Wow exquisite it seems we both have serious relationship problems. I have a few thoughts but I am reluctant to give you any advice since I think you have more experience than I do. It does seem very painful, but I think its largely your SA talking, and not the guy. He doesnt seem much worst than most women Ive met (both friends and lovers).
hehe, so now you understand why i was so harsh on your post about the girl from halloween..i have my own biased opinion. trust me, i need all the advice i can get, since, believe it or not, i'm not the least bit what you'd call experienced..i come from a pretty conservative family & i always used to tell myself that it wasn't proper for a young girl my age to date boys...& now that i'm in college, i think those constant thoughts from my adolescence became a constant fear of intimacy.. lately, i've been driving myself crazy [even crazier than before ], trying to figure out just what exactly is wrong with me. ha, you fear not having intimacy, i fear intimacy in general. ahhh life is a ironic little bitch, aint it? ::