Happy belated birthday, Loyal!
I completely understand. I'm currently feeling that way too, and I've been out of college for over a year now. It took me 5 years to finish my bachelors. For those 5 years I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do and I couldn't wait to get out. Now I'm left with no job after the one I chased didn't end up being what I thought it was, and the person I knew that placed me in said job wasn't who I thought they were. It ended up being a really shitty situation and I'm still feeling guilty and angry by it. It wasn't my fault, and I still don't regret any decisions I've made thus far. I just have to somehow work with what I have. Job hunting is hard, I wish you luck. I've recently come with a new lead on a job this week. It's a temporary summer position, back in food production, but food production and working with machines is seemingly where I tend to do pretty damn good work, funny enough. Maybe search for temporary positions near you, even if it has nothing to do with your education or field of study, just to fill in the gaps of your prior work experience. Despite what was shoved down our throats in college and school here, your education or where you went to school, your GPA, none of that matters unless you're trying to get into some top notch job in a STEM field. Work experience and who you know is key and will get you farther than your piece of paper ever will, imo. Your degree is just proof that you put in the work to earn it. It's that WORK - both physical and the work put in with networking - that'll determine whether people want you or not. Sucks I kinda learned that the hard way, spending the first couple years chasing A's, but I didn't learn it too late, and it's never too late to learn either.I feel like I'm trapped by where I should be in life, by finances, by deadlines, by where I am in life... everything just feels like its boxing me into a coffin of failure.
I have 2 weeks, and 4 assignments left of this semester of uni, then its just one more subject next semester and I'm done with uni. Once uni finishes I've obviously gotta try to get a job but with my lack of experience for my age shit, as well as the mental health issues, I'm not confident in my ability to get a job let alone a decent one and be able to hold it down long enough. I don't see myself ever being financially stable enough to get my own place. Even if I could no where will rent to someone with 3 big dogs so Im feeling stuck in this shitty garage (which dad isnt ever going to improve/build the granny flat. Its been 4 years and he keeps changing his mind and going back on his plans).
I still feel behind in life too, trust me. I'm 27, spent a total of 7 years in college with only a BS and AS to show, currently unemployed and no job, no career, and about $16k in debt (I'm lucky I was able to pay off some loans. That's nothing compared to what most people spend here). People who typically spend that long in education already have their MS, or PhD if they're lucky, and have pretty damn good jobs. I haven't started my career, I don't know what my career will be now, if I even wind up getting one. I feel pressured to have children too, and I think my husband does a little as well. We're both fine if it happens, and fine if it doesn't, but it doesn't take away that pressure. It's just another goal in life we feel the need to chase, but also feel like we want to experience. I don't want children after 35 either. So hey, if it happens, great. If it doesn't, whatever. If I wind up not having kids, I'll probably just foster animals instead.Best case scenario I live here for several more years and save up to put a deposit down on my own place.. but I really dont feel like that's even plausible with my general luck in life/poor future prospects. I just am feeling really behind in life... not to mention the whole having kids thing... if I want kids I'd want to have had them by the age of 35 coz that feels like the oldest I'd want to be pregnant and I dont want to be the really old parent of a young child.. that leaves me with 5 years... I cant have kids while I live in half a garage, I dont see me getting out of this garage any time soon... I just feel trapped and everything feels so inevitably futile.
Countdowns are what got me through. Every semester I would mark the last day of the semester and any finals and I'd keep track. Every week I would have a note saying "X weeks to go til the end of the semester!" It helped a lot. Doing other things in my life besides just school helped a lot too. I can't stand focusing solely on school all the time, I hated the work so much honestly. Projects weren't bad, I enjoyed them the most actually because working with my hands and doing my own research is where I got my best grades and it didn't feel like menial bullshit. Textbooks and reading and testing on memorization can go to hell. It's a bullshit way of teaching honestly and the system needs to change. I always made sure, between work and school, that I made time to play video games or watch TV or did some cooking and baking. I always made time for things I enjoyed doing, and more than just an hour a day. It's what kept me sane and kept me from wallowing too much.I see no real future. My whole life things around me might change slightly, usually after some really rough shitty patch of hell. But Im always poor, Im always fucked up mentally, I'm always just behind in life. Frankly if I didnt have my dogs I'd have just opted out of life by now. Im not going to do anything because my dogs need me, but I just feel miserable.
At this point its focus on getting through uni coz every day I want to quit, and every day is a fucking struggle. Hence my countdown, 2 weeks, 4 assignments, then one more subject next semester. Then I deal with trying to get a job/get my mental/physical health together/not live in a fucking half a garage.
I completely understand. I'm currently feeling that way too, and I've been out of college for over a year now. It took me 5 years to finish my bachelors. For those 5 years I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do and I couldn't wait to get out. Now I'm left with no job after the one I chased didn't end up being what I thought it was, and the person I knew that placed me in said job wasn't who I thought they were. It ended up being a really shitty situation and I'm still feeling guilty and angry by it. It wasn't my fault, and I still don't regret any decisions I've made thus far. I just have to somehow work with what I have. Job hunting is hard, I wish you luck. I've recently come with a new lead on a job this week. It's a temporary summer position, back in food production, but food production and working with machines is seemingly where I tend to do pretty damn good work, funny enough. Maybe search for temporary positions near you, even if it has nothing to do with your education or field of study, just to fill in the gaps of your prior work experience. Despite what was shoved down our throats in college and school here, your education or where you went to school, your GPA, none of that matters unless you're trying to get into some top notch job in a STEM field. Work experience and who you know is key and will get you farther than your piece of paper ever will, imo. Your degree is just proof that you put in the work to earn it. It's that WORK - both physical and the work put in with networking - that'll determine whether people want you or not. Sucks I kinda learned that the hard way, spending the first couple years chasing A's, but I didn't learn it too late, and it's never too late to learn either.
I still feel behind in life too, trust me. I'm 27, spent a total of 7 years in college with only a BS and AS to show, currently unemployed and no job, no career, and about $16k in debt (I'm lucky I was able to pay off some loans. That's nothing compared to what most people spend here). People who typically spend that long in education already have their MS, or PhD if they're lucky, and have pretty damn good jobs. I haven't started my career, I don't know what my career will be now, if I even wind up getting one. I feel pressured to have children too, and I think my husband does a little as well. We're both fine if it happens, and fine if it doesn't, but it doesn't take away that pressure. It's just another goal in life we feel the need to chase, but also feel like we want to experience. I don't want children after 35 either. So hey, if it happens, great. If it doesn't, whatever. If I wind up not having kids, I'll probably just foster animals instead.
Countdowns are what got me through. Every semester I would mark the last day of the semester and any finals and I'd keep track. Every week I would have a note saying "X weeks to go til the end of the semester!" It helped a lot. Doing other things in my life besides just school helped a lot too. I can't stand focusing solely on school all the time, I hated the work so much honestly. Projects weren't bad, I enjoyed them the most actually because working with my hands and doing my own research is where I got my best grades and it didn't feel like menial bullshit. Textbooks and reading and testing on memorization can go to hell. It's a bullshit way of teaching honestly and the system needs to change. I always made sure, between work and school, that I made time to play video games or watch TV or did some cooking and baking. I always made time for things I enjoyed doing, and more than just an hour a day. It's what kept me sane and kept me from wallowing too much.
When school is over for you, I hope you take an entire week or two and just enjoy yourself. Seriously. Enjoy the freedom, play video games or watch TV or whatever else you like doing. Set a day two weeks ahead or whatever and that day is the day you have to start job hunting or organizing finances or something to start the ball rolling on all the important adult-life things, and keep doing it until you land something. When I graduated I think I took about 3 days off and hung out with friends, we went to a museum and went out to eat, then when I was home I'd watch TV and did some baking. Then the following Monday was my day to go back to work full-time and start earning money. Setting goals is important, even if they're small. Because when you don't you wind up wallowing and not knowing what to do with yourself. I've been struggling with this again for the last month. It's been hard, but I'm getting there. I know you'll get there too.
Top left quarter of your back, perhaps it's a pinched nerve? I get those in my neck thanks to my lovely poor posture, they're so painful. I find heat is what works best, and massaging the area. Maybe the alternating cold and hot kind of irritated things, so maybe just stick with warm compresses? Have you tried soaking in a bath with some epsom salts or bath salts? Absorption of those minerals from soaking in the bath might help too. Just throwing ideas out there because back pain is no fun!Hope you feel better!
Yay! You made it!Just submitted my last assignment for the semesterI now have a wonderful month and a half-ish of uni break before my LAST damn semester of uni!! Bonus points to only having one subject left to do next semester too, photography capstoneeee
What breed is your middle doggo with the wiry coat?
Oh wow! I can imagine how lanky she must be, haha. How tall is she?She is a greyhound x scottish deerhound.. aka all legs and springs![]()
Oh wow! I can imagine how lanky she must be, haha. How tall is she?
Tall girl. I thought my German Shepherd girl was lanky, but she's about 50 - 60cm currently. She still has a little bit more growing to do, as she's only 9 1/2 months, but I don't think she'll get too much taller.I'd say she's about 80-90cms tall, she is currently on the bed curled up so I cant measure her but if I remeber when she is upright I'll get an accurate measurement