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I'm sorry you're feeling like this but you're not a failure! Atleast you're trying to fulfill your dreams so that's something and if you keep trying things will improve even if it seems hopeless right now. Don't give up.
Trust me, I'm a total loser. Living with my parents, with no girlfriend or job.
Hey, does that make me a loser too??
Lol. Should add i can also contemplate suicide but am the first one to try and run to save somebody else. Hang in there buddy
Trust me, I'm a total loser. Living with my parents, with no girlfriend or job.
No. Definitely not! Maybe, I feel like this because I'm a guy. I've been brought up in a traditional home where the guy has to succeed and be all that to find a nice wife.
How am I going to find a wife?...Being a loser? A woman without a job is fine. Guys don't mind. But, for a man, women look at that.
.........I'm a poor excuse for a man if I can't even support myself.
Um I still don't think they make you a loser. I do know where you're coming from though.
I have a feeling this is going to sway into another topic. To post here or pm you..hmmm.
I have a job but i live at home with my mother and i don't have a boyfriend. Does that make me a loser?
If you don't like where your life is, you could do something to change where it will go.I'm just thinking what a joke my life has been.
If you don't like where your life is, you could do something to change where it will go.
What do you want to do?
What are you trying? Not being condescending or anything, but I'm just curious.I'm seriously trying! So far, nothing is working. But, I'm trying!
What are you trying? Not being condescending or anything, but I'm just curious.At least you're attempting to change your life, even if it's minor changes.