Loyal's Thoughts


Well-known member
Only a few more days until my surgery date... Feeling anxious and wary of the surgery and the recovery period.. But frankly I cant take this health issue any longer anyway so the surgery crap is unavoidable.. Though my stupid self thought it wise to read other people's experiences in this situation and ended up reading a lot of horror stories, between that and the doc saying it could be a 6 month to a year recovery process I am feeling rather stressed...

I gotta try and make myself actually do the cleaning before the damned surgery stuff, but have been rather unsuccessful on that front xD


You want to know how I got these scars?
Only a few more days until my surgery date... Feeling anxious and wary of the surgery and the recovery period.. But frankly I cant take this health issue any longer anyway so the surgery crap is unavoidable.. Though my stupid self thought it wise to read other people's experiences in this situation and ended up reading a lot of horror stories, between that and the doc saying it could be a 6 month to a year recovery process I am feeling rather stressed...

I gotta try and make myself actually do the cleaning before the damned surgery stuff, but have been rather unsuccessful on that front xD
I hope it all goes well for you Loyal, you'll be fine I'm sure of it (y)


Well-known member
Ok so, went in to the hospital at 1pm, took those tablets, waited for my turn. Got taken into surgery around 3:40ish but was actually put under closer to 4pm. Woke up sometime around 5, maybe 5:30, couldnt quite register the time coz kept dropping back under. Was in immense pain (felt like the worst cramps of my life) and they gave me a shot of endone, then a little later another shot of it. Was having a bit of trouble breathing but think thats coz my throat was tender from the breathing tube (still a little tender but I can breathe now). They moved me back to the ward where I fell asleep again. Woke a little bit later and they finally let me have a water, then asked me to get changed into my clothes which I managed but then got super dizzy and almost passed out (apparently lots of people were having reactions to the anesthetic today? most of them were dizzy and nauseous). They told me to get some more sleep (but moved me to a chair to do so) they let me sleep til about 7pm then gave me some more water, and then a sandwich. Then said I could call dad and go home. I get a little woozy and sore in the car but otherwise was ok. Got home and sat in the chair by the door and pretty quickly fell asleep for four hours xD.

So they did a hysteroscopy, biopsy, curette, and insertion of the mirena. Apparently most people say they feel good after a curette but I just hurt lol

dads kicked his mate out of the spare room for the night and cleaned the sheets and vaccuumed so gonna be going up there soon at least for a few hours coz he went to all that trouble, but im spending some time with the puppers first coz they heard me come home but I couldnt make it to the back door or down the stairs so I've only just seen them

been sweating a lot since I came around so gonna shower soon, but feeling a little more awake and coherent now


Well-known member
Ok so, went in to the hospital at 1pm, took those tablets, waited for my turn. Got taken into surgery around 3:40ish but was actually put under closer to 4pm. Woke up sometime around 5, maybe 5:30, couldnt quite register the time coz kept dropping back under. Was in immense pain (felt like the worst cramps of my life) and they gave me a shot of endone, then a little later another shot of it. Was having a bit of trouble breathing but think thats coz my throat was tender from the breathing tube (still a little tender but I can breathe now). They moved me back to the ward where I fell asleep again. Woke a little bit later and they finally let me have a water, then asked me to get changed into my clothes which I managed but then got super dizzy and almost passed out (apparently lots of people were having reactions to the anesthetic today? most of them were dizzy and nauseous). They told me to get some more sleep (but moved me to a chair to do so) they let me sleep til about 7pm then gave me some more water, and then a sandwich. Then said I could call dad and go home. I get a little woozy and sore in the car but otherwise was ok. Got home and sat in the chair by the door and pretty quickly fell asleep for four hours xD.

So they did a hysteroscopy, biopsy, curette, and insertion of the mirena. Apparently most people say they feel good after a curette but I just hurt lol

dads kicked his mate out of the spare room for the night and cleaned the sheets and vaccuumed so gonna be going up there soon at least for a few hours coz he went to all that trouble, but im spending some time with the puppers first coz they heard me come home but I couldnt make it to the back door or down the stairs so I've only just seen them

been sweating a lot since I came around so gonna shower soon, but feeling a little more awake and coherent now
Glad you seem to be doing alright, Loyal. Wishing you a speedy recovery! (y)


Well-known member
The pain is bad today. Was made much worse by needing to take one of my dogs to the vet coz she's got a hurt leg. $157 later and a pack of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories and hopefully she'll be on the mend soon. Thankfully my father came along and carried her for me coz that may have just broken me. As it was I was barely coherent from the pain by the time we got home and I could sit... an hour later and its finally eased to a point where I can think again. Moving still hurts like hell though.


Well-known member
The pain is bad today. Was made much worse by needing to take one of my dogs to the vet coz she's got a hurt leg. $157 later and a pack of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories and hopefully she'll be on the mend soon. Thankfully my father came along and carried her for me coz that may have just broken me. As it was I was barely coherent from the pain by the time we got home and I could sit... an hour later and its finally eased to a point where I can think again. Moving still hurts like hell though.

Her leg is nicely healed and back to normal. Im not great but its not at unbearable levels.. still waiting to see if the surgery has sorted the issue as well as if the pain is going to ease or go away.


Well-known member
I got the results of the biopsy today, its not good but not too bad. Its pretty much at a point of if this mirena works I'll be fine, if it doesnt things could become an issue. To sum up the results came out kinda pre-cancerous. It could develop into uterine cancer in the future. There was a couple other things but I dont recall what it was coz medical terms and all my brain was registering was cancer xD. But things are ok right now, and if the mirena works then it'll all be ok. If it doesnt then I gotta go back and we'll do whatever is next (she didnt tell me what that would be). Mirena can be 6 months to a year before it'll work, but the doc said closer to 6 months but hopefully it'll only be 3 or 4 months


Well-known member
I got the results of the biopsy today, its not good but not too bad. Its pretty much at a point of if this mirena works I'll be fine, if it doesnt things could become an issue. To sum up the results came out kinda pre-cancerous. It could develop into uterine cancer in the future. There was a couple other things but I dont recall what it was coz medical terms and all my brain was registering was cancer xD. But things are ok right now, and if the mirena works then it'll all be ok. If it doesnt then I gotta go back and we'll do whatever is next (she didnt tell me what that would be). Mirena can be 6 months to a year before it'll work, but the doc said closer to 6 months but hopefully it'll only be 3 or 4 months
Got my fingers crossed for you.


Well-known member
Went to my cousins birthday party yesterday, it was at a kids playcenter. Coz I got a lift with my mother and her partner I didnt end up staying too long so it wasnt too bad. But while we were sitting around talking I mentioned how much my dogs would enjoy it (like an inflatable playland, maze area, giant slide, jumping bits, etc) and then the conversation shifted into making a business of a dog playcenter and I havent been able to get it out of my mind. If only I had a spare 50k lying around I could start up a dog playcenter business :LOL:

I designing a rough one just for fun coz its been on my mind so much, if it doesnt look too horrible I might share it here lol


Well-known member
Went to my cousins birthday party yesterday, it was at a kids playcenter. Coz I got a lift with my mother and her partner I didnt end up staying too long so it wasnt too bad. But while we were sitting around talking I mentioned how much my dogs would enjoy it (like an inflatable playland, maze area, giant slide, jumping bits, etc) and then the conversation shifted into making a business of a dog playcenter and I havent been able to get it out of my mind. If only I had a spare 50k lying around I could start up a dog playcenter business :LOL:

I designing a rough one just for fun coz its been on my mind so much, if it doesnt look too horrible I might share it here lol

Hope this helps.


Well-known member
I had a good night tonight, it was my best mates 30th party, but instead of a party if was her immediate family/partners and me and we went out to dinner and then to an escape room. We got out of the room with 20 minutes to spare so we won a free round of drinks, and because it was her birthday the guy threw in a free 30 minute session in the karaoke rooms (though I refused to sing into the mic :LOL:)

Tomorrow I have to take my car in for a rego check/servicing.. I dread the thought of how much its gonna come to, especially coz Im pretty sure I'll need new breaks plus I've been having some starting issues...


Well-known member
One more week of uni holidays then Im back at uni. One more year of uni. I can already feel myself getting more anxious and stressed and the damned semester hasnt started yet. I still feel drained and empty and not motivated and the uni break just didnt give me the rest I needed...
