's throw a party, diet cake and soda all around!
    Awww thanks for saying that I am not old... You're too sweet! What happens if your minid feels young and your body feels old? Do you just split the difference? LOL So my body feels 40ish and my mind feels 18ish so that makes me 29... I can live with that!
    Ahhh yes... My Fair Lady, Breakfast at Tiffany's... Funny thing, I don't remember those movies? I know I should, because my mother loves those old time actresses / musicals good quality movies... Oh BTW, congrats on making it to 200 posts! LOL
    Okay here is a quote from the person who you want to be: "You old poop"... What movie is that from? Huh? Huh? Huh? Give up? Okay, I am wired too much soda...
    oh, that sounds good - i have one brother who i'm kind of close to, but he lives a long way away. he's not married either though, but he's always had girlfriends, which always made me jealous.

    aw thank you - yeah, it's torturous! i have a lot of bad experiences i guess that i associate with papers. the best i could ever do was B's, and i never knew what i was doing wrong. so i feel like i'm just closing my eyes and writing all this garbage, lol. hopefully she'll see it differently. :)
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