just thought i'd update for those of you who actually wish to know about what's going on with me..& i guess, it's also for me to just vent & talk about it before it eats me alive:
so i think yesterday was just about the most difficult day for me..i had a class with him again. i was actually on the bus to my uni & texting my friend [cuz she's having extreme man issues as well, so we're supporting each other] & i was listening to my angry rock music to get him off my mind, telling my friend, Kelly, how we're gonna be ok because we have each other, the guys that lost us are the dumbasses, not us... when i get a text..from him, asking me where i was. i immediately got the panicky feeling back, stomache doing somersaults, heart beating so fast that i thought it was going to jump out of my chest, not being able to breathe normally, basically, the works. but anyways, my psycho-ness aside, i decided not to text him back.. [last time he asked me that & i replied, he never showed & then he told me he was hanging out with some other russian chicks, so what's the point?].
then, i get to my next class, but i had about 30min [ha, so i read diagonally parked in a parallel universe

] then, someone comes up & sits next to me, i didnt even have to look up to see who it was, i already knew. so he says "why didnt you tell me you were here? no text, no call?" so i said, "well, i did last time, but you didnt bother to show up, so i figured, there's no point either way". & he says to me, "wow, what's up yours?" [i should also mention that after he said this, i had such a
HUGE urge to say, "idk, but i sure know what's up her's..& i'm sure you already know too."..her, being the chick i wrote about before, the biyotch i can't stand, let's call her samantha.. now that i think about it, i shouldve said that, but i guess i'd rather be the bigger man..haha i'm so proud of myself for this].
anyyyways, so i asked him what was up, how was his halloween, etc. & he told me that he was severely depressed & he felt like he was going back to his old mental place again [a little bit ago, he was diagnosed with paraoid schizophrenia..or something like that]. he said there's nothing going well for him. & then he said that he hates himself & he said he can't stand samantha anymore, that she's incredibly annoying & a horribly mean person. & so i asked if i was right, about them. & he sighed & looked down, as he mumbled a quick & quiet "yes". so i asked him, how long. & he told me, only for about a week & a half. & he can't take her anymore. so i said, "what, does that suprise you, that she's getting on your nerves already?", he gave me a dirty look, then he said, "this is why i feel like i can't tell you anything, because you're always so fkn sarcastic all the time" then he said, "i hate myself, i change & manipulate people to get what i want. i am different with different people, i morph into who i think i should be for that person...and i feel like with you, i changed for all the wrong reasons. & what's worse, is it's become like second nature to me, so i don't even realize what i'm doing until much, much later. & you may hate me after this, *long pause* but i manipulated you & i'm sorry."... i just kinda sat there & stared at the ceiling, trying to calm myself down & push my panic back into it's place. i then told him, whatever, it doesn't matter anymore, as we proceeded to walk into our lecture hall... after class ended, i told him to go ahead & not wait for me, since i had to speak to our proff & he just said, "fine, see you" & left, no usual hug, no look back, nothing.
later, i texted him & said i was sorry for being sarcastic, since i didn't know his depression was that bad... in fact, he told me that it was so bad, that he was thinking of going back to his old psychologist, but he can't afford it & he can't go to someone new.. & i felt so bad for him.. but what's worse, is when he was telling me how terrible he was & how unhappy he was, i felt this insane, perverse, happy feeling. this disgusting gratification, that he was feeling so terrible, kinda like "i'm suffering, so i'm happy that he is too." & i hate myself for that feeling. how could i possibly like a person & care about them, when i'm glad that they're suffering? god, i'm messed up...
anyways, when he texted me back, he said that i shouldnt worry about it, that he just wanted to tell me & to apologize, with a little dose of actually wanting to get everything off his chest. to which i said that although he apologized, it simply doesnt matter anymore, that he pretty much emotionally abused me [only thanks to
Recluse was i able to see that] & that the damage is done already. & he said, "it matters to me, & i know, i'm so sorry." & i said, "what matters most to me is how quickly you bounced back." which he didnt get, so i said, "you were with her, not even a week [if not more] after we were over with." to which he just replied with a simple "ugh". i then decided to leave it alone, theres no point anyways.. but a couple hours later, something occured to me, when he told me he manipulated me, did he mean that he never actually had feelings for me, that he actually just faked it all, just to get something he couldnt have? & i asked him that. he responded telling me that the only thing he truly knows is that his feelings for me were completely real, but he just tried to manipulate me & to mold me into the girl he wanted me to be, & he was sorry for that. all i could answer was a simple "oh", which i suppose confused him, so i said, "i dont really know what to say to that. you say you truly cared about me, but that you manipulated me, yet i don't give a rat's arse about you manipulating me. what hurts me the most is that you were with her"... & he never responded. but frankly, idc anymore. it doesnt matter. the damage is done.
so now, all i have is my depression, my SA, my wounds, my mom, my best friend & my music. & i guess that's fine. i've dealt with this before, i'll get through this again. all i can say is that life just sucks sometimes.