Who Has OCD?


Active member
Who on this site has OCD?
I have yet to talk to anyone on here that has OCD?

And I kind of was hoping to talk to someone who is also deal with it.



Well-known member
There are a bunch of older threads here, you can see if some of them could be helpful to you too..
Some people are still on the website, maybe just don't post here so often..


Well-known member
I have OCD. I'm not your "typical" case, though. Mine is mostly based around health anxiety/hypochondria. The principles are pretty much the same, though.
Well I without a doubt have OCD, but I'm still relatively new dealing with it. That's actually why I joined this forum yesterday, because I'm looking for people who also are dealing with similar issues (and because of my OCD I sure have not hung out with my friends as much as I used to). The truth is, I just need somebody to relate to because I try explaining myself to family and friends, and they frankly just don't really know what to say/do (although they do try their best). And some of this stuff has really put a kink into my life. What sort of compulsions do you tend to have galigator?


Well-known member
I suppose as far as habits, my OCD is fairly mild.
I mostly 'forget' if I've turned off the stove or if I locked the doors and go back to check 5-6 times *after* going back upstairs and laying in bed... it's annoying but I feel really unsafe if I don't go and check.

Just silly things like that, I guess.
There are lots of little things that I'll do repeatedly although I've already done them because I wonder if I did do it or if I was imagining things... or if I didn't do them 'well enough'.


Well-known member
I'm almost certain I have it though it's never been diagnosed by a doctor or anything. I have quite a few "weird" things that I just feel compulsive about doing I wish people were more understanding about things like this it would make it so much easier...
I used to have Pure O. If any thoughts.. which very rarely now.. do pop up I just ignore it. I know exactly what it is and don't give it my attention.
So I do have an understanding of OCD and can give advice etc.


Well-known member
I have been diagnosed as having OCD twice. My symptoms have been perfectionism in my life situations (such-and-such didn't go well or I made a mistake, so it's ruined now - screw the whole thing), obsessive and intrusive thoughts that I have to do something else to cancel out and hoarding items without realizing thats what I've been doing (then getting rid of as much as I can until I nearly have nothing so I feel like I can breathe again, but which also gets difficult because sorting through things has to be categorized and sub-categorized and so on and it takes forever).

I am always worried about what could be in my food, water or on my hands that might make me sick and tend to only cook enough to eat in one sitting so I don't have to deal with leftovers that give me a weird feeling to eat because I know its "older". I also worry about what I am capable of or what could happen to me sometimes and its usually something bizarre that wouldn't even happen, like.. "Hey, what would happen if I suddenly jumped up on the table in this restaurant and started doing that Russian kicking dance and sent everything on the tabletop flying, then grabbed a steak off someone's plate and ran around slapping people with it before getting hauled out by security while trying to bite them?". I know that would never happen and I wouldn't want to find what would happen if I tried it, but I still get these kind of thoughts anyway. I also fear getting in trouble (with people, the law, etc) even though I don't have any problematic tendencies that would allow for this to happen.


New member
I have pure o. My most recent obsession is harming my loved ones mostly my mom. It has been the hardest to deal with to date. It's such a bitch cause I have lived apart from my mom most of my life while maintaining a very close relationship and now I'm living with her finally and all I do is obsess about hurting her. God bless


Well-known member
Stunckinpanic, living with parents (again) can be stressful.. there are some books or articles about it too.. They call it 'boomerang kids' - a lot of people have been kinda 'forced' to move back with the parents for various reasons (temporarily, short-term or longer-term) and many have had problems with it too... (both the kids and the parents) Hope things work out for you and mom, and maybe you'll manage to find a way to live on your own again? Hope you manage to at least find some distance/space/boundaries and establish some 'rules' that you are both kinda okay with... (sometimes/often easier said than done I know)


Well-known member
I do. Not as bad. Used to have thoughts of not ME harming anyone but harm coming to others if I didnt touch something or jump in the air 3 times. This was when I was younger. Now it's just some habitual things. or great nerves it can spark up again.
I have pure o. My most recent obsession is harming my loved ones mostly my mom. It has been the hardest to deal with to date. It's such a bitch cause I have lived apart from my mom most of my life while maintaining a very close relationship and now I'm living with her finally and all I do is obsess about hurting her. God bless
I feel the same way as of now starting about a week ago.I'm planning to see my psychologist who specializes OCD.It's like this at times out of the blue you get this feeling and before you know it you feel terrible.

I do have OCD not sure what type.I have been diagnosed with OCD since Nov of 2001.
I have OCD, although not diagnosed until August 2010. I have lived with and have tried to hide most of my obsessions, and compulsions my entire life (I'm 30). I hoard because you never know when you might need something, I obsess over the fact that I'm obsessive. I have and continue to suffer panic/anxiety attacks. I also, unfortunately, obsessively watch hoarders and this causes panic attacks and obsessive cleaning. I am in the process of thinking of calling my doctor back, when I talked to him, I seemed to be able to live life better, now, I am cleaning non-stop. ugh! Through help, we (sufferers of OCD) can and will be better.
I have not been diagnosed, for I've not yet been to see a therapist about it. I will on Wednesday, but I've very little doubt that I have OCD.


I think I have OCD and so does my Mum but neither of us have been formally diagnosed. Her obsession is cleaning: absolutely everything has been to be 'clean' to a very high standard and it has been something we have all (as a family) have had to deal with for 40 years. She has basically become a recluse as she refuses to allow anyone into the house to visit. But she is contented with this arrangement as it is too distressing for her otherwise.

My OCD manifests itself in many ways. I obsess about many things: for a couple of years it was fear that I'd lied or hidden something from my parents. I had to confess absolutely everything to them in case I'd 'gotten away with something' (warts and all!)

My work has always suffered from OCD because I am such a perfectionist, I am never happy with my work and have achieved far less in my career than I could have done.

I enjoy planning holidays but dread it as the departure day approaches because I have to meticulously plan the itinery to the finest detail to remove any uncertainty that might occur.

Recently, I have left the family home and I too have become obsessed with cleaning and I am constantly struggling with it. However, occassionally the focus shifts on to something else and briefly the OCD subsides. But being alone and having too much time to think generally bring it on.


Well-known member
at one time when i was a teenager i had a cleaning OCD so bad that i use to clean my room up to 5x a day, and put paper towels under my feet because i didnt want to dirty my wood floor with my feet.i laugh now when i think about it but it was a seriously problem for me back then and would stress me the hell out.

i still have OCD tendecies in everything i do, especially perfectionism. but i've learned to control it for the most part. and hey, being a perfectionist isnt SO bad. i take satisfaction in pushing myself to my full potential :D