Bad Dating Experiences


Well-known member
We're going back quite a few years here but...
I had a drink or two and started singing In the Navy, rather loudly, following his reference to the fact he used to be in the armed forces.
Strangely enough, he decided it was home time after that.
(Our homes were in separate places, I must add)

That made me chuckle :) I am sorry he didn't have a sense of humour!


Well-known member
ok well someone on this site just told me I was pathetic so I'm sorry for wasting your time.. I know I am so nevermind :(

What a shame, that person has no manners! No problem is trivial and nobody should ever be called pathetic. I'm sorry you were subject to that lauralaurent. I hope that persons careless remark doesn't dent your view on this forum as a whole as in my short time here I've seen so much kindness, understanding and compassion.


Well-known member
ok well someone on this site just told me I was pathetic so I'm sorry for wasting your time.. I know I am so nevermind :(

No your not pathetic...ignore people like that...they talk cr.ap....hope your ok!

Ps. I would be wondering where this guys gone too.


Well-known member
He won't text, IM or email back and I have no idea why. The last thing he said to me what "what are you doing" and then he fell off the face of the earth. He has been on the dating site, he didn't read my email, and he's always on AIM. I kinda now just want an explanation... not sure if this is the right thread but I've been really heartbroken about it. I can only assume he wants nothing to do with me but I feel this is a cruel method and I just want to know what happened.. does anyone have any advice? Am I just crazy?

Sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately this happens to guys on dating sites all the time. It sucks and is exactly why online dating can be so frustrating.

When it happens to guys it's usually because the woman found someone else that captured their attention.

But try not to take it too personally because it happens to pretty much every guy and probably at vast majority of women at some point.


Well-known member
two girls tried to steal my car. I drove them to bar night in a nearby town. They wanted to dump me there.


Well-known member
Yeah I am guessing he found somebody else.. :( but I just wish he would say something to me....:/

Not necessarily so! This is the internet and unfortunately, all isn't always what it seems. This person who contacted you could have been nothing more than a troll pretending to be a great guy. Once they got to a certain point they may have either gotten tired of playing the game or they actually felt bad enough to stop. Unfortunately for everyone else, online dating sites are rife with weirdos with nothing else better to do than to play with other's emotions. Just look at what happened to Mante Teo (SP?), the football player who got fooled for years into believing the "woman" he had been conversing with was beautiful and real. "She" turned out to be some guy with too much time on his hands.


Well-known member
My dating nightmare was when I met someone online who seemed really interesting. We spoke on the phone and I noticed she had a kind of cute habit of talking a lot which was fine with me because I don't talk much in the beginning of getting to know someone. We made arrangements to go out on our first date. For starters, she looked nothing like she described! A few pounds overweight was actually grossly overweight, like 100 pounds overweight. Once in the car that cute habit of talking a lot turned into a really annoying habit as she talked incessantly. I mean, I had never seen anything like it in my life. She literally talked constantly and with so much speed that I really had to fight to get a sentence in. What made it worse was that I was supposed to be showing her a place where she had a job interview the next day. I was trying to get information from her as to where the place was but she kept talking about other things. By the time I got a word in edgeways to ask her about directions, she would snap out of her talking spree and tell me that we passed whatever turn I was supposed to take several miles ago. This happened several times. Between her lying about her appearance, the constant chatter and her unwillingness to help me find the place she needed to go to the next day, I finally just got frustrated and ended the date. She was talking so much that she didn't even realize I had brought her back home until I stopped the car in front of her house. I felt terrible for doing that but I really couldn't stand anymore. Poor thing. Looking back, I wonder is she had some kind of social phobia herself, which made her talk nonstop. Maybe she was just nervous.


Active member
Not necessarily so! This is the internet and unfortunately, all isn't always what it seems. This person who contacted you could have been nothing more than a troll pretending to be a great guy. Once they got to a certain point they may have either gotten tired of playing the game or they actually felt bad enough to stop. Unfortunately for everyone else, online dating sites are rife with weirdos with nothing else better to do than to play with other's emotions. Just look at what happened to Mante Teo (SP?), the football player who got fooled for years into believing the "woman" he had been conversing with was beautiful and real. "She" turned out to be some guy with too much time on his hands.

Well.. he finally got back to me.. he said we were moving too fast and he just wants to be friends :crying:


I went on a date a few days ago and the guy asked me how soon I usually have sex with a guy after I meet him. This is not the first time I've been asked this - another guy did this on our second date & when I said 3 months he launched into a fifteen minute lecture on how stupid that was and how absurd it would be to take a woman out for that long & spend money on her for all that time and then what if she decides she's not interested prior to the 3 month mark. Anyway, I think this kind of behavior is just unbelievably rude and I'm getting so sick of dating just because a lot of guys seem to be so clueless about what's appropriate and not appropriate to ask on a first or second date.


Well-known member
I went on a date a few days ago and the guy asked me how soon I usually have sex with a guy after I meet him. This is not the first time I've been asked this - another guy did this on our second date & when I said 3 months he launched into a fifteen minute lecture on how stupid that was and how absurd it would be to take a woman out for that long & spend money on her for all that time and then what if she decides she's not interested prior to the 3 month mark. Anyway, I think this kind of behavior is just unbelievably rude and I'm getting so sick of dating just because a lot of guys seem to be so clueless about what's appropriate and not appropriate to ask on a first or second date.

What an a$$ that guy is! No need to waste your time with men like that.