If you could change where you sweated, where would it go?


Active member
And you don't have the option of nowhere!!! If you could migrate your sweating somewhere else on your body, where would it be and why?

Reason being is I have generalised hh. So my hands and feet are bone dry. Everywhere else isn't. And I often think If I didn't get a sweaty face or neck it would be easier to hide under my gothy black clothes. Lol.



Well-known member
Left large toe. This way all the sweat is concentrated to one small area. Then I can attach some sort of drainage hose from the toe through my shoe and I'd be a natural lawn sprinkler. I'd have a spigot and all.


I have face and scalp sweat. If I could change it, it would have to be the feet. I shower everyday so I won't need to worry having stink feet.


Well-known member
I have face and scalp sweat. If I could change it, it would have to be the feet. I shower everyday so I won't need to worry having stink feet.
I get the same thing face and scalp sweat I have no idea why but I seem to sweat mostly from there. If I could change it would be my legs like my clafs or something.


Well-known member
This is an interesting question. My sweating is in my hands and feet, so I would have to say anywhere. The face would be difficult but, at least people don't have to touch your face as much as the hands or touch things with your face. Which in my case is the most difficult.


Well-known member
dogs sweat from there tounges


Active member
I'd switch from armpits to, I dunno, maybe calves? Doesn't smell as much. Then again, I kind of like the idea of panting like a dog instead of sweating. Is that an acceptable choice? :D